250 câu trắc nghiệm Tìm câu cận nghĩa Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (nâng cao - Phần 1)

250 câu trắc nghiệm Tìm câu cận nghĩa Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (nâng cao - Phần 1)

Question 1: . People have discovered a new source of energy.

Quảng cáo

A. A new source of energy has discovered.

B. A new source of energy was discovered.

C. A new source of energy have been discovered

D. A new source of energy has been discovered

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: : Câu chủ động => bị động thời hiện tại hoàn thành với chủ ngữ số ít

Question 2: . People say that he was born in London.

A. That is said he was born in London.

B. It was said that he was born in London.

C. He was said to be born in London.

D. He is said to have been born in London.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : : câu bị động kép chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc:

People + V1 + that + S V2 = S + be + V1-ed + to V2/ have V2-ed: người ta nói rằng.... Động từ 1, và 2 lệch thời nên chia to have V2-ed

Question 3: We have no seats left for the concert next Sunday.

Quảng cáo

A. All the seats for the concert next Sunday have been booked

B. All the seats were sold for the concert next Sunday.

C. The concert next Sunday had no seats for us.

D. No seats left for us for the concert next Sunday.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : : have no seats left = seats be booked: hết vé

Question 4: She had only just begun to speak when people started interrupting.

A. She hardly had begun to speak when people started interrupting.

B. Hardly she had begun to speak when people started interrupting.

C. Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting.

D. She hadn’t begun to speak when people started interrupting.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : : câu đảo ngữ với hardly + had + S + PII + when S + qk.

Question 5: The storm blew a lot of trees down last night.

A. A lot of trees were blown down last night by the storm.

B. A lot of trees were cut down last night

C. The storm could have blown a lot of trees down.

D. The storm was strong enough to blow down old trees.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : : câu bị động thời quá khứ đơn

Question 6: People don't use this road very often.

A. This road is not used very often

B. Not very often this road is not used

C. This road very often is not used

D. This road not very often is used

Quảng cáo

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : Với câu bị động trạng từ luôn đặt cuối câu

Question 7: He was very tired but he kept on working.

A. Despite very tired, he kept on working.

B. Though his tiredness, he kept on working.

C. Although he was very tired, but he kept on working.

D. He kept on working although he was very tired.

Giải thích : : mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ sự nhượng bộ: although: dù – but: nhưng. Một câu chỉ dùng một trong 2 từ này.

Question 8: Although it rained heavily, they went on working.

A. In spite of the rain heavily, they went on working.

B. In spite of the raining heavily, they went on working.

C. Despite the heavy rain, they went on working.

D. Though the fact that it rained heavily, they went on working.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : : although + mệnh đề = despite + N: mặc dù

Question 9: . Cars cause pollution but people still want them.

A. Because cars cause pollution, people want them.

B. Despite the fact that cars cause pollution, people want them.

C. Cars cause pollution although people want them.

D. Cars cause pollution because people still want them.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : : despite the fact that = although: mặc dù

Quảng cáo

Question 10: They have built a new hospital near the airport.

A. Near the airport a new hospital has been built.

B. A new hospital has been built near the airport by them.

C. A new hospital near the airport has been built.

D. A new hospital has been built near the airport.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : : câu bị động thời hiện tại hoàn thành

Question 11: Their complaints to the head office should be sent.

A. People should send their complaints to the head office.

B. Complaints should be sent to the head office.

C. Complaints should be sent to the head office by people.

D. Their complaints should be sent to the head office by people.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : : với câu này ta chuyển ngược từ câu bị động sang chủ động. Bị động của should V là should be PII

Question 12: They were exposed to biased information, so they didn’t know the true story.

A. If they got unbiased information, they could know the true story.

B. If they had unbiased the information, they could have known the true story.

C. If they had been exposed to unbiased information, they would have known the true story.

D. If they have exposed to the unbiased information, they could have seen the true story.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : Với tình huống đã cho ở thời quá khứ, ta giả định lại bằng câu điều kiện loại 3.

Question 13: People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.

A. 13 is believed to have been an unlucky number.

B. It is believe 13 to have been an unlucky number.

C. 13 is believed to be an unlucky number.

D. It believes that 13 is an unlucky number.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : . câu bị động kép với động từ tường thuật và động từ mệnh đề chính cùng thời.

Question 14: . People said they had demolished the building.

A. The building was said to have demolished.

B. The building was said to have been demolishing.

C. The building was said to be demolished.

D. The building was said to have been demolished.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : : câu bị động kép chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc:

People + V1 + that + S V2 = S + be + V1-ed + to V2/ have V2-ed: người ta nói rằng.... Hai động từ cùng thời nên dùng dạng to V

Question 15: We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.

A. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realize our passports were still at home.

B. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.

C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.

D. Not until we arrived at the airport did we realize that our passports were still at home.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : đảo ngữ với not until: Not until S V + trợ động từ + S + Vo.

Question 16: He was driving so fast that he could have had an accident.

A. He wasn’t driving fast enough to avoid an accident.

B. He did’t have an accident although he was driving very fast.

C. If he had been driving very fast, he would have had an accident.

D. An accident happended, and it was caused by his very fast driving.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : cấu trúc could have PII: đã có thể làm gì (thực tế không làm).

Nên tai nạn là chưa xảy ra và vì thế đáp án đúng là B.

Question 17: I said to her “If you let your son do whatever he wants, you will spoil him.”

A. I said if she lets her son do whatever he wants, she will spoil him.

B. I warned her that if she let her son do whatever he wanted, she would spoil him.

C. I warned her that if she let her son do whatever she wanted, she would spoil him.

D. I told her if her son did whatever she wanted, she would spoil him.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : câu gián tiếp, toàn bộ động từ đều phải lùi thời.

Question 18: . No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn’t succeed.

A. Fried tried very hard to start the car, and succeeded.

B. Fried tried hard to start the car, and with success.

C. However hard he tried, Fried couldn’t start the car.

D. It’s hard for Fried to start the car because he never succeeded.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ sự nhượng bộ: no matter how + adj = however + adj: mặc dù

Question 19: I did not read his book. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying.

A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.

B. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.

C. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.

D. The lecturer’s book which I had not read was difficult to understand.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : Tình huống đã cho ở quá khứ nên ta giả định ngược lại bằng câu điều kiện loại 3.

Question 20: . When I had finished the report, I went out for a cup of coffee.

A. Finishing the report, I went out for a cup of coffee.

B. Having finished the report, i went out for a cup of coffee.

C. Going out for a cup of coffee, I finished my report.

D. To finish the report, I went out for a cup of coffee.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : danh động từ đầu câu thuộc về chủ ngữ “I” ở sau.

Question 21: . People believe that the weather is changing dramatically.

A. The weather is believed to be changing dramatically.

B. The weather is believed to have changed dramatically.

C. The weather is believed to change dramatically.

D. The weather is believed to have been changing dramatically.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : : câu bị động kép chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc:

People + V1 + that + S V2 = S + be + V1-ed + to V2/ have V2-ed: người ta nói rằng.... Hai động từ cùng thời nên dùng dạng to V.

Question 22: “Why don’t you get your hair cut, Gavin?” said Adam.

A. Adam advised Gavin to cut his hair.

B. Gavin was suggested to have a haircut.

C. It was suggested that Adam get Gavin’s hair cut.

D. Adam suggested that Gavin should have his hair cut.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : “why don’t S V?” là cấu trúc dùng đề nghị.

Question 23: The plane had taken off. Paul realized he was on the wrong flight.

A. Hardly had Paul realized he was on the wrong flight when the plane took off.

B. It was not until the plane had taken off, did Paul realize he was on the wrong flight.

C. Not until the plane had taken off did Paul realize he was on the wrong flight.

D. No sooner had the plane taken off than Paul had realized he was on the wrong flight.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : đảo ngữ với cấu trúc not until: not until S V + trợ động từ + S Vo

Question 24: . John is studying hard. He doesn’t want to fail the next exam.

A. John is studying hard in order not to fail the next exam.

B. John is studying hard in order that he not fail the next exam.

C. John is studying hard so as to fail the next exam.

D. John is studying hard in order to not to fail the next exam.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : in order not to V: để không làm gì

Question 25: She gave in her notice. She planned to start her new job in January.

A. She gave in her notice, plan to start her new job in January.

B. She gave in her notice with a view to starting her new job in January.

C. Her notice was given in with an aim to start her new job in January.

D. Her notice was given in order for her to start her new job in January.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : with a view to Ving: để làm gì

Question 26: He might have forgotten the place you’d arranged to meet at.

A. Perhaps he didn’t remember where you were going to meet.

B. You planned to meet him at a place that he’d forgotten about

C. He didn’t remember meeting you at that time.

D. He couldn’t remember where the meeting place was.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : might have PII: đã có thể làm gì, dùng để diễn đạt ý sự đoán.

Question 27: They recommend that the hotel should be redecorated.

A. The hotel should be recommended to be redecorated.

B. The hotel is recommended to be redecorated.

C. The hotel is recommended to have redecorated.

D. The hotel was recommended to be redecorated.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : cấu trúc recommend S (should) be Ved = S be recommended to V: được đề xuất làm gì

Question 28: . “You're always making terrible mistakes”, said the teacher.

A. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.

B. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

C. The teacher complained about his students making terrible mistakes.

D. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : cấu trúc be always Ving: lúc nào cũng... dùng để diễn đạt ý phàn nàn.

Question 29: Many doctors and nurses on duty during holidays don’t have time to relax. They don’t have time to meet up with their families.

A. Many doctors and nurses on duty during holidays have time neither to relax nor to meet up with their families.

B. Many doctors and nurses on duty during holidays have time neither to relax or to meet up with their families.

C. Many doctors and nurses on duty during holidays have time either to relax or to meet up with their families.

D. Many doctors and nurses on duty during holidays have time not only to relax but also to meet up with their families.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : neither...nor...: không...mà cũng không...

Question 30: The boy lost several of his fingers because of firecrackers. The doctors are operating on him.

A. The boy who lost several of his fingers because of firecrackers is being operating on.

B. The boy whom the doctors are operating on him lost several of his fingers because of firecrackers.

C. The boy was whom the doctors are operating on him lost several of his fingers because of firecrackers.

D. The doctors are operating on the boy who lost several of his fingers because of firecrackers.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ người.

Question 31: Father said “Albert, if you break your promise, nobody will respect you.”

A. Father said that if Albert broke his promise, nobody would respect him.

B. Father warned Albert that if he broke his promise, nobody would respect him.

C. Father told that if Albert broke his promise, nobody would respect him.

D. Father said to Albert if he breaks his promise, nobody will respect him.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : Trong câu gián tiếp câu điều kiện loại 1 được lùi xuống loại 2

Question 32: People say that products are sold in this market at suitable prices.

A. Products are said to be selling in this market at suitable prices.

B. Products are said to have sold in this market at suitable prices.

C. This market is said to have sold products at suitable prices.

D. This market is said to sell products at suitable prices.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : Câu bị động kép với cấu trúc:

people + V1 + that + S V2 = S + be V1-ed + to V2: người ta nói rằng...

Question 33: We couldn’t have been to go to the final match without the coach’s flexible strategies.

A. We could have been able to go to the final match with the coach’s flexible strategies.

B. If we could be able to go to the final match, the coach would have flexible strategies.

C. If we couldn’t have been able to go to the final match, we would have had the coach’s flexible strategies.

D. Had it not been for the coach’s flexible strategies, we couldn’t have been able to go to the final match.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : biến thể câu điều kiện loại 3: without + N = had it not been for + N: nếu không nhờ...

Question 34: Joe does a lot of exercise. He's still very fat.

A. Despite the fact that doing a lot of exercise, Joe's still very fat

B. Joe does a lot of exercise, so he's vey fat.

C. Even though Joe does a lot of exercise, he's very fat.

D. Joe's very fat, but he does a lot of exercise.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : even though + mệnh đề: mặc dù

Question 35: Canada does not require US citizens to obtain passports to enter the country. Mexico does not require US citizens to do the same.

A. Canada does not require US citizens to obtain passports to enter the country, and Mexico does, either.

B. Canada does not require US citizens to obtain passports to enter the country, and Mexico does not, either.

C. Canada does not require US citizens to obtain passports to enter the country, and neither Mexico does.

D. Canada does not require US citizens to obtain passports to enter the country while Mexico does.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : lối nói phụ họa trong câu phủ định: S + trợ động từ phủ định (viết tắt), either.

Question 36: "It can't be Mike who leaked the document, it might be Tom" said our manager.

A. Our manager suspected Tom of having leaked the document, not Mike.

B. Our manager blame Tom for having leaked the document instead of Mike.

C. Our manager showed his uncertainty about who leaked the document. Mike or Tom.

D. Our manager made it clear that Tom was the one who leaked the document, not Mike.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : suspect sb of Ving: nghi ngờ ai làm gì

Question 37: Their holiday plans fell through because there was a shooting at their school on Valentine's Day.

A. They couldn't go on holiday as planned as a result of shooting at their school on Valentine's Day.

B. They failed to go on the holiday like they had planned because a shooting tool place at their school on Valentine's Day.

C. A shooting at their school on Valentine's day almost put a stop to their holiday plans.

D. Disappointingly, a shooting at their school on Valentine's Day forced their holiday plans to nothing.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : : fall through: (kế hoạch) đổ bể

Dịch: Kế hoạch kì nghỉ của họ đổ bể vì có vụ nổ súng tại trường học vào ngày Valentine. => Họ không thể đi nghỉ mát như dự kiến vì có vụ nổ súng tại trường học vào ngày Valentine.

Question 38: She finished her driving lesson. Her father allowed her to use his car.

A. Having finished her driving lesson, her father allowed her to use his car.

B. Having finished her driving lesson, she was allowed to use her father's car.

C. To be allowed to use her father's car, she tried to finish her driving lesson.

D. Being allowed to use her father's car, she tried to finish her driving lesson.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : Hành động hoàn thành bài học lái xe xảy ra trước việc được cho phép lái xe nên động từ finish được chia ở dạng phân từ hoàn thành having finished.

Question 39: . It was an interesting novel. I stayed up all night to finish it

A. I stayed up all night to finish the novel so it was interesting.

B. Unless it were an interesting novel. I would not stay up all night to finish it.

C. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.

D. So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : đảo ngữ với cấu trúc so...that: So adj be N that S V: quá...đến nỗi mà.

Question 40: The child gave some instructions. I don’t understand any of them

A. The instructions the child gave are not understanding to me.

B. It was the instructions the child gave that confused me.

C. It hasn’t been clear to me about the instructions given by the child.

D. I’m finding it difficult to figure out what the child required according to his instructions.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : việc cậu bé đưa ra chỉ dẫn là ở quá khứ, việc không hiểu chỉ dẫn là ở hiện tại.

Question 41: Some body cleans the room every day

A. The room every day is cleaned

B. The room is every day cleaned

C. The room is cleaned every day

D. The room is cleaned by somebody every day

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : câu bị động thời hiện tại đơn.

Question 42: They cancelled all flights because of fog.

A. All flights because of fog were cancelled.

B. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

C. All flights were because of fog cancelled

D. All flights were cancelled by them because of fog

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : câu bị động thời quá khứ đơn

Question 43: Though he drove carefully, he had an accident yesterday.

A. Despite his carelessness, he had an accident yesterday.

B. Despite he drove carefully, he had an accident yesterday.

C. In spite of driving carefully, he had an accident yesterday.

D. In spite of a careful drive, he had an accident yesterday.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : though + mệnh đề = in spite of Ving: mặc dù

Question 44: Somebody accused me of stealing money

A. I was accused by somebody of stealing money.

B. I was accused of stealing money

C. I was accused of stealing money by somebody

D. I was accused stealing money.

Đáp án: B

Giải thích : cấu trúc be accused of Ving: bị buộc tội làm gì. Với câu bị động ta không cần thêm thông tin “by somebody” ở cuối câu.

Question 45: How do people learn languages?

A. How are languages learned?

B. How are languages learned by people?

C. How languages are learned?

D. Languages are learned how?

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : câu hỏi chứa thể bị động thời hiện tại đơn.

Question 46: My mother hasn’t returned to her hometown since 1999.

A. It’s 17 years since my mother last returned to her hometown.

B. My mother last returned to her hometown in 1999.

C. The last time my mother returned to her hometown was in 1999.

D. All are correct.

Đáp án: D

Giải thích : cả 3 phương án A, B, C là 3 cách chuyển khác nhau của câu thời hiện tại hoàn thành có mốc thời gian.

S + have/has + not + PII + since + mốc thời gian

= it’s + khoảng thời gian + since + S last Vqk

v= S + last Vqk + in + mốc thời gian

= The last time + S Vqk + in + mốc thời gian

Question 47: . Even though the team played well, they lost.

A. The team lost because they played well.

B. The team played well, so they lost.

C. Despite the fact that the team played well, they lost.

D. In spite of playing well, the team won.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ despite the fact that + S V: mặc dù..

Question 48: . I didn't realize that somebody was recording our conversation.

A. Our conversation wasn't realized to be recorded.

B. I didn’t realize that our conversation was recorded.

C. I didn't realize that our conversation was being recorded

D. I didn't realize that our conversation was being recorded by someone.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : câu bị động thời quá khứ tiếp diễn

Question 49: . We found that the game had been cancelled by them.

A. We found that they had cancelled the game.

B. We found that the fame had been cancelled.

C. The game had been cancelled.

D. The game were found to be cancelled.

Đáp án: A

Giải thích : câu bị động thời quá khứ

Question 50: Tom said: “If I were you, I wouldn’t trust Peter.”

A. I trusted Peter and Tom did, too.

B. Tom wasn’t me and he trusted Peter.

C. Tom advised me not to trust Peter.

D. Whatever Tom said, I trusted Peter.

Đáp án: C

Giải thích : người ta dùng cách nói “If I were you” – nếu tôi là bạn: để khuyên nhủ

Cấu trúc advise sb (not) to V: khuyên ai nên/ không nên làm gì

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