5 Đề thi Giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 8 Friends plus (có đáp án)

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5 Đề thi Giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh 8 Friends plus (có đáp án)

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Đề thi Giữa kì 2 - Friends plus

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề số 1)

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

Question 1.

A. psychology       

B. produce            

C. puppy               

D. peal

Question 2.

A. mention            

B. question           

C. action               

D. education

Question 3.

A. populated 

B. opened 

C. played 

D. lived

Quảng cáo

Question 4.

A. community       

B. computer          

C. museum           

D. custom

Question 5.

A. umbrella

B. uniform

C. university

D. united

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that has a stress pattern different from the others.

Question 6.

A. engineer           

B. corporate          

C. difficult            

D. different

Quảng cáo

Question 7.

A. popular             

B. position            

C. horrible            

D. positive

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of the following questions.

Question 8. My sister never gets _______ of looking at her new shoes.

A. tired                 

B. upset                

C. the impression     

D. drunk

Question 9. If the train is late, we _______ to the office.

A. walk                                               

B. will walk

C. would walk                                    

D. walks

Quảng cáo

Question 10. We helped _______ to some cola at the party.

A. ourselves                                        

B. yourselves

C. themselves                                     

D. ourself

Question 11. Will you lend me £15? I promise _______  it back to you tomorrow.

A. I’m going to give                           

B. I’ll give

C. I give                                              

D. I don’t give

Question 12. They _______ when I come here tonight.

A. will be sleeping                              

B. sleep                 

C. slept                                               

D. are going to sleep

Question 13. He works hard _______ help his family.

A. to                                                   

B. in order to

C. in order that                                    

D. A and B are correct

Question 14. You _______ do it. I’ve already done it.

A. must not           

B. don’t need to    

C. ought not          

D. should not

Question 15. ________ hear the fireworks from your house last night?

A. Can you           

B. Could you        

C. Can’t you          

D. Are you able to

Question 16. . “Are you busy over the next few days?” – “________”

A. Our business is getting difficult nowadays.

B. Yes, I will be free for a few days.

C. Definitely. I’m going to make a presentation with the director.

D. No, I don’t mind waiting for days.

Question 17. I think Erin ________ not visit me tomorrow. She seems to have a lot of homework to do.

A. must                 

B. will                   

C. might               

D. could

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Question 18. Humans will have to find ways to adapt to new environments

A. adjust               

B. get                    

C. live                   

D. go

Question 19. Why do people tie themselves down? Why not take some time out?

A. pick themselves up                         

B restrict their own freedom

C. get upset                                         

D. stay home

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 

Question 20.My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.

A. be optimistic                                   

B. be pessimistic

C. be confident                                   

D. be smart

Question 21. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.

A. authentic                                        

B. forger

C. faulty                                              

D. original                     

Choose the options that best complete the passage


The (22) _______thing about planning a vacation in Hawaii is there is so much (23) _______ and do that you may find it hard to take time out to sleep. The lush (24) _______ forests and the volcanic scenery of Hawaii’s coasts and mountains will leave you (25) _______. Also, the warmth and (26) _______ of the people of the islands will make you want to stay in Hawaii forever. (27) _______  you book a minimum 5-night all-inclusive vacation to Hawaii between August 11th and September 30th, you also get a free smartphone!

Question 22.

A. bad                 

B. awful                

C. terrible              

D. wonderful

Question 23.

A. sees                

B. see                    

C. to see                 

D. seeing

Question 24.

A. hot                  

B. steamy              

C. damp                

D. tropical

Question 25.

A. sneezing         

B. coughing          

C. breathless         

D. winded

Question 26.

A. coldness          

B. friendliness       

C. hatred               

D. amity

Question 27.

A. If                    

B. So                    

C. Whether           

D. Or

Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F).

Future cities

What do you imagine cities will be like in the future? Will we have smart buildings and flying cars? Or robots that will pick up our rubbish? What about schools? Will we still travel to school or will we study online from home? Perhaps all the buildings and roads will be underground and we’ll just have parks and cycle lanes above.

Maybe ... or maybe not, but what we do know is that in the future, cities are going to have more and more people living in them. More than half the world’s people already live in cities, and by 2050, cities will become home to about 6.5 billion people. That’s a lot of people and very little space! More people means that we’re going to have more pollution, traffic and noise. It also means that we’ll need more homes, schools, hospitals, jobs and transport. We’ll need more resources, like water and energy, and more ways to grow food too. Oh, and more parks to play in!

Many cities are already planning for the future. For example, Bristol is a cycling city in England. You can hire a bike (instead of taking a car or bus) and ride in cycle lanes which are separated from the traffic. In Singapore, people are looking ‘up’ to grow food! To save space, they grow vegetables in lots of layers in special tall buildings, called ‘vertical farms’. And in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, there are ‘floating houses’ built on water instead of on land! What do you think city life will be like in the future?

Question 28. Cities are going to have more people in the future.

Question 29. Cities will need fewer buildings in the future.

Question 30. Resources will be less important in the future.

Question 31. Some cities are trying new things to plan for the future.

Question 32. In Bristol, you always ride your bike on the same road as the cars.

Question 33. Singapore’s vertical farms grow food in parks.

Write the correct form of the given words.

Question 34. The development of artificial _______ will have a profound impact on education. (intelligently)

Question 35. A good education is _______ for future success. (importance)

Question 36. Learning essential skills is crucial for students to have a _______ future. (survive)

Question 37. She _______ with honours last month. (graduation)

Question 38. I want to _______ in the art class. (enrolment)

Question 39. Students must _______ the school rules. (obedient)

Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

Question 40. Looking after yourself when studying abroad is important.

It’s ___________________________________________________________________.

Question 41. John plans to visit his grandparents next weekend.

John is ________________________________________________________________.

Question 42. I am interested in learning chemistry.

I find __________________________________________________________________.

Question 43. It took Amelia half an hour to draw a picture last night.

Amelia spent ___________________________________________________________.

Question 44. If you don’t study harder, you ‘ll fail the next exam.

Unless ________________________________________________________________.

Question 45. Children are not allowed to drink any type of alcohol.

Children mustn’t ________________________________________________________.


1. A

2. B





7. B

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. D


15. B

16. C

17. C

18. A

19. B

20. B

21. A

22. D

23. C

24. D

25. C

26. B

27. A

28. T

29. F

30. F

31. T

32. F

33. F

Write the correct form of the given words.

Question 34. intelligence

Question 35. important

Question 36. survivable

Question 37. graduated

Question 38. enrol

Question 39. obey

Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

Question 40.It’s important to look after yourself when studying abroad.

Question 41. John is going to visit his grandparents next weekend.

Question 42.I find learning chemistry interesting.

Question 43. Amelia spent half an hour drawing a picture last night.

Question 44. Unless you study harder, you’ll fail the next exam.

Question 45.Children mustn’t drink any type of alcohol.




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