10 Đề thi Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 Smart World (có đáp án)

Với bộ 10 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 Học kì 1 Smart World năm 2024 có đáp án và ma trận được biên soạn và chọn lọc từ đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 của các trường THCS trên cả nước sẽ giúp học sinh lớp 8 ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài thi Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8.

10 Đề thi Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 Smart World (có đáp án)

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Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 1 - Smart World

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề số 1)

Exercise 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. proofs           B. books      C. points      D. days 

2. A. change         B. choice     C. cheap       D. school 

Exercise 2. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.

3. A. reduce          B. destroy    C. increase      D. prefer 

4. A. shuttlecock  B. bakery     C. recipe         D. discussion Exercise 3. Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.

5. In his free time, my younger brother is ______ on taking photos and doing puzzles.

A. fond

B. keen

C. interested

D. crazy 

Quảng cáo

6. According to a survey, 21% of children under 18 in the UK enjoy ________ football.

A. to play

B. play

C. playing

D. played 

7. People in my village grow rice in vast _____ fields. 

A. corn

B. wheat

C. pad

D. paddy 

8. If the temperature ____ rising, the polar ice caps will melt. 

A. kept

B. keeps

C. has kept

D. will keep 

Quảng cáo

9. Because of ____ pollution, the bicycle may someday replace the automobile. 

A. water

B. air

C. noise

D. soil 

10. A strong earthquake caused a lot of _______ to eastern Japan last week. 

A. damaged

B. damages

C. damaging

D. damage 

11. We cannot prevent natural disasters but can _______ some of them. 

A. damage

B. destroy

C. predict

D. erupt 

Quảng cáo

12. - What do shopping centres ______ offer customers on special occasions?

- Mostly sales and  entertainment. 

A. never

B. rarely

C. usually

D. occasionally

13. The cycling club ___________ at 12 p.m. 

A. will finish

B. finishes

C. is finishing

D. has finished

14. We should clean up the park _______ we can enjoy hanging out there. 

A. and

B. but

C. so that

D. because 

15. Lam: It’s time for lunch.

Ly: ___________ 

A. Oh good!

B. One hour.

C. Half past twelve.

D. What is it?

16. Mai: Will you be able to come to the meeting? - Linh: ___________. 

A. I’m afraid not

B. Of course you will  

C. You must be kidding

D. I’m sorry not 

Exercise 4. Supply the correct form of the given word. 

17. Cutting down a lot of trees is very _____ to the environment. (HARM) 

18. National parks are ____ in protecting the environment and natural resources. (IMPORTANCE)

19. They live in a beautiful cottage ______ by trees and flowers. (SURROUND) 

20. I ______ cooking because I usually burn the food. (LIKE) 

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the email. 

Dear Elena, 

Thanks for your email. Now I'II tell you about my summer holiday in my hometown. I live in Ha Noi, (21)  ________ my hometown is Ninh Binh. My grandparents live there, in a small house near a paddy field. I went  to stay with them in June. It was a wonderful holiday. Every morning, my grandma and I got up early and (22)  ________ the pigs and chickens. When we finished, we cooked breakfast. After that, I (23) ________ fishing  with my grandpa or helped my grandma with gardening. In the afternoon, I went to the fields with some other  children. They taught me to (24) _______ the buffaloes. Sometimes we flew kites or skipped rope together.  In the evening, I drew pictures, read books, or watched TV with my grandparents. I went to bed quite early,  at about 9 p.m. 

I'm sending you a photo I took (25) _________ my grandparents' house. I hope you'll like it. Love, 


21. A. but             B. so            C. for           D. or

22. A. feed            B. is feeding           C. fed           D. will fed

23. A. could          B. went        C. did           D. played

24. A. run             B. get           C. go            D. herd

25. A. for              B. of             C. on            D. next

Exercise 6. Read the following passage. Choose TRUE if the statement is true, FALSE if the statement  is false. 

Nothing on earth is more majestic than a tall, spreading tree. Trees are our friends in our fight for a healthier  planet. This is how they help us. First, trees are the Earth's lungs. They remove pollutants from the air and  significantly improve air quality. Research shows that with billions of trees, we could remove two-thirds of  all the carbon dioxide created by human activities. Second, trees reduce the runoff of rainwater, so they can  reduce flooding. Moreover, if you enjoy sitting in the shade of a tree in the summer, you know that trees can  also lower air temperatures too. Trees growing beside a home can cool the roof and the air around the house.  Therefore, it reduces air conditioning costs. And don't forget that trees create habitats for many species of  plants and animals. If you want to plant trees to help save the planet, there are simple ways to get started. Plant  trees around your house. If enough people did that, it would make a big difference. 

26. Trees help remove pollutants from water.

27. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air. 

28. There is less flooding thanks to trees. 

29. You pay less for air conditioning if you plant trees. 

30. If everybody plants trees around their homes, it will improve the planet. 

Exercise 7. Rewrite the above sentence with the given beginning in such a way that the meaning stays  unchanged. 

31. We were planting trees. Our friends were collecting rubbish. (while) 

=> ____________________________________________. 

32. Don’t touch that wire or you may get an electric shock. (If) 

=> ____________________________________________. 

33. Tom drives to work every morning. 

=> Tom goes ____________________________________. 

34. There are five people in his family. 

=> His family_____________________________________. 

35. My house is behind the hospital. 

=> The hospital ___________________________________. 

Exercise 8. Listen to Max and Jess talking about the festival. Choose the correct answers. 36. Why did Jess take part in this workshop? 

A. Her teacher recommended it. 

B. Her friend Rosie invited her. 

C. She enjoyed a drama lesson at school. 

37. What did she learn about mime? 

A. You use your face and your body to show your feelings. 

B. It's best if you show your real feelings. 

C. You have to show feelings very strongly. 

38. What happened at lunchtime? 

A. Jess felt ill. 

B. A girl had an accident. 

C. The teacher decided to play the main character. 

39. What problem was there in the final show? 

A. The music was too loud. 

B. Some of the actors forgot their costumes. 

C. The lights didn't work properly. 

40. What did Jess enjoy the most? 

A. The final show.

B. Learning some dance moves.

C. Meeting new people. -----------------


1. D 

6. C 

11. C 

16. A 

21. A 

26. F 

36. B

2. D 

7. D 

12. C 

17. harmful 

22. C 

27. T 

37. A

3. C 

8. B 

13. B 

18. important 

23. B 

28. T 

38. B

4. D 

9. B 

14. C 

19. surrounded 

24. D 

29. T 

39. C

5. B 

10. D 

15. A 

20. dislike 

25. B 

30. T 

40. C

31. While we were planting trees, our friends were collecting rubbish. 

32. If you touch that wire, you will get an electric shock. 

33. Tom goes to work by car every morning. 

34. His family has five people. 

35. The hospital is in front of my house.

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 1 - Smart World

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề số 2)

Exercise 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. snacks           B. follows    C. titles        D. writers 

2. A. catchy           B. stomach   C. chimney D. chubby 

Exercise 2. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.

3. A. protect          B. answer     C. report           D. announce 

4. A. tourism         B. recycle    C. endanger D. electric 

Exercise 3. Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.

5. I'm not keen on going shopping because it ______ so much time. 

A. makes

B. takes

C. spends

D. picks 

6. My sister hates ________ up early to do exercise. 

A. getting

B. get

C. gets

D. to get 

7. My uncle hired extra workers to help at harvest _____. 

A. time

B. point

C. period

D. season 

8. Public education is probably the most important activity in wildlife ____. 

A. conservation

B. prevention

C. treatment

D. stopping 

9. A _______ can save you in life-threatening situations because its sound can attract people's attention.

A. whistle

B. kit

C. warning

D. tool 

10. _____ you _____ to her party if she sends you an invitation? 

A. Do – go

B. Will – go

C. Are – going

D. Should - go

11. I’ll see you at 7 p.m. because I have a table tennis competition _________ 6:30 p.m.

A. until

B. before

C. after

D. from 

12. People should turn off the lights _______ that they can save electricity. 

A. and

B. so

C. as

D. such 

13. Nhi: _________ is the film “Harry Potter”?

- Vy: It is very mysterious and thrilling.

A. Who

B. What

C. When

D. How 

14. I’ve got _____ money in my pocket, but not enough to buy lunch.  

A. a little

B. any

C. some

D. much 

15. Ann: You look great in this new dress.

Lucy: ___________. 

A. With pleasure

B. Not at all 

C. I am glad you like it

D. Do not say anything about it 

16. Nam: How much was your new shirt?

Minh: ___________. 

A. It’s a red shirt

B. It’s very cheap  

C. It was in a shop

D. I love it much 

Exercise 4. Supply the correct form of the given word. 

17. Saving natural resources is of great _____ to every country. (IMPORTANT) 

18. While travelling up the mountain, people always stop and take photos of the _______ scenery.  (PICTURE) 

19. Mai is ________ in history. She often goes to museums to see new exhibits and learn about the past.  (INTEREST) 

20. Local authorities gave a flood ___________ yesterday, so today people are moving to safer places.  (WARN) 

Exercise 5. Choose the option that best completes each blank in the passage. 

A tornado is a kind of storm which looks like a huge funnel. Tornados are the strongest winds on earth. They  can (21) _________ 480 km per hour. With such great strength, a tornado causes a lot of damage. It can uproot  trees, flatten buildings, and throw heavy things such as cars hundreds of meters. It is especially dangerous (22)  _________ people in cars or mobile homes. 

Tornadoes (23) _________ in their duration and the distance they travel. Most (24) _________ less than ten  minutes and travel five to ten kilometres. Some special tornadoes can last several hours and travel up to more  than 150 km! 

Tornadoes can occur almost anywhere on earth, but most of them happen in the United States, especially in  the Great Plains region. This area may (25) _________ more than 200 tornadoes in each year. 21. A. arrive B. go to C. reach D. speed 

22. A. for               B. to             C. in             D. at 

23. A. differ           B. similar     C. different D. change 

24. A. go                B. keep up   C. happen    D. last 

25. A. be                B. cause       C. provide    D. experience 

Exercise 6. Read the passage about the countryside in America and choose T (True) or F (False) for  each sentence. 

Few Americans live in the areas of wild and beautiful scenery, like the Western states of Montana and  Wyoming. We often see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas in the New England states, such as  Vermont and New Hampshire. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, there are very large  fields of corn or wheat with great distances between towns. 

About a quarter of Americans live outside cities and towns because life there is harder. Shops, post offices,  hospitals, schools, etc. may be further away and it takes rural people a very long time to get there. However,  many people choose to live in the countryside because of its safe, clean, and attractive environment. But their  children often move to a town or city when they grow up. 

26. A large number of people live in the areas in the West, such as Montana and Wyoming.

27. There are very large fields of corn or wheat in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states.

28. The majority of Americans live outside cities or towns. 

29. Many Americans choose to live in the country because everything is convenient there.

30. Many Americans living in the countryside like the safe, clean, and attractive environment there. 

Exercise 7. Rewrite the above sentence with the given beginning in such a way that the meaning stays  unchanged. 

31. The bell rang. Everyone raced out of the classroom. (when) 

=> _________________________________________. 

32. The office may be closed. In that case, Mike won't be able to get in. (If) 

=> _________________________________________. 

33. After she had explained everything dearly, we started our work. 

=> By the time ________________________________. 

34. The drugstore is to the left of the bakery. 

=> The bakery ________________________________. 

35. Does his class have twenty-five students? 

=> Are ______________________________________? 

Exercise 8. Listen to the dialogue between Alice and James about James’s job. Complete the sentences  below. 

36. James doesn't work as a firefighter in the __________. 

37. When a fire happens, James will walk into the __________ to put it out. 

38. Alice thinks James's job is so__________. 

39. According to James, a forest firefighter has to be brave and__________. 

40. James thinks his job is __________. 


1. A 

6. A 

11. A 

16. B 

21. C 

26. F 

36. city

2. B 

7. A 

12. B 

17. importance 

22. A 

27. T 

37. forests

3. B 

8. A 

13. D 

18. picturesque 

23. A 

28. F 

38. dangerous

4. A 

9. A 

14. B 

19. interested 

24. D 

29. F 

39. careful

5. B 

10. B 

15. C 

20. warning 

25. D 

30. T 

40. interesting

31. When the bell rang, everyone raced out of the classroom.  

32. If the office is closed, Mike won't be able to get in. 

33. By the time we started our work, she had explained everything clearly. 

34. The bakery is to the right of the drug store.  

35. Are there twenty-five students in his class? 




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