Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 6: Folk Tales có đáp án

Với bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới Unit 6: Folk Tales có đáp án và lời giải chi tiết đầy đủ sẽ giúp học sinh ôn luyện để học tốt Tiếng Anh 8.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 6: Folk Tales có đáp án
Quảng cáo

I.   Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


a. fable

b. brave

c. dragon

d. tale


a. scream

b. read

c. reach

d. hear


a. walked

b. filled

c. swallowed

d. screamed


a. giant

b. witch

c. knight

d. kind


a. eyes

b. ogres

c. stories

d. cakes

II.  Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1.   The tale is about a prince who is turned _________ a frog by his wicked stepmother.


b. into                                

c. out                                 

d. over

2.   The hare always boasted _________ how fast he could run.

a. at

b. for                                 

c. on                                  

d. about

3.   A _________ is a story from ancient times about famous people and events that may ormay not be true.

a. legend                           

b. folktale                         

c. fable                              

d. fairytale

4.   In many cultures, a fox is the symbol for a _________ person.

a. brave                             

b. fierce                             

c. cunning                         

d. kind

5.   Vanessa is interested in reading Vietnamese folktales _________ she can’t readVietnamese well.





6.   What a _________ man he is! There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for us.

a. mean                             

b. generous                       

c. gruel                              

d. greedy

7.   Helen and I _________ together when the accident happened.

a. talked                            

b. have talked                   

c. was talking                    

d. were talking

8.   Tired of hearing the hare’s boast, the tortoise _________ him to a race.

a. urged                             

b. pushed                           

c. challenged                     

d. suggested

9.   Sleeping Beauty was under a _________ when the prince found her.

a. spell                              

b. swear                             

c. cloud                             

d. wave

10. _________ young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and stepsisters.

a.Despite her father unexpectedly dies,

b.After her father unexpectedly dies,

c.When her father unexpectedly dies,

III. Match each word with its definition.


a. a woman who has magic powers, especially to do evil things


b. a man who rules an empire


c. a person whose job is cutting down trees


d. a man of high social rank who had a duty to fight for his king


e. a very large strong person


f. a creature like a small person with wings who has magic powers


g. a person who works in another person’s house


h. a large, cruel, and frightening person who eats people

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the box.











1.   In the story, the ___________ fox outwits the hunters.

2.   Kama was a _________ king. Every morning, he gave to the poor a hundredpounds of gold.

3.   Heroes are never perfect, but they are ___________.

4.   His lively sense of humour helps to keep the meeting very ___________.

5.   The elder brother was very _______. He filled a very large bag and all his pocketswith gold.

6.   Cinderella’s stepmother is very ___________ to her.

7.   The ___________ fairy bewitched the princess and made her fall into a long sleep.

8.   The Queen was an ___________ woman. She offered the poisoned apple to Snow White.

9.   Everyone in the village was frightened of the ___________ dragon.

10. He was _________ to those who worked for him and generous to those who he hardly knew.

V.  Put the words into correct columns.

dancer, considerate, beast, kind, fairy, brave, greedy, knight, mean, dancer, cheerful, cruel, witch, fierce, dragon, determined, woodcutter, prince, emperor, ogre, clever, wolf, princess, eagle, wise, tortoise, cunning, fox, loyal, thoughtful, honest











VI. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.













1.   I really __________ the concert last night. It was great!

2.   We __________ tennis yesterday because it was raining.

3.   Last summer my friend and I __________ around the south of France.

4.   __________ you __________ at the end of the film? I thought it was really sad.

5.   He __________ hard for the exam, so he failed.

6.   Where __________ he __________ before he came here?

7.   My PC was making a strange noise so I __________ it off.

8.   Our teacher __________ us a very interesting legend two days ago.

9.   They __________ each other very well when they were kids.

10. She __________ the job because the salary was too low.

11. __________ your parents __________ the Acropolis when they were in Greece?

12. I was playing a computer game when the doorbell __________.

VII.     Use the prompts and the past continuous tense to write sentences.

1.   I/ play/ computer games/ all day yesterday


2.   your friends/ wait/ for you/ all that time?


3.   Sid/ not clean/ his room/ at 8p.m last night


4.   We/ have/ dinner/ when Tim arrived


5.   Sarah and Luke / not surf/ the Internet/ at that time


6.   What/ Jack/ do/ while/ you/ cook/ dinner?


7.   This time last week/ my family/ visit/ my grandmother


8.   It/ not snow/ when I left


9.   you/ sleep/ when I phoned you last night?


10. While/ the children/ talk/ the teacher came into class


VIII.   Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1.   Sam _____________(play) his guitar at half past seven last night

2.   ________ you ________(drive) to work when the accident happened?

3.   It _____________(rain) on Monday so we didn’t play football.

4.   At 6 o’clock on Saturday morning we _____________(travel) to the airport.

5.   I _____________(not listen) to my teacher when he asked a question.

6.   In 1986 my father _____________(live) in Paris. That’s where he met my mother.

7.   What _________ they ________(do) when you arrived?

8.   Greg _____________(not study) for the test when we went to his place.

9.   ______ Caroline _________(ski) when she broke her leg?

10. My parents _____________(not sleep) when I came home last night.

IX.  Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or past continuous.

1.   Last week we _____________(drive) through the Alps into Switzerland.

2.   At 8p.m yesterday, we _____________(watch) a film.

3.   _____________(you/ see) the football match yesterday?

4.   James broke his arm when he _____________(play) rugby.

5.   Kylie _____________(make) her first film when she was 21.

6.   Mrs Jones _____________(not know) how to open the attachment in her email.

7.   What _____________(your father/ do) when the alarm sounded?

8.   When we _____________(leave) school yesterday, it was pouring with rain.

9.   They _____________(walk) through the forest when the storm started.

10. I _____________(not queue) for the bus when the accident happened.

X.  Choose the correct option.

1.   He joined / was joining the company 25 years ago and he still works for us.

2.   At this time last week, we lay / were lying on a beach in the sun.

3.   What did they do / were they doing at 11pm last night - it was really noisy?

4.   When I walked / was walking into the class, the teacher talked / was talking about the new course.

5.   My parents lived / were living in Berlin for ten years. They lived / were living that when the Berlin wall came down in 1999.

6.   How many pictures didyou take / were you taking while you travelled / were travelling around Ireland?

7.   The Titanic crossed / was crossing the Atlantic when it hit / was hitting an iceberg.

8.   As soon as I saw / was seeing the accident I called / was calling the police.

9.   While Matt did / was doing his homework, his mother made / was making the dinner.

10. When the ambulance came / was coming, we carried / were carrying him into it.

11. We played / were playing a computer game when Mum called / was called for lunch.

12. When the teacher said / was saying “Stop!”, I stilltried / was still trying to finish the last question.

XI. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1.   My car _____________(break) down when I _____________(drive) home from work.

2.   Alan _____________(look) out of the window when he _____________(see) a UFO.

3.   When he _____________(see) me, he _____________(fall) off the wall.

4.   We _____________(try)to log on when the Wifi _____________(stop) working.

5    _________ Jim _________(smoke) when he _________(turn) on the gas?

6.   She _____________(be) so tired that she _____________(sleep) for twelve hours.

7.   The tortoise _____________(run) while the hare _____________(have) a nap.

8.   I _____________(phone) you four times last night but you _____________(sleep).

9.   The police __________(ask) them lots of questions before they ___________(release) them.

10. While the children __________(surf) the Internet, they __________(find) a really interesting website about music.

11. He _____________(walk) down the road when he _____________(hear) a loud noise.

12. When we _____________(be) in Canana, we _____________(go) skiing almost every day.

13. Where _________ you ________(go) last summer holiday, Jim? ~ Well, I __________(take) a trip to Minneapolis.

14. When I _____________(arrive), they _____________(say) hello but continued working.

15. When you _____________(meet) me yesterday, I _____________(not go) to school, I _____________(go) to the doctor’s - I felt terrible.

XII.     Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition.

1.   Nick was doing some Internet research _____________ Vietnamese legends.

2.   The eagle picked _____________ the tortoise and off they went.

3.   The greedy brother filled a very large bag _____________ gold.

4.   The elder brother offered to swap his fortune _____________ the starfruit tree.

5.   _____________ the way home, the eagle got tired and got him into the sea.

6.   The hare always boasted _____________ how fast he could run.

7.   When the princess touched the spindle she fell _____________ a deep sleep.

8.   The tortoise challenged him _____________ a race.

9.   The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him _____________ a frog.

10. The princess slept _____________ one hundred years until a prince arrived _____________ the castle and kissed her.

XIII.   Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1.   He _____________(receive) £300 when his uncle died.

2.   The day we heard the news we _____________(have) holidays with our family.

3.   Why ________________(you/ not answer) my phone call last night? ~ Oh, sorry,I _____________(take) a shower at that time.

4.   She _____________(not see) her father since he _____________(start) to work inMarseille two years ago.

5.   My mother  ____________(fly) home from London today. Her flight _____________(arrive) in an hour.

6.   We decided not to go because it _____________(rain) very hard.

7.   When I ________(be) a child, my mother __________(read) me bedtime stories every night.

8.   ________________(you/ ever/ hear) a Vietnamese folktale before?

9.   The hare believed he would win the race, so he stopped _____________(take) a nap.

10. Once upon a time, there was a rich man _____________(live) in a village.

XIV.    Choose the word which best fits each gap.

The story of Chung Cakes and Day Cakes

According to legend, King Hung wanted to choose one son as a successor to his throne. He (1)________ all of his sons, and told them that whoever could bring him the most precious offering to the altar of the ancestors, would be awarded the throne.

All of the princes traveled throughout the country in search of the tastiest and most exotic foods to offer their father, (2)________ Lang Lieu, the 18th prince. Being the poorest prince, he could not afford such luxurious foods and had no idea where to begin looking. One night, he dreamed of a genie (3)________ told him “There is nothing greater than the sky or the earth. And the rice grain is the most precious thing (4)________ the world. Now, use glutinous rice to make Chung Cake, a green and square cake, (5)________ the earth*. Then use ground glutinous rice to make Day Cake, a white, (6)________ cake, symbolizing the sky.” When he awoke, Lang Lieu was very happy and prepared the two kinds of cakes described by the genie.

When the day of the contest came, Hung King was impressed by the favors and the meaning of Lang Lieu’s cakes. (7)________, he chose him as the successor to the throne. Since then, Chung Cake and Day Cake became the (8)________ food for the Tet holidays.

(*) Long time ago, people thought the earth was square.


a. summoned

b. invited

c. ordered

d. arranged


a. including

b. despite

c. except

d. apart


a. he

b. it

c. which

d. who


a. over

b. in

c. on

d. of


a. considering

b. signing

c. symbolizing

d. presenting


a. shape dome

b. dome shape

c. shaped dome

d. dome shaped


a. Therefore

b. Otherwise

c. Moreover

d. However


a. ceremonial

b. traditional

c. customary

d. social

XV.     Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.

The Legend of Robin Hood

Robin Hood was born near the end of the 12th century. His real name was Robert. He was the son of the Earl of Huntingdon. At that time, England had many problems. The King was cruel and greedy. His men were arrogant and brutal. The poor people of England suffered a lot. Many families died of hunger! One day, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robin’s father, and took away his lands. Young Robin lost his father, his home, his lands and all his possessions. He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal servants. They decided to live as free men in the forest. They didn’t want to be slaves of King John. However, the King considered them outlaws.

Robin and the outlaws lived in caverns in the forest. They all wore green clothes and carried bows and arrows. The outlaws were excellent archers. Robin Hood became the best archer in the region.

Some years passed, and there were more than 200 outlaws living in Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood was the hero of the poor. He continued robbing the rich to give to the poor. The Sheriff of Nottingham sent an army of soldiers to Sherwood Forest to capture Robin Hood. But Robin and his outlaws were in the trees. They killed all the soldiers except one.

Robin Hood’s fame was everywhere. The people called him Saint Robin, and Robin, Sheriff of Sherwood Forest. A lot of new outlaws joined Robin Hood. They were loyal to him and followed him everywhere.

A.  Match the words that mean the same.


a. wealthy


b. cave


c. property


d. steal


e. evil


f. criminal

B.  Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1.   Robin Hood was born in Sherwood Forest.

2.   Robin Hood was descended from the noble family of the Earl of Huntingdon.

3.   King John wasn’t kind to his people.

4.   Robin Hood lived with his slaves in the forest.

5.   Robin Hood only stole from the rich.

6.   Robin and his men used guns as their weapons.

7.   The ordinary people of Nottingham hated Robin Hood.

C.  Answer the questions.

1.   When was Robin Hood born?


2.   What was the England King at the time like?


3.   Who did Robin live with in Sherwood Forest.


4.   Why did Robin Hood and his servants decide to live in the forest?


5.   How many outlaws were there in Sherwood Forest?


6.   What did the people call Robin Hood?


XVI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1.   The fable is very exciting.


2.   The book was so good that I couldn’t stop reading it.

It was______________________________________________________________ 

3.   The children were doing their homework when I got home.

While ____________________________________________________________ 

4.   She finds it difficult to remember all the story.

It’s _______________________________________________________________ 

5.   Sleeping Beauty is not as interesting as Beauty and the Beast.

Beauty and the Beast is _______________________________________________ 

6.   In spite of having no interest in folklore, Sylvia still enjoyed the story.


7.   My mother last told a fairy tale two years ago.


8.   I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner’s class.

I suggest __________________________________________________________ 

9.   Charles Perrault wrote Cinderella in French in 1697.


10. I had a shower and the telephone rang.

When I____________________________________________________________ 


1. c

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. d


1. b

2. d

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. b

7. d



10. b


1. b 

2. d

3. e

4. f

5. h

6. g

7. a

8. c


1. cunning

2. generous

3. brave

4. cheerful

5. greedy

6. cruel

7. wicked

8. evil

9. fierce

10. mean


Characters: dancer, beast, fairy, knight, dancer, witch, dragon, woodcutter, prince, emperor, ogre, wolf, princess, eagle, tortoise, fox

Personality: considerate, brave, greedy, mean, cheerful, cruel, fierce, determined, clever, wise, cunning, loyal, thoughtful, kind, honest


1. enjoyed

2. didn’t play

3. travelled

4. Did ... cry

5. didn’t study

6. did ... teach

7. turned

8. told


10. didn’t accept

11. Did... visit

12. rang


1. I was playing computer games all day yesterday.

2.Were your friends waiting for you all that time?

3.Sid wasn’t cleaning his room at 8p.m last night.

4.We were having dinner when Tim arrived.

5.Sarah and Luke weren’t surfing the Internet at that time.

6.What was Jack doing while you were cooking dinner?

7.This time last week my family was/ were visiting my grandmother.

8.It wasn’t snowing when I left.                           

9.Were you sleeping when I phoned you last night?

10.While the children were talking, the teacher came into class.


1. was playing

2. Were... driving

3. was raining

4. were travelling

5. wasn’t listening

6. was living

7. were... doing

8. wasn’t studying

9. Was... skiing

10. weren’t sleeping


1. drove

2. were watching

3. Did you see

4. was playing

5. made

6. didn’t know

7. was your father doing

8. left

9. were walking

10. wasn’t queuing


1. joined

2. were lying

3. were they doing

4. walked - was talking

5. lived - were living

6. did you take - were travelling

7. was crossing - hit

8. saw - called

9. was doing - was making

10. came - carried

11. were playing - called

12. said - still tried


1. broke - was driving

2. was looking - saw

3. saw - fell

4. were trying - stopped

5. Was... smoking - turned

6. was - slept

7. was running - was having

8. phoned - were sleeping

9. asked - released

10. were surfing - found

11. was walking - heard

12. were - went

13. did... go - took

14. arrived - said

15. met - wasn’t going - was going


1. on

2. up

3. with

4. for

5. On

6. about

7. into

8. to

9. into

10. for - at


1. received                                    

2. were having                              

3. didn’t you answer - was taking

4. hasn’t seen – started                 

5. is flying - will arrive                 

6. was raining

7. was - read                                 

8. Have you ever heard                 

9. to take

10. living



2. e

3. d

4. h

5. b

6. f

7. a

8. c


1. a

2. c

3. d

4. b

5. c

6. d

7. a

8. b



1. e

2. d

3. a

4. f

5. b

6. c



2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. F


1. Robin Hood was born near the end of the 12th century.

2.The England King at the time was cruel and greedy.

3.Robin lived with his loyal servants in Sherwood Forest.

4.Robin Hood and his servants decided to live in the forest because they didn’t want to be slaves of King John.

5.There were more than 200 outlaws in Sherwood Forest.

6.The people called Robin Hood Saint Robin, and Robin, Sheriff of Sherwood Forest.


1. What an exciting fable!

2.It was such a good book that I couldn’t stop reading it.

3.While the children were doing their homework, I got home.

4.It’s difficult for her to remember all the story.

5.Beauty and the Beast is more interesting than SleepingBeauty.

6.Although Sylvia has no interest in folklore, she enjoyed the story.

7.It’s two years since my mother last told a fairy tale.

8. I suggest you should join the beginner’s class.

9.Cinderella was written in French by Charles Perrault in 1697.

10.When I was having a shower, the telephone rang.

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