Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 14 Reading có đáp án

Unit 14: Recreation

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 14 Reading có đáp án

Đề bài Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Quảng cáo

Recreation is the use of time in a non-profitable way, in many ways also a therapeutic refreshment of one’s body or mind. While leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner. As people in the world’s wealthier regions lead increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the need for recreation has grown. The rise of so-called active vacations exemplifies this trend.

Recreation, play, and fun are not the preserve of human; nearly all creatures indulge in this to some extent. Play is essential for the development of skills, the most basic of which are motor skills in young creatures.

The choice of hours for recreation is, for employees, restricted by the requirements of, and agreements with, the employer (working time), and for students by schools hours. For people with their own business it is also restricted by the requirements of the work, such as the opening hours of the business based on wishes of customers, laws, and customs.

The weekend is usually a time for recreation. Holidays are also a common time for recreation, though recreation may take place at virtually any time. Recreation commonly occurs during an individual’s discretionary time.

Traditionally Olympics, music and dance serve as recreation in many cultures, as do sports, hobbies, game (playing) and tourism. Watching TV and listening to music are common forms of recreation, or rather leisure.

Question 1: What is the difference between leisure and recreation?

A. Leisure is active for participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner, recreation is more likely a form of entertainment or rest.

B. Leisure isn’t likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.

C. Leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest while recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.

D. Leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation isn’t active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.

Quảng cáo

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: While leisure is more likely a form of entertainment or rest, recreation is active for the participant but in a refreshing and diverting manner.

Dịch: Mặc dù giải trí có nhiều khả năng là một hình thức giải trí hoặc nghỉ ngơi, giải trí được kích hoạt cho người tham gia nhưng theo cách thức mới mẻ và chuyển hướng.

Question 2: The word wealthier in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ____________.

A. richer

B. poorer

C. cooler

D. hotter

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Wealthier = richer (giàu có hơn)

Question 3: The choice of hours for recreation for employees is _______________.

A. restricted by the requirement of, and agreements with the employer.

B. restricted by the requirement of the work.

C. restricted by the requirement of, and agreements with the students.

D. restricted by the requirement of, and disagreements with the employer, and for students by school hours.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: The choice of hours for recreation is, for employees, restricted by the requirements of, and agreements with, the employer (working time), and for students by schools hours.

Dịch: Việc lựa chọn giờ để giải trí là, đối với nhân viên, bị hạn chế bởi các yêu cầu và thỏa thuận với chủ lao động (thời gian làm việc) và cho sinh viên theo giờ học.

Question 4: The word occurs in paragraph 4, could best be replaced by ______________.

A. comes

B. happens

C. goes

D. has

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Occur = happen (xảy ra)

Quảng cáo

Question 5: Weekends and holidays are ________________.

A. common forms of recreation.

B. the use of time in a non-profitable way.

C. an individual’s discretionary time.

D. a common time for recreation.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: The weekend is usually a time for recreation. Holidays are also a common time for recreation, though recreation may take place at virtually any time.

Dịch: Cuối tuần thường là thời gian để giải trí. Ngày lễ cũng là một thời gian phổ biến để giải trí, mặc dù giải trí có thể diễn ra bất cứ lúc nào.

Đề bài Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Gardening is the art of growing plants with the goal of crafting a purposeful landscape. Residential gardening most often takes place in or about a residence, in a space referred to as the garden. Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located in a roof, in an atrium, on a balcony, in a window-box, or on a patio or vivarium..

Gardening also takes place in non-residential green areas, such as parks, public or semi-public gardens amusement and theme parks, along transportation corridors, and around tourist attractions and hotels. In these situations, a staff of gardeners or groundskeepers maintains the gardens.

Indoor gardening is concerned with the growing of houseplants within a residence or building, in a conservatory, or in a greenhouse. Indoor gardens are sometimes incorporated as part of air conditioning or heating systems.

Water gardening is concerned with growing plants adapted to pools and ponds. Bog gardens are also considered a type of water garden. These all require special conditions and considerations. A simple water garden may consist solely of a tub containing the water and plant.

Quảng cáo

Question 6: Where is a garden usually located ?

A. on the land

B. in a roof

C. on a balcony

D. in a window-box

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located in a roof, in an atrium, on a balcony, in a window-box, or on a patio or vivarium.

Dịch: Mặc dù một khu vườn thường nằm trên khu đất gần nơi cư trú, nhưng nó cũng có thể nằm trên một mái nhà, trong tâm nhĩ, trên ban công, trong một ô cửa sổ, hoặc trên hiên hoặc vivarium.

Question 7: Who maintains the public gardens ?

A. workers

B. housekeepers

C. groundskeepers

D. firemen

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: In these situations, a staff of gardeners or groundskeepers maintains the gardens.

Dịch: Trong những tình huống này, một đội ngũ nhân viên làm vườn hoặc người giữ vườn duy trì các khu vườn.

Question 8: Which of the following is NOT non-residential green areas ?

A. parks

B. botanical gardens

C. tourist attractions

D. apartments

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Gardening also takes place in non-residential green areas, such as parks, public or semi-public gardens amusement and theme parks, along transportation corridors, and around tourist attractions and hotels.

Dịch: Làm vườn cũng diễn ra trong các khu vực màu xanh lá cây ngoài khu dân cư, như công viên, khu vui chơi công cộng hoặc bán công cộng, dọc theo hành lang giao thông, và xung quanh các điểm du lịch và khách sạn.

Question 9: Indoor gardening sometimes includes…………………

A. atrium

B. air conditioning

C. transportation corridor

D. zoological garden

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Indoor gardens are sometimes incorporated as part of air conditioning or heating systems.

Dịch: Khu vườn trong nhà đôi khi được kết hợp như một phần của hệ thống điều hòa không khí hoặc sưởi ấm.

Question 10: Water gardening is concerned with ………….

A. patios

B. vivariums

C. pools

D. greenhouses

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Water gardening is concerned with growing plants adapted to pools and ponds.

Dịch: Làm vườn nước liên quan đến việc trồng cây thích nghi với hồ và ao.

Đề bài Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as overs (envelopes or packages with stamps on them). It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone.

Many casual collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the creation of a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge. This is especially important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps.

Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries who create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these countries far exceed the postal needs of the countries.

Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic Investment. Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are easy to store. They offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals.

Question 11: The estimated number of stamp collectors in the United States is ………….

A. 30 million

B. 20 million

C. 10 million

D. 15 million

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone.

Dịch: Đây là một trong những sở thích phổ biến nhất thế giới, với ước tính số lượng người thu gom lên tới 20 triệu chỉ riêng ở Hoa Kỳ.

Question 12: Philatelic knowledge is especially important for …………

A. many casual collectors enjoy

B. some small countries

C. those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps

D. the postal needs of the countries

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: This is especially important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps.

Dịch: Điều này đặc biệt quan trọng đối với những người có ý định chi số tiền lớn cho tem.

Question 13: Why have some collectors taken to Philatelic investment ?

A. Because they have observed the generally rising prices of stamps.

B. Because they have observed the generally rising prices of rare stamps.

C. Because they have observed the generally low prices of stamps.

D. Because they haven’t observed the generally rising prices of stamps.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic Investment.

Dịch: Một số nhà sưu tập, quan sát giá cả tăng hiếm của tem hiếm, đã đưa đến Đầu tư Philatelic.

Question 14: The word they in paragraph 4 refers to ……….

A. Stamp collectors

B. Small countries

C. Rare stamps

D. The prices of rare stamps

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are easy to store. They offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals.

Dịch: Tem hiếm là một trong những di động đầu tư hữu hình nhất, và dễ dàng để lưu trữ. Chúng cung cấp một sự thay thế hấp dẫn cho nghệ thuật, các khoản đầu tư có thể thu khác và kim loại quý.

Question 15: Which of the following is NOT true about rare stamps ?

A. They are among the most portable of tangible investments.

B. They are easy to store.

C. They are an important source of revenue.

D. They offer an attractive alternative to art.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Thông tin không có trong bài.

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