350 câu trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (cơ bản - Phần 5)

350 câu trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (cơ bản - Phần 5)

Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Quảng cáo

   One day in 1924, five men who were camping in the Cascade Mountains of Washington saw a group of huge apelike creatures coming out of the woods. They hurried back to their cabin and locked themselves inside. While they were in, the creatures attacked them by throwing rocks against the walls of the cabin.

   After several hours, these strange hairy giants went back into the woods. After this incident the men returned to the town and told the people of their adventure. However, only a few people accepted their story. These were the people who remembered hearing tales about footprints of an animal that walked like a human being.

   The five men, however, were not the first people to have seen these creatures called Bigfoot. Long before their experience, local Native Americans were certain that a race of apelike animals had been living in the neighboring mountain for centuries. They called these creatures Sasquatch.

   In 1958, workmen, who were building a road through the jungles of Northern California often found huge footprints in the earth around their camp.

   Then in 1967, Roger Patterson, a man who was interested in finding Bigfoot went into the Northern California jungles with a friend. While riding, they were suddenly thrown off from their horses. Patterson saw a tall apelike animal standing not far away. He managed to shoot seven rolls of film of the hairy creature before the animal disappeared in the hushes. when Patterson's film was shown to the public, not many people believed his story.

   In another incident, Richard Brown, a music teacher and also an experienced hunter spotted a similar creature. He saw the animal clearly through the telescopic lens of his rifle. He said the creature looked more like a human than an animal.

   Later many other people also found deep footprints in the same area. In spite of regular reports of sightings and footprints, most experts still do not believe that Bigfoot really exists.

Question 1: The word neighboring would BEST be replaced with

A. remote     B. nearby    C. far-off     D. far-away

Quảng cáo

Đáp án B

Từ “lân cận” sẽ được thay thế tốt nhất bằng____

A. remote: xa xôi

B. nearby: gần bên

C. far-off: rất xa

D. far-away: khoảng cách rất xa

Neighboring= nearby

Question 2: Did the town people believe the story of the five men about their meeting with Bigfoot?

A. No, not everyone believed their story.

B. All the people believed what they said.

C. Some said the five men were making up their own story

D. Only those who had heard the same tale the second time believed them.

Đáp án

Dẫn chứng: These were the people who remembered hearing tales about footprints of an animal that walked like a human being.

Question 3: Which of the following pairs is INCORRECT?

A. spotted - saw    B. creatures - animals     C. woods - jungles     D. huge - hairy

Đáp án D

Cặp từ nào sau đây là không đúng?

A. spotted – saw( nhìn thấy)     B. creatures - animals (sinh vật- động vật)

C. woods – jungles( cây cối- rừng)     D. huge – hairy(to lớn- nhiều lông)

Question 4: Who were the first people to have seen these apelike creatures before the five campers?

A. Richard Brown, a music teacher and a hunter.

B. Roger Patterson and his friend.

C. The local Native Americans.

D. The workers who built the road in the jungles of Northern California.

Đáp án C

Dẫn chứng: Long before their experience, local Native Americans were certain that a race of apelike animals

Question 5: The BEST title for this passage would be ________ .

A. The adventures of Bigfoot.     B. The experts and the existence of Bigfoot.

C. The creature called Bigfoot.     D. The adventures of the five campers.

Đáp án C

Bài xoanh quanh sinh vật nhiều lông trông giống con người được gọi là Bigfoot

Quảng cáo

Question 6: What did the five campers do when they saw a group of apelike creatures?

A. They threw rocks against the walls of their cabin to frighten the creatures away.

B. They attacked the creatures by throwing rocks at them.

C. They ran into the woods and hid there for several hours.

D. They quickly ran back into their cabin and locked the cabin door.

Đáp án D

Năm người cắm trại làm gì khi họ nhìn thấy một nhóm các sinh vật giống nhau?

A. Họ ném đá vào vỏ cabin để làm các sinh vật tránh xa.

B. Họ tấn công các sinh vật bằng cách ném đá vào chúng.

C. Họ chạy vào đống gỗ và trốn ở đó rất lâu.

D. Họ chạy rất nhanh vào cabin vào đóng cửa cabin lại.

Dẫn chứng: They hurried back to their cabin and locked themselves inside

Question 7: Who called the apelike creatures 'Sasquatch'?

A. Richard Brown     B. The local Native Americans

C. The five campers     D. Roger Patterson

Đáp án B

Dẫn chứng: Local Native Americans were certain that a race of apelike animals had been living in the neighboring mountain for centuries. They called these creatures Sasquatch.

Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   My family consists of four people. There's my father whose name is Jan, my mother whose name is Marie, my brother, Peter and of course, me. I have quite a large extended family as well but, only the four of us live together in our apartment in a block of flats. My father is fifty-two years old. He works as an accountant in an insurance company. He is tall and slim, has got short brown and gray hair and blue eyes. My father likes gardening very much as well as listening to music and reading books about political science. His special hobbies are bird watching and travelling.

   Now I’ll describe my mother and my brother. My mother is forty-seven and she works as a nurse in a hospital. She is small, and slim, has short brown hair and green eyes. She likes bird watching and travelling too, so whenever my parents are able to they go someplace interesting for nature watching. Since we have a cottage with a garden they both spend a lot of time there. My brother is sixteen. He is slim and has short brown hair and blue eyes. He also attends high school. He is interested in computers and sports like football and hockey. He also spends a lot of time with his friends.

   I have only one grandmother left still living. She is in pretty good health even at the age of seventyeight so she still lives in her own flat. I enjoy spending time with her when I can. Both my grandfathers died from cancer because they were smokers, which was really a great tragedy because I didn't get chance to know them. My other grandmother died just a few years ago. I also have a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins. The cousin I’m closest to is my uncle’s daughter Pauline. We have a lot in common because we are both eighteen and so we are good friends.

   My parents have assigned me certain duties around the house. I don't mind helping out because everyone in a family should contribute in some way. I help with the washing up, the vacuuming and the shopping. Of course I also have to help keep my room tidy as well. My brother is responsible for the dusting and mopping. He also has to clean his own room. Even though my brother and I sometimes fight about who has to do what job, we are still very close. I am also very close to my parents and I can rely on them to help me. My parents work together to keep our home well maintained and it seem they always have a project or another that they are working on. They respect each other's opinions and even if they disagree they can always come to a compromise. I hope in the future that 1 have a family like ours.

Quảng cáo

Question 1: What does the writer's father do?

A. a cashier     Β. an accountant     C. a receptionist     D. a writer

Đáp án B

Giải thích: He works as an accountant in an insurance company.

Question 2: What does the writer’s mother look like?

A. She is slim and small     Β. She is small and has grey hair

C. She has blue eyes     D. She has long brown hair.

Đáp án A

Giải thích: "She is small, and slim, has short brown hair and green eyes"

Question 3: What does the writer’s brother do?

A. a computer programmer     Β. a high school student

C. a college student     D. a football player

Đáp án Β

Giải thích: He also attends high school.

Question 4: What happened to the writer’s grandfathers?

A. They died because they smoked too much.

Β. They got lung cancer a few years ago.

C. They had to leave their own flat.

D. They had an accident and died.

Đáp án A

Từ nội dung trong câu: "Both my grandfathers died from cancer because they were smokers.”

Question 5: The word "tragedy" in the third paragraph mostly means

A. bad luck     Β. sudden accident    C. sad event     D. boring result

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Từ nôi dung trong câu: "Both my grandfathers died from cancer because they were smokers, which was really a great tragedy because I didn’t get chance to know them."

Question 6: The word "assigned" in the fourth paragraph mostly means

A. allowed     Β. appointed     C. forced     D. encouraged

Đáp án Β

assigned ∼ appointed: phân công

allowed: cho phép

forced: bắt buộc, ép buộc

encouraged: khuyến khích, động viên

Question 7: Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The writer's mother likes travelling.

B. One of the writer's grandmothers is living with her.

C. The writer’s brother has to clean his own room.

D. The writer has a cousin whose age is the same as hers.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Từ nội dung trong đoạn văn: I have only one grandmother left still living. She is in pretty good health even at the age of seventy-eight so she still lives in her own flat.

Exercise 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   In early civilizations, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit. Education meant simply learning to live. As civilizations became more complex, however, education became more formal, structured and comprehensive. Initial efforts of the ancient Chinese and Greek societies concentrated solely on the education of males. The post-Babylonian Jews and Plato were exceptions to this pattern. Plato was apparently the first significant advocate of the equality of the sexes. Women, in his ideal state, would have the same rights and duties and the same educational opportunities as men. This aspect of Platonic philosophy, however, had little or no effect on education for many centuries, and the concept of a liberal education for men only, which had been espoused by Aristotle, prevailed.

   In ancient Rome, the availability of an education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men. The early Christians and medieval Europeans continued this trend, and singlesex schools for the privileged classes prevailed through the Reformation period. Gradually, however, education for women on a separate but equal basis to that provided for men was becoming a clear responsibility of society. Martin Luther appealed for civil support of schools for all children. At the Council of Trent in the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church encouraged the establishment of free primary schools for children of all classes. The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school.

   In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, co-education became a more widely applied principle of educational philosophy. In Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union the education of boys and girls in the same classes became an accepted practice. Since World War II, Japan and the Scandinavian countries have also adopted relatively universal co-educational systems. The greatest negative reaction to coeducation has been felt in the teaching systems of the Latin countries, where the sexes have usually been separated at both primary and secondary levels, according to local conditions.

   A number of studies have indicated that girls seem to perform better overall and in science in particular in single-sex classes: during the adolescent years, pressure to conform to stereotypical female gender roles may disadvantage girls in traditionally male subjects, making them reluctant to volunteer for experimental work while taking part in lessons. In Britain, academic league tables point to high standards achieved in girls' schools. Some educationalists therefore suggest segregation of the sexes as a good thing, particularly in certain areas, and a number of schools are experimenting with the idea.

Question 1: Ancient education generally focused its efforts on _______.

A. male learners     Β. both sexes

C. female learners     D. young people only

Từ nội dung trong câu: "Initial efforts of the ancient Chinese and Greek societies concentrated solely on the education of males.”

Question 2: Education in early times was mostly aimed at _______.

A. teaching skills     Β. learning to live

C. learning new lifestyles     D. imparting survival skills

Đáp án Β

Từ nội dung trong câu: "In early civilizations, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit. Education meant simply learning to live."

Question 3: The first to support the equality of the sexes was _______.

A. the Chinese     Β. the Greek     C. Plato     D. the Jews

Đáp án C

Từ nội dung trong câu: “Plato was apparently the first significant advocate of the equality of the sexes”.

Question 4: The word "informally" in this context mostly refers to an education occurring _______.

A. in classrooms     B. outside the school

C. in a department     D. ability

Đáp án Β

Từ nội dung trong câu: "In early civilizations, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit."

Question 5: When education first reached women, they were _______.

A. locked up in a place with men     Β. isolated from normal life

C. deprived of opportunities     D. separated from men

Đáp án D

Từ nội dung trong câu: "In ancient Rome, the availability of an education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men."

Question 6: When the concept of universal primary education was introduced, education _______.

A. was given free to all     B. was intended for all the sexes

C. focused on imparting skills     D. was intended to leave out female learners

Đáp án Β

Từ nội dung trong câu: "The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school." (regardless of sex: bất kể giới tính gì)

Question 7: The word "espouse” is contextually closest in meaning to "_______"

A. to support     Β. to put off    C. to give     D. to induce

Đáp án A

- espouse (v): tán thành, ủng hộ (= support); - put off (v): trì hoãn; - induce (v): gây ra

Question 8: Co-education was negatively responded to in _______.

A. Japan     Β. the Scandinavian countries

C. South American countries     D. conservative countries

Đáp án C

Từ nội dung trong câu: "The greatest negative reaction to co-education has been felt in the teaching systems of the Latin countries."

Exercise 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have no resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of the whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally: spelling, however, can not.

   Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.

   Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn and instruct people. While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.

Question 1: Which of the following best summarizes this passage?

A. Everybody uses only one form of communication

B. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.

C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners.

D. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Để nắm được ý chính của bài để tóm tắt thì t cần tìm được ý chính của từng đoạn:

“Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication”: Từ lúc con người sinh sống trên trái đất, họ đã sử dụng nhiều hình thức giao tiếp khác nhau

“Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally”: Ngôn ngữ hình thể truyền đạt ý tưởng hay thông tin qua những hành động nhất định, một cách cố ý hay vô ý

“Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals”: Những dạng thức khác nhau của dạng diễn đạt phi ngôn ngữ được tìm thấy ở Chữ nổi (một hệ thống chấm nổi đọc bằng ngón tay), cờ hiệu, mã Morse hay khói

“While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings”: Mặc dù biểu đạt bằng nói lời là dạng thức giao tiếp phổ biến nhất, những hệ thống và kĩ thuật khác cũng có thể biểu đạt được suy nghĩ và cảm xúc của con người

⇒ Ngoài diễn đạt bằng ngôn ngữ, còn có những dạng thức giao tiếp ngôn ngữ khác

Question 2: The word “these" is the first passage refers to_________.

A. tourists     B. the deaf and the mute

C. thoughts and feelings     D. sign language motions

Đáp án D

Giải thích: “these” được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho symbol: kí hiệu ⇒ these này sẽ phải được nhắc đến ở phần trên với một loại kí hiệu gì đó

Ở trên, tác giả đang nói vì “sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas”: một loại ngôn ngữ kí hiệu mà chuyển động thay thế cho chữ cái, từ ngữ và ý tưởng

⇒ these = sign language motions

Question 3: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______________

A. the deaf and the mute use an oral form of communication

B. verbalization is the most common form of communication

C. there are many forms of communication in existence today

D. ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn:

“When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have no resort to this form of expression”: Khi có rào cản về ngôn ngữ, giao tiếp được thực hiện qua ngôn ngữ kí hiệu mà trong đó chuyển động thay thế cho chữ cái, ngôn ngữ và ý tưởng. Người du khách, người điếc và người câm không có cách nào khác ngoài dạng thức biểu đạt này

Question 4: Which form other than oral speech would be most commonly used among the blind people?

A. Body language     B. Picture signs     C. Braille     D. Signal flags

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu: “Braille (a system of raised dots read with fingertips)”: Chữ nổi một hệ thống chấm nổi được đọc bằng ngón tay ⇒ người khiếm thị có thể dùng tay để đọc chữ A,B, C người khiếm thị không thể nhìn thấy ⇒ không thể đọc hay giao tiếp được

Question 5: How many different forms of communication are mentioned here?

A. 5     B. 7     C. 9     D. 11

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Bao gồm: oral speech, sign language, Body language, ,Braille , signal flags, Morse code, smoke signals, Road maps, picture signs

Question 6: Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally EXCEPT for____________

A. spelling     B. ideas     C. whole words     D. expressions

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Thông tin có trong câu: “Many of these symbols of the whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally: spelling, however, can not”: Rất nhiều những kí hiệu này trong toàn bộ từ vựng rất nhiều hình ảnh, chính xác và có thể được sử dụng trên toàn thế giới, tuy nhiên chính tả thì không

Question 7: People need to communicate in order to__________

A. keep from reading with their fingertips     B. create language barriers

C. express thoughts and feelings     D. be picturesque and exact

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu: “Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech”: Từ khi con người sinh sống trên trái đất, họ đã sử dụng nhiều dạng giao tiếp. Nói chung, cách biểu đạt suy nghĩ và cảm xúc này có hình thức là bằng lời nói

⇒ expression of thoughts and feelings = communication

Question 8: What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Importance of Sign Language     B. Picturesque symbols of communication

C. Ways of expressing feelings     D. Many forms of communication

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Như ở câu một, ta có thể thấy ý chính của bài là có nhiều dạng thức giao tiếp khác nhau và trong bài tác giả chỉ ra những dạng đó là gì.

Exercise 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Many people believe that watching television has resulted in lower reading standards in schools. However, the link between television and printed books is not as simple as that. In many cases, television actually encourages people to read; for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, its sales often go up. One study of this link examined six-year-old children who were viewing a special series of 15-minute programs at school. The series was designed to encourage love of books, as well as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading. Each program is an animated film of a children's book. The story is read aloud and certain key phrases from the book appear on the screen, beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read, it is also highlighted on the TV screen.

   One finding was that watching these programs was very important to the children. If anything prevented them from seeing a program, they were very disappointed. What's more, they wanted to read the books which the different parts of the series were based on.

   The programs also gave the children more confidence when looking at these books. As a result of their familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read the stories aloud to each other. On each occasion, the children showed great sympathy when discussing a character in a book because they themselves had been moved when watching the character on television.

Question 1: When does television encourage people to read?

A. When children are watching an animated film on TV

B. When a book is made into a TV series

C. When there are no interesting programs on TV

D. When a book appears on the screen

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu: “In many cases, television actually encourages people to read; for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, its sales often go up.”: Trong nhiều trường hợp, TV thực sự khuyến khích mọi người đọc sách, ví dụ, khi một quyển sách được thực hiện thành một bộ phim truyền hình, doanh thu bán thường xuyên tăng

Question 2: How did children feel when viewing a special series of 15-minute program at school?

A. They felt confident.     B. They felt bored.

C. They felt disappointed     D. They felt excited.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn: “One finding was that watching these programs was very important to the children. If anything prevented them from seeing a program, they were very disappointed”: Kết quả là xem những chương trình này rất quan trọng với trẻ em. Nếu có bất cứ thứ gì ngăn chúng không được xem, chúng sẽ thất vọng

⇒ Chúng hứng thú khi xem chương trình này

Question 3: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The ways of children reading books and watching

B. The simple link between television and books

C. The influence of television on reading books

D. The advantage of books over television

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Ta cần nắm được ý chính của từng đoạn:

   +, “In many cases, television actually encourages people to read; for example, when a book is turned into a TV series, its sales often go up”: Trong nhiều trường hợp, TV thực sự khuyến khích mọi người đọc sách, ví dụ, khi một quyển sách được thực hiện thành một bộ phim truyền hình, doanh thu bán thường xuyên tăng

   +, Đoạn 2, giới thiệu về chương trình 15’ về để tăng sự yêu thích đọc sách

   +, Đoạn 3, “On each occasion, the children showed great sympathy when discussing a character in a book because they themselves had been moved when watching the character on television”: Trong từng dịp, trẻ em thể hiện sự thương cảm khi bàn luận về nhân vật trong cuốn sách bởi bản thân chúng cảm động khi xem nhân vật trên TV

⇒ Bài viết nói về ảnh hưởng của việc xem TV tới việc đọc sách

Question 4: What advantage did children have from this program?

A. They became more interested in watching Triệu-vũ

B. They became more sympathetic.

C. They made more friends.

D. They read books with more interest and confidence

Đáp án D

Thông tin ở câu: “The programs also gave the children more confidence when looking at these books. As a result of their familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read the stories aloud to each other”: Chương trình cũng cho trẻ em nhiều sự tự tin hơn khi đọc những cuốn sách này. Bởi vì sự quen thuộc với những câu chuyện, chúng ngồi lại với nhau và đọc sách cho nhau nghe.

Question 5: What kind of film is each program?

A. An animated film of a children's book

B. A story film of a children's book

C. An educational film

D. A documentary film of children's life

Đáp án A

Thông tin nằm ở câu “Each program is an animated film of a children's book”: Mỗi chương trình là một bộ phim hoạt hình từ cuốn sách của trẻ em

Question 6: Who were the subjects of the study?

A. all people     B. Six-year-old children

C. All school children     D. Adolescents

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu: “One study of this link examined six-year-old children who were viewing a special series of 15-minute programs at school” : Một nghiên cứu về mối quan hệ này được thực hiện trên trẻ em 6 tuổi mà xem những chuỗi chương trình 15 phút đặc biệt ở trường

Question 7: The series was designed _____________

A. to examine children’s mind     B. to promote the children’s love of books

C. to develop their listening skill     D. to sale more books

Đáp án B

Thông tin nằm ở câu: “The series was designed to encourage love of books, as well as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading”: Chuỗi chương trình được thiết kế để khuyến khích tình yêu sách vở và cũng phát triển kĩ năng đọc sách cơ bản.

Exercise 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking and diplomacy.

   Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is English. Two thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are nonnative speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world..

Question 1: What is the main topic of this passage?

A. The number of non-native users of English.

B. The French influence on the English Language.

C. The expansion of English as an international language.

D. The use of English for science and technology

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Dựa vào nội dung của đoạn văn, đặc biệt dựa vào những câu chủ đề của mỗi đoạn nhỏ như "Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication." và "Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is English"... ta có thể kết luận được ý chính của bài văn là nói đến sự phát triển của tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ toàn cầu.

Question 2: In the first paragraph, the word “emerged” is closest in meaning to____.

A. appeared     B. disappeared     C. frequented     D. engaged

Đáp án A

Dịch nghĩa: Trong đoạn đầu tiên, từ " emerged " (nổi lên) có ý nghĩa gần nhất với ____.

A. Xuất hiện

B. Biến mất

C. Thường xuyên

D. Tham gia.

Question 3: In the first paragraph, the word “elements” is closest in meaning to____.

A. declaration     B. features     C. curiosities     D. customs

Đáp án B

Dịch nghĩa: Trong đoạn đầu tiên, từ “elements” (yếu tố) có nghĩa gần nhất với______

A: sự tuyên bố

B: điểm đặc trưng

C: tính tò mò

D: phong tục, tục lệ

Question 4: Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?

A. In 1066     B. around 1350    C. before 1600     D. after 1600

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Dựa vào nội dung của câu văn "Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work."

Question 5: According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world _________ .

A. the slave trade     B. the Norman invasion

C. missionaries     D. colonization

Đáp án B

Thông tin nằm ở “English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work”

Question 6: In the second paragraph, the word “stored” is closest in meaning to _________.

A. bought     B. saved     C. spent     D. valued

Dịch nghĩa: Trong đoạn thứ hai, từ " stored " (lưu trữ) gần nhất có nghĩa là________.

A: mua

B: lưu lại

C: tiêu dùng

D: có giá trị

Question 7: According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the world today?

A. a quarter million     B. half a million     C. 350 million     D. 700 million

Đáp án C

Thông tin nằm ở “Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are nonnative speakers”

Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods. These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.

   The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.

   It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.

   Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of the world’s industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyotoin Japanin 1997. There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.

   It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so-called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. Sadly, the targets are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are often still being regarded as scaremongering.

Question 1: According to the passage, in what way did the climate changes in the ice ages differ from the modern ones

A. They occurred naturally over a long period of time

B. They were partly intended.

C. They were wholly the result of human activity.

D. They were fully monitored by humans.

Đáp án A

Giải thích: “These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally.”

Question 2: The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. disapprovingly     B. disappointingly     C. surprisingly     D. worryingly

Đáp án D

Dịch nghĩa: Từ "đáng báo động" trong đoạn 2 có nghĩa gần nhất là __________

A. không tán thành, phản đối

B. chán thật, thật thất vọng

C. một cách ngạc nhiên

D. đáng lo ngại

Question 3: According to the passage, agriculture could ____.

A. make the global warming more serious

B. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises

C. give rise to many ecological disasters

D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature

Đáp án B

Giải thích: - Từ khóa: agriculture. Từ khóa này được tìm thấy đầu tiên ở câu cuối đoạn 3: These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.

Tuy nhiên chúng ta không biết "these" ở đây là gì. Do vậy cần đọc thêm những câu trước đó và chúng ta biết "these" ở đây chính là "global temperature rises

Question 4: Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they ____.

A. are emitted by car engines     B. trap heat from the sun

C. do not add to atmosphere pollution     D. are unusual gases

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Từ khóa: greenhouse gases, the warming up of the Earth - Câu hỏi hỏi lí do khí nhà kính gây ra sự nóng lên của trái đất. Ta cần dựa vào nội dung đoạn 4 để trả lời. Câu cuối cùng có nói:" This leads to the warming up of the planet." và "this" ở đây thay thế cho mệnh đề trước đó "the heat of the sun is trapped".

Question 5: According to the passage, 1997 witnessed ____.

A. the largest number of summits on the subject of climate change

B. the most important summit on climate change taking place in Kyoto, Japan

C. the highest attendance by representatives from 180 industrialised countries

D. widespread concern about climate change

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Từ khóa: 1997. Từ khóa được tìm thấy trong câu 2 đoạn 5: Of these summits, the most important took place in Kyoto in Japan in 1997.

Đọc thêm câu trước đó thì ta biết những summits này là về climate change.

Question 6: It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly responsible for global warming are ____.

A. countries with the warmest climate     B. developing countries

C. developed countries     D. the most industrialized countries

Đáp án D

Giải thích: - Từ khóa: countries, mainly responsible for global warming - Dựa vào câu cuối đoạn 5 để trả lời "There it was agreed that the most industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions." Đây là một câu hỏi đòi hỏi phải có sự suy luận. Dựa vào câu trên ta có thể suy luận được đáp án đúng là D.

Question 7: The word “There” in paragraph 5 refers to ____.

A. the world’s industrialized countries

B. regular summits on climate change

C. the most industrialized countries

D. the 1997 summit in Kyoto, Japan

Đáp án D

Muốn biết "there" thay thế cho cái gì chúng ta phải đọc câu trước đó. There là từ chỉ nơi chốn nên ta cần chú ý đến các từ/cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn.

Question 8: Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that may cause the so-called greenhouse effect.

B. The so-called sinks created by forests can absorb greenhouse gases.

C. The problem of rapid climate change has been caused mainly by deforestation

D. Politicians are among those who are concerned about climate change

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Nội dung câu A được đề cập đến trong câu 1 đoạn 6.

Nội dung câu B được đề cập đến trong câu 1 đoạn 5.

Nội dung câu D được đề cập đến trong câu 2 đoạn 4.

Nội dung câu C không đúng với bài : At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. → hiện tượng phá rừng chỉ là một trong những nguyên nhân chứ không phải nguyên nhân chủ yếu.

Exercise 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Many flowering plants woo insect pollinators and gently direct them to their most fertile blossoms by changing the color of individual flowers from day to day. Through color cues, the plant signals to the insect that it would be better off visiting one flower on its bush than another. The particular hue tells the pollinator that the flower is full of far more pollen than are neighboring blooms. That nectar-rich flower also happens to be fertile and ready to disperse its pollen or to receive pollen the insect has picked up from another flower. Plants do not have to spend precious resources maintaining reservoirs of nectar in all their flowers. Thus, the color-coded communication system benefits both plants and insects.

   For example, on the lantana plant, a flower starts out on the first day as yellow, when it is rich with pollen and nectar. Influenced by an as-yet-unidentified environmental signal, the flower changes color by triggering the production of the pigment anthromyacin. It turns orange on the second day and red on the third. By the third day, it has no pollen to offer insects and is no longer fertile. On any given lantana bush, only 10 to 15 per cent of the blossoms are likely to be yellow and fertile. But in tests measuring the responsiveness of butterflies, it was discovered that the insects visited the yellow flowers at least 100 times more than would be expected from haphazard visitation. Experiments with paper flowers and painted flowers demonstrated that the butterflies were responding to color cues rather than, say, the scent of the nectar.

   In other types of plants, blossoms change from white to red, others from yellow to red, and so on. These color changes have been observed in some 74 families of plants.

Question 1: The first paragraph of the passage implies that insects benefit from the color-coded communication system because __________

A. they can gather pollen efficiently.

B. the colors hide them from predators.

C. the bright colors attract fertile females

D. other insect species can not understand the code.

Đáp án A

Thông tin ở những câu của đoạn 1:

Through color cues, the plant signals to the insect that it would be better off visiting one flower on its bush than another.

That nectar-rich flower also happens to be fertile and ready to disperse its pollen or to receive pollen the insect has picked up from another flower.

Question 2: The word “woo” is closest in meaning to __________

A. frighten     B. trap     C. deceive     D. attract

Đáp án D

Woo ∼ attract: thu hút

Many flowering plants woo insect pollinators and gently direct them to their most fertile blossoms by changing the color of individual flowers from day to day.

[Nhiều cây hoa thu hút côn trùng thụ phấn và nhẹ nhàng dẫn chúng tới những bông hoa màu mỡ nhất của mình bằng cách thay đổi màu sắc của hoa từ ngày này sang ngày khác.]

Question 3: The word “it” refers to __________

A. a plant     B. a blossom     C. an insect     D. a signal

Đáp án C

“it” thay thế cho an insect trong vế phía trước:

Through color cues, the plant signals to the insect that it would be better off visiting one flower on its bush than another.

Question 4: Which of the following describes the sequence of color changes that lantana blossom undergo?

A. Red to purple     B. Yellow to orange to red

C. Red to yellow to white     D. White to red

Đáp án B

Thông tin ở đoạn 2 của bài:

For example, on the lantana plant, a flower starts out on the first day as yellow, when it is rich with pollen and nectar. Influenced by an as-yet-unidentified environmental signal, the flower changes color by triggering the production of the pigment anthromyacin. It turns orange on the second day and red on the third.

⇒ Ngày đầu tiên màu vàng, ngày thứ 2 màu cam, ngày thứ 3 màu đỏ

Question 5: The word “triggering” is closest in meaning to __________

A. maintaining     B. renewing     C. activating     D. limiting

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Triggering ∼ activating: kích hoạt, gây ra

Question 6: The passage implies that insects would be most attracted to lantana blossoms __________

A. on the first day that they bloom     B. after they produce anthromyacin

C. when they turn orange     D. on the third day that they bloom

Đáp án A

Thông tin ở đoạn 2: it was discovered that the insects visited the yellow flowers at least 100 times more than would be expected from haphazard visitation. (côn trùng bị thu hút bởi những bông hoa vàng hơn ít nhất 100 lần) - For example, on the lantana plant, a flower starts out on the first day as yellow ( hoa lantana màu vàng trong ngày đầu tiên nở)

⇒ Côn trùng bị thu hút nhất đối với hoa lantana trong ngày đầu tiên mà chúng nở

Question 7: The word “haphazard” is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A. Fortunate     B. Expected     C. Dangerous     D. Random

Đáp án D

Haphazard ∼ random: lộn xộn, ngẫu nhiên

Exercise 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to a substance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contact with the substance. After a varying interval of time, usually longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it, and an allergy has begun to develop. Sometimes it's hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Your symptoms could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, joint pains mimicking arthritis, headaches, irritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges, and tomatoes. Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate. Common foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, many Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels!). Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin. Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes. This is the diet made popular by Benjamin Feingold, who has written the book “Why your Child is Hyperactive”. Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective.

Question 1: The topic of this passage is ___________.

A. infants and allergies     B. food and nutrition

C. reactions to foods     D. a good diet

Đáp án C

Chủ đề của bài viết là: những phản ứng với thức ăn. Đọc bài,sẽ dễ dàng thấy những supporting idea cho topic này.

Question 2: According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to ___________.

A. the vast number of different foods we eat

B. lack of a proper treatment plan

C. the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems

D. the use of prepared formula to feed babies

Đáp án C

Thông tin ở 2 câu trong bài: Sometimes it's hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Your symptoms could be caused by many other problems.

[Đôi khi thật khó để tìm ra nếu bạn bị dị ứng thực phẩm, vì nó có thể biểu hiện lên rất nhiều cách khác nhau. triệu chứng của bạn có thể bị gây ra bởi nhiều vấn đề khác.]

Question 3: The word "symptoms" is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. prescriptions     B. diet     C. diagnosis     D. indications

Đáp án D

symptoms = indications : dấu hiệu, biểu hiện, triệu chứng

Question 4: What can be inferred about babies from this passage?

A. They can eat almost anything.

B. They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants.

C. They gain little benefit from being breast fed.

D. They may become hyperactive if fed solid food too early.

Đáp án B

Thông tin ở câu cuối: Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets.

[Những trẻ quá hiếu động có thể được hưởng lợi từ việc loại bỏ các chất phụ gia thực phẩm, đặc biệt là chất tạo màu, và các thực phẩm giàu salicylate từ chế độ ăn uống của chúng.]

⇒ They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants. Chúng nên có một chế độ ăn uống hạn chế một cách cẩn thận như trẻ sơ sinh.

Question 5: The author states that the reason that infants need to avoid certain foods related to allergies has to do with the infant's ___________ .

A. lack of teeth     B. poor metabolism

C. inability to swallow solid foods     D. underdeveloped intestinal tract

Đáp án B

Thông tin ở câu: Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months.

[Nhiều loại dị ứng sẽ không phát triển nếu những thực phẩm này không được làm thức ăn cho trẻ sơ sinh cho đến khi ruột của chúng trưởng thành vào khoảng bảy tháng.]

Question 6: The word "these" refers to ___________.

A. food additives     B. food colorings

C. innutritious foods     D. foods high in salicylates

Đáp án D

Từ these ở đây được thay thế cho foods high in salicylates: Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes.

Question 7: Which of the following was a suggested treatment for migraines in the passage?

A. Using Vitamin B in addition to a good diet     B. Avoiding all Oriental foods

C. Getting plenty of sodium nitrate     D. Eating more ripe bananas

Đáp án A

Thông tin ở câu: Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin

Question 8: According to the article the Feingold diet is NOT ___________.

A. available in book form

B. verified by researchers as being consistently effective

C. beneficial for hyperactive children

D. designed to eliminate foods containing certain food additives

Đáp án B

Thông tin ở câu cuối cùng của bài: Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective.

[ Các nhà nghiên cứu khác đã có kết quả hỗn hợp khi kiểm tra chế độ ăn có hiệu quả hay không.]

Exercise 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Fungi are a group of organisms that, despite being plants, have no leaves or flowers. In fact, fungi do not even share the green colour that most other plants display. Scientists estimate that there are over 1.5 million different species of fungi in the world. Though, to date, only 100.000 have been identified, leaving many more that have not been found. One interesting feature of fungi is that they often interact with oilier organisms in order to survive. These relationships are at times beneficial to both organisms. Other times, the fungus benefits without causing harm to the other organism.

   Many types of fungus have beneficial relationships with plants. Initially many gardeners would be concerned to know that their plants were colonised by a fungus. This is because some fungi can cause plants to die. In fact, the Irish potato famine was caused by a fungus that killed entire crops of potatoes. However, many plants actually depend on certain types of fungi to help it stay healthy. Fungi are important to plants because they help plants absorb more minerals from the soil than they could on their own. The reason for this has to do with how fungi obtain food. Unlike green plants, fungi cannot make their own food. They must absorb their food. When the fungi absorb minerals from the soil, they draw the nutrients closer to the roots of the plants, so the plant is able to use them as well. The fungus also benefits from this relationship. Using the minerals from the soil, as well as sunlight, the plants is able to produce sugars and other nutrients. Then the fungus absorbs the nutrients from plant roots and uses them to survive.

   Not all relationships are beneficial for both organisms: in some interactions, only the fungus benefits. Still, for some fungus species, contact with other organisms is essential. And though the fungi do not provide any benefits for the other organism, they do not harm it either. One example of this is a species called Pilobolus. This fungus relies on other animals to help it reproduce. The Pilobolus grows in animal dung. When it becomes mature, it shoots its spores away from the dung pile. The spores land in the grass where cows graze. The spores are consumed by the animal but do not grow while inside the stomach. They travel through the body of the animal until they are passed and deposited in another area, where they continue to grow.

Question 1: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that___________

A. Many species of fungi have yet to be discovered

B. Fungi do harm to the organism they interact with

C. Fungi can have green or dull brown colors

D. There are 100,000 species of fungi left no identity

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Thông tin “Though, to date, only 100.000 have been identified, leaving many more that have not been found”: Tuy nhiên, để xác định, chỉ có 100,000 loại được xác định danh tính, để lại nhiều loại vẫn chưa được xác định ⇒ Có nhiều loại nấm vẫn chưa được xác định ⇒ D sai, A đúng

Question 2: The word "absorb" in the passage 2 is closest in meaning to_________.

A. consume     B. get in     C. deprive     D. take in

Đáp án D

Giải thích: absorb = take in (v): hấp thụ, sử dụng

Question 3: According to paragraph 2, which of the following is not true about fungus growing on or near plants?

A. It can help maintain in the plant’s health     B. It neither benefits nor harms the plant.

C. It is sometimes dangerous for plants.     D. It grows near the roots of the plant.

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu: “This is because some fungi can cause plants to die. In fact, the Irish potato famine was caused by a fungus that killed entire crops of potatoes. However, many plants actually depend on certain types of fungi to help it stay healthy”: Đó là bởi vì một số loài nấm có thể khiến thực vật bị chất. Thực tế, nạn khan hiếm khoai tây ở Ireland diễn ra bởi vì một loại nấm giết toàn bộ vụ mùa khoai tây. Tuy nhiên, nhiều loại thực vật thực sự phụ thuộc vào một số loại nấm nhất định để phát triển khỏe mạnh

Question 4: The word "them" in the passage 2 refers to_________.

A. minerals     B. plant roots     C. fungi     D. nutrients

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Đọc cả câu chức them để biết được nó chỉ từ gì: “Then the fungus absorbs the nutrients from plant roots and uses them to survive”: Sau đó nấm hấp thụ chất dinh dưỡng từ rễ cây và sử dụng chúng để sống sót ⇒ chúng = dinh dưỡng

Question 5: The author discusses cows and horses in paragraph 3 in order to_________

A. illustrate how fungus can be harmful     B. explain how a type of fungus reproduces

C. give examples of animals that eat fungu     D. show that fungus can be found anywhere

Đáp án B

Thông tin có trong đoạn: “One example of this is a species called Pilobolus. This fungus relies on other animals to help it reproduce”: Một ví dụ của nó là một loài Pilobolus. Loại nấm này phụ thuộc vào động vật khác để giúp nó sinh sôi

Ở dưới tác giả đã lấy cow là một ví dụ cho những loài động vật để giúp nấm sinh sôi:

⇒ Bò và ngựa là những loài động vật giúp cho một loại nấm sinh sôi

Question 6: According to the passage 3, Pilobolus fungus___________

A. doesn’t benefit from its relationship with animals

B. needs other organisms in order to reproduce

C. matures inside the stomachs of cows and horses

D. causes horses and cows to become ill

Đáp án B

Thông tin có trong đoạn: “One example of this is a species called Pilobolus. This fungus relies on other animals to help it reproduce”: Một ví dụ của nó là một loài Pilobolus. Loại nấm này phụ thuộc vào động vật khác để giúp nó sinh sôi ⇒ Pilobolus cần loài sinh vật khác để sinh sôi

Question 7: The word "graze" in the passage is closest in meaning to_________.

A. eat     B. live     C. view     D. grow

Đáp án A

Giải thích: graze (v): ăn cỏ

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