350 câu trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (cơ bản - Phần 1)

350 câu trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh có đáp án cực hay (cơ bản - Phần 1)

Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Quảng cáo

   William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), who wrote under the pseudonym of O. Henry, was born in North Carolina. His only formal education was to attend his Aunt Lina’s school until the age of fifteen, where he developed his lifelong love of books. By 1881 he was a licensed pharmacist. However, within a year, on the recommendation of a medical colleague of his Father’s, Porter moved to La Salle County in Texas for two years herding sheep. During this time, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary was his constant companion, and Porter gained a knowledge of ranch life that he later incorporated into many of his short stories. He then moved to Austin for three years, and during this time the first recorded use of his pseudonym appeared, allegedly derived from his habit of calling “Oh, Henry” to a family cat. In 1887, Porter married Athol Estes. He worked as a draftsman, then as a bank teller for the First National Bank.

   In 1894 Porter founded his own humor weekly, the “Rolling Stone”, a venture that failed within a year, and later wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post. In the meantime, the First National Bank was examined, and the subsequent indictment of 1886 stated that Porter had embezzled funds. Porter then fled to New Orleans, and later to Honduras, leaving his wife and child in Austin. He returned in 1897 because of his wife’s continued ill-health, however she died six months later. Then, in 1898 Porter was found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment in Ohio. At the age of thirty five, he entered prison as a defeated man; he had lost his job, his home, his wife, and finally his freedom. He emerged from prison three years later, reborn as O. Henry, the pseudonym he now used to hide his true identity. He wrote at least twelve stories in jail, and after re-gaining his freedom, went to New York City, where he published more than 300 stories and gained fame as America’s favorite short Story writer. Porter married again in 1907, but after months of poor health, he died in New York City at the age of forty-eight in 1910. O. Henry’s stories have been translated all over the world.

Question 1: According to the passage, Porter’s Father was ___________.

A. the person who gave him a life-long love of books

B. a medical doctor

C. a licensed pharmacist

D. responsible for his move to La Salle County in Texas

Quảng cáo

Đáp án B

Theo đoạn văn, Cha của Porter là.

A. người đã cho anh ta một tình yêu suốt đời với sách

B. một bác sĩ y khoa

C. một dược sĩ có giấy phép

D. có trách nhiệm việc ông ấy chuyển đến La Salle County ở Texas

Thông tin: However, within a year, on the recommendation of a medical colleague of his Father’s, Porter moved to La Salle County in Texas for two years herding sheep.

Question 2: Why did the author write the passage?

A. to outline the career of a famous American

B. because of his fame as America’s favorite short story writer

C. because it is a tragic story of a gifted writer

D. to outline the influences on O. Henry’s writing

Đáp án A

Tạm dịch: Tại sao tác giả viết đoạn văn này?

A. để phác thảo sự nghiệp của một người Mỹ nổi tiếng

B. bởi vì danh tiếng của ông như là tác giả truyện ngắn yêu thích của Mỹ

C. bởi vì đó là một câu chuyện bi thảm của một nhà văn tài năng

D. để phác hoạ các ảnh hưởng trong lối viết của O. Henry

Giải thích: Đoạn văn nêu lên các mốc thời gian trong sự nghiệp của O.Henry

Question 3: The word “imprisonment” in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to _________.

A. captivity        B. escape       C. insult       D. punishment

Đáp án A

imprisonment (n): tống giam, tù giam

captivity (n): giam giữ

escape (n): bỏ trốn

insult (n): xúc phạm

punishment (n): hình phạt

Question 4: What is the passage primarily about?

A. The life and career of William Sydney Porter.

B. The way to adopt a nickname.

C. O.Henry’s influence on American literature.

D. The adventures of O.Henry.

Đáp án A

Tạm dịch: Đoạn văn chủ yếu là gì?

A. Cuộc sống và sự nghiệp của William Sydney Porter.

B. Cách nghĩ ra bút danh.

C. Ảnh hưởng của O.Henry đối với văn học Mỹ.

D. Những cuộc phiêu lưu của O.Henry.

Giải thích: Đoạn văn nêu lên các mốc thời gian trong cuộc đời và sự nghiệp của William Sydney Porter.

Question 5: The author implies which of the following is true?

A. Porter’s wife might have lived longer if he had not left her in Austin when he fled.

B. Porter was in poor health throughout his life.

C. O. Henry is as popular in many other countries as he is in America.

D. Porter would probably have written less stories if he had not been in prison for three years.

Quảng cáo

Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Tác giả ám chỉ điều nào sau đây là đúng?

A. Vợ của Porter có thể đã sống lâu hơn nếu anh ta không bỏ cô ở Austin khi anh ta chạy trốn.

B. Porter có sức khoẻ yếu trong suốt cuộc đời.

C. O. Henry cũng phổ biến ở nhiều nước khác như ông ở Mỹ.

D. Porter lẽ ra đã viết ít truyện hơn nếu ông ta không bị giam trong ba năm.

Thông tin : O. Henry’s stories have been translated all over the world.

Question 6: Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

A. Porter left school at 15 to become a pharmacist

B. Porter wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post called “Rolling Stone”

C. The first recorded use of his pseudonym was in Austin

D. Both of Porter’s wives died before he died

Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Điều nào sau đây theo đoạn văn là đúng?

A. Porter rời trường học lúc 15 tuổi để trở thành dược sĩ

B. Porter đã viết một cột báo cho tờ Houston Daily Post gọi là "Rolling Stone"

C. Việc sử dụng bút danh đầu tiên của ông là ở Austin

D. Cả hai vợ của Porter chết trước khi chết

Thông tin: He then moved to Austin for three years, and during this time the first recorded use of his pseudonym appeared, allegedly derived from his habit of calling “Oh, Henry” to a family cat. In 1887, Porter married Athol Estes.

Question 7: The word “pseudonym” in the passage refers to ___________.

A. William Sydney Porter        B. O. Henry

C. Athol Estes        D. the Aunt Lina

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Từ “pseudonym” (bút danh) trong đoạn văn đề cập tới.

Thông tin: William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), who wrote under the pseudonym of O. Henry, was born in North Carolina.

Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be a trained programmer to work online. Of course, there are plenty of jobs available for people with high-tech computer skills, but the growth of new media has opened up a wide range of Internet career opportunities requiring only a minimal level of technical expertise. Probably one of the most well-known online job opportunities is the job of Webmaster. However, it is hard to define one basic job description for this position. The qualifications and responsibilities depend on what tasks a particular organization needs a Webmaster to perform.

      To specify the job description of a Webmaster, one needs to identify the hardware and software the website the Webmaster will manage is running on. Different types of hardware and software require different skill sets to manage them. Another key factor is whether the website will be running internally or externally (renting shared space on the company servers). Finally, the responsibilities of a webmaster also depend on whether he or she will be working independently, or whether the firm will provide people to help. All of these factors need to be considered before one can create an accurate webmaster job description.

      Webmaster is one type of Internet career requiring in-depth knowledge of the latest computer applications. However, there are also online jobs available for which traditional skills remain in high demand. Content jobs require excellent writing skills and a good sense of the web as a “new media”.

      The term “new media” is difficult to define because it compasses a constantly growing set of new technologies and skills. Specifically, it includes websites, email, internet technology, CD-ROM, DVD, streaming audio and video, interactive multimedia presentations, e-books, digital music, computer illustration, video games, virtual reality, and computer artistry.

      Additionally, many of today’s Internet careers are becoming paid-by-the-job professions. With many companies having to downsize in tough economic items, the outsourcing and contracting of freelance workers online has become common business practice. The Internet provides an infinite pool of buyers from around the world with whom freelancers can contract their services. An added benefit to such online jobs is that freelancers are able to work on projects with companies outside their own country.

      How much can a person make in these kinds of careers? As with many questions related to today’s evolving technology, there is no simple answer. There are many companies willing to pay people with Internet skills salaries well over $70,000 a year. Generally, webmasters start at about $30,000 per year, but salaries can vary greatly. Freelance writers working online have been known to make between $40,000 to $70,000 a year.

Quảng cáo

Question 1: Which of the followings is true about the job of the freelance writers?

A. They may work with others in the company.

B. It is considered a “content” job.

C. They manage hardware and software.

D. They require in-depth knowledge of applications.

Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Điều nào sau đây là đúng về công việc của các nhà văn tự do?

A. Họ có thể làm việc với những người khác trong công ty.

B. Nó được coi là một công việc "nội dung".

C. Họ quản lý phần cứng và phần mềm.

D. Họ yêu cầu kiến thức chuyên sâu về các ứng dụng.

Thông tin: Content jobs require excellent writing skills and a good sense of the web as a “new media”.

Question 2: The word “vary” in paragraph 6 can be best replaced by ___________.

A. decrease        B. change        C. differ        D. increase

Đáp án C

Giải thích: vary (v): khác nhau

decrease (v): giảm bớt        change (v): thay đổi

differ (v): khác nhau        increase (v): tăng

Question 3: It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.

A. only skilled workers make good money

B. online workers can work full-time online.

C. it is easy to become a webmaster

D. workers with limited computer skills can not work online.

Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Có thể suy luận từ đoạn văn là.

A. chỉ có nhân viên lành nghề kiếm được tiền

B. nhân viên trực tuyến có thể làm việc trực tuyến toàn thời gian.

C. rất dễ dàng để trở thành một quản trị trang web

D. nhân viên có kỹ năng máy tính hạn chế không thể làm việc trực tuyến.

Thông tin: An added benefit to such online jobs is that freelancers are able to work on projects with companies outside their own country.

Question 4: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of webmasters?

A. They never work independently.

B. The duties they perform depend on the organization they work for.

C. They require a minimal level of expertise.

D. They do not support software products.

Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Theo đoạn văn, điều sau đây là TRUE của quản trị web?

A. Họ không bao giờ làm việc độc lập.

B. Các nhiệm vụ mà họ thực hiện phụ thuộc vào tổ chức họ làm việc.

C. Họ đòi hỏi một mức độ chuyên môn tối thiểu.

D. Họ không hỗ trợ các sản phẩm phần mềm.

Thông tin: Of course, there are plenty of jobs available for people with high-tech computer skills, but the growth of new media has opened up a wide range of Internet career opportunities requiring only a minimal level of technical expertise. Probably one of the most well-known online job opportunities is the job of Webmaster.

Question 5: What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To inform people about the tasks and the roles of a webmaster.

B. To inform people about employment related to the Internet.

C. To inform people about the computer industry.

D. To explain why webmasters make a lot of money.

Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Mục đích của đoạn văn là gì?

A. Thông báo cho mọi người về các nhiệm vụ và vai trò của một quản trị trang web.

B. Để thông báo cho mọi người biết về việc làm liên quan đến Internet.

C. Thông báo cho mọi người về ngành công nghiệp máy tính.

D. Để giải thích tại sao các quản trị web làm được nhiều tiền.

Thông tin: Từ nội dung chính của bài nói về nghề webmaste, freelance workers,....

Question 6: According to the passage, all of the followings are TRUE except ___________.

A. Webmasters must have knowledge of the latest computer applications.

B. Online workers can not free themselves from the office.

C. “New media” is not easy to define.

D. There are online jobs available for workers with minimal computer skills.

Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Theo đoạn văn, tất cả những điều sau đây là ĐÚNG, ngoại trừ _ .

A. Webmaster cần phải có kiến thức về các ứng dụng máy tính mới nhất.

B. Nhân viên trực tuyến không thể ra khỏi văn phòng.

C. "Phương tiện truyền thông mới " không phải là dễ dàng để định nghĩa.

D. Có những công việc trực tuyến dành cho người lao động có kỹ năng máy tính tối thiểu.

Thông tin: An added benefit to such online jobs is that freelancers are able to work on projects with companies outside their own country.

Question 7: Which of the followings is not mentioned as part of the “new media”?

A. Internet technology        B. writing skills        C. websites        D. video games

Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Những điều sau đây không được đề cập như là một phần của " new media "?

Thông tin: Specifically, it includes websites, email, internet technology, CD-ROM, DVD, streaming audio and video, interactive multimedia presentations, e-books, digital music, computer illustration, video games, virtual reality, and computer artistry

Question 8: The word “identify” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___________.

A. name        B. discover        C. encounter        D. estimate

Đáp án A

Giải thích: identify (v): nhận biết

name (v): định rõ        discover (v): khám phá

encounter (v): đối mặt        estimate (v): ước tính

Thông tin: To specify the job description of a Webmaster, one needs to identify the hardware and software the website the Webmaster will manage is running on.

Exercise 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

      Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helped to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this was to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American Indians produced pemmican (dried meat ground into powder and made into cakes), the Scandinavians made stockfish and the Arabs dried dates and apricots.

      All foods contain water - cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish anything from 80% to 60% depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of the bacteria which cause food to go bad is checked.

      Fruit is sun-dried in Asia Minor, Greece, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, and also in California, South Africa and Australia. The methods used vary, but in general the fruit is spread out on trays in drying yards in the hot sun. In order to prevent darkening, pears, peaches and apricots are exposed to the fumes of burning sulphur before drying. Plums for making prunes, and certain varieties of grapes for making raisins and currants, are dipped in an alkaline solution in order to crack the skins of the fruit slightly and remove their wax coating, so increasing the rate of drying.

      Nowadays most foods are dried mechanically; the conventional method of such dehydration is to put food in chambers through which hot air is blown at temperatures of about 110oC at entry to about 45oC at exit. This is the usual method for drying such things as vegetables, minced meat, and fish.

      Liquids such as milk, coffee, tea, soups and eggs may be dried by pouring them over a heated horizontal steel cylinder or by spraying them into a chamber through which a current of hot air passes. In the first case, the dried material is scraped off the roller as a thin film which is then broken up into small, though still relatively coarse flakes. In the second process it falls to the bottom of the chamber as a fine powder. Where recognizable pieces of meat and vegetables are required, as in soup, the ingredients are dried separately and then mixed.

      Dried foods take up less room and weigh less than the same food packed in cans or frozen, and they do not need to be stored in special conditions. For these reasons they are invaluable to climbers, explorers and soldiers in battle, who have little storage space. They are also popular with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them.

Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Advantages of dried foods.        B. Water: the main component of food.

C. Mechanization of drying foods.        D. Different methods of drying foods.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Câu hỏi này thường ở đầu của bài đọc, nhưng ta nên để làm cuối cùng, vì sau khi làm các câu khác, ta sẽ biết ngay bài nói về vấn đề gì (các cách khác nhau để sấy thực phẩm)

Question 2: The phrase “do this” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.

A. expose foods to sun and wind        B. remove moisture from foods

C. produce pemmican        D. moisten foods

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Đọc vế trước: “Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helped to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this was to expose the food to sun and wind.”

Question 3: The word “checked” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. reduced considerably        B. put a tick

C. examined carefully        D. motivated to develop

Đáp án A

Giải thich: reduced considerably (giảm một cách đáng kể). “Checked”: đã vượt qua khâu kiểm tra, tức là hàm ý đến hành động trước đó đã thực hiện.

Question 4: In the process of drying certain kinds of fruits, sulphur fumes help ______.

A. remove their wax coating        B. kill off bacteria

C. maintain their color        D. crack their skin

Đáp án C

Giải thích: "In order to prevent darkening, pears, peaches and apricots are exposed to the fumes of burning sulphur before drying."

Question 5: Nowadays the common method for drying vegetables and minced meat is ______.

A. spreading them out on trays in drying yards

B. dipping them in an alkaline solution

C. putting them in chambers and blowing hot air through

D. pouring them over a heated horizontal steel cylinder

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Dẫn chứng " the conventional method of such dehydration is to put food in chambers through which hot air is blown at temperatures of about 110oC at entry to about 45oC at exit. "

Question 6: What does the word “which” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A. Vegetables        B. Foods        C. Things        D. Chambers

Đáp án D

Giải thích: bỏ food vào chambers, thông qua cái chambers này, không khí nóng dc thổi

Question 7: The final product of the process of drying liquids that uses the first method will be ______.

A. small flakes        B. fine powder        C. dried soup        D. recognizable pieces

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Dẫn chứng "In the first case, the dried material is scraped off the roller as a thin film which is then broken up into small, though still relatively coarse flakes. "

Question 8: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Liquids are not dried in the same way as fruits and vegetables.

B. Dried foods have several advantages over canned or frozen foods.

C. Fruit is usually dried by being laid out on trays in the sun.

D. People in India began to use drying methods centuries ago.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Câu hỏi này ta dùng đáp án loại (A, B, C đều được đề cập đến trong bài).

Exercise 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   As viewed from space, Earth’s distinguishing characteristics are its blue waters and white clouds. Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the planet is the only one in our solar system known to harbor life. Circling the Sun at an average distance of 149 million kilometers (93 million miles), Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system.

   Our planet’s rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field which, coupled the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from meteors as well, most of which burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere before they can strike the surface. The planet active geological processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it formed about 4.6 billion years ago. The Earth has a single natural satellite – the moon.

Question 1: Approximately how much of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen?

A. One-fourth     B. One-half     C. Three-fourths     D. All of it

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Clue nằm ở dòng thứ 2 của passage: “Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.”

Question 2: Which of the following helps to create the Earth’s magnetic fields?

A. Its blue waters     B. Its nitrogen atmosphere

C. Its molten metal core     D. The moon

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Clue nằm ở câu đầu của đoạn 2: “Our planet’s rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field.”

Question 3: What two factors help protect the Earth from radiation?

A. Magnetic field and atmosphere     B. Blue waters and white clouds

C. Rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core     D. The Sun and the Moon

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Clue nằm ở câu đầu đoạn 2 “…… give rise to an extensive magnetic field which, coupled the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation …”

Question 4: The word consisting most nearly means ________.

A. hardening     B. withholding     C. containing     D. shortening

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Consist = contain (v) chứa, bao gồm

Question 5: The main idea of this passage is that ________.

A. Earth is predominantly water.

B. There are life-supporting characteristics on Eart

C. Earth is the only planet with a moon

D. Earth has no common characteristics with other planets

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Câu này chúng ta nên để làm cuối cùng sau khi giải quyết hết các câu hỏi còn lại để có cái nhìn tổng quát về toàn bài mà chọn đáp án nhé.

Question 6: The word distinguishing as it is used in this selection means ________.

A. elevating in nature

B. characteristics like all other planets

C. devastating in nature

D. characteristics that set it apart from other planets

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Câu này ta chỉ cần hiểu nghĩa của distinguish (phân biệt) là làm được rồi.

Question 7: It’s probable that the next paragraph would discuss ________.

A. people on planets     B. the solar system as a whole

C. rings around Saturn     D. the Earth’s natural satellite – the moon

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Ta thấy câu cuối của passage là “The Earth has a single natural satellite – the moon.” nên chọn D.

Exercise 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants. President and Mrs.John Adams, who moved in on November 1, 1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet complete, and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase was incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor, and the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east and west ends.

   When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President Madison was forced to leave.All the remained after the fire was the exterior walls, the interior was completely destroyed. It was not until December of 1817 that the following president, James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence. Since then, the White House has continued to be modified but has been continuously occupied by each succeeding U.S president.

Question 1: Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this text?

A. George Washington’s life in the White House.

B. The Early History of the White House.

C. The burning of the White House.

D. Presidential Policies of Early U.S.Presidents.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Câu này chúng ta nên để làm cuối cùng sau khi giải quyết hết các câu hỏi còn lại để có cái nhìn tổng quát về toàn bài mà chọn đáp án nhé.

Question 2: Why did George Washington not live in the White House?

A. It had been burned by the British.

B. He did not like the architectural features.

C. He did not want to suffer the inconveniences that the Adamses had suffered.

D. Construction had not yet been completed.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Clue ở câu đầu tiên “The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in time for George Washington to live in it.”

Question 3: The word “inhabitants” in line 2 is closest meaning to:

A. modifications     B. moves     C. celebrations     D. residents

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Inhabitants = residents (n) các cư dân

Question 4: It can be inferred from the passage that John Adams was:

A. the first president of the United States.

B. the second president of the United States.

C. the third president of the United States.

D. the fourth president of the United States.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Ta thấy hết George Washington là đến John Adams là tổng thống tiếp theo.

Question 5: What of the White House was not yet complete when the Adamses moved in?

A. main staircase     B. laundry yard    C. pool     D. A and B

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Clue nằm ở dòn 4 đến 6 của đoạn 1: ”for example, the main staircase was incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor, and the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to dry”

Question 6: The word “forces” in line 9 could best be replaced by:

A. military     B. effort     C. power     D. energy

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Forces = military (n) lực lượng

Question 7: According to the passage, when James Monroe came to the White House, it had been

A. repressed     B. reconstructed     C. relocated     D. reserved

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Clue nằm ở giữa đoạn 2: “James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence.”

Question 8: The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses:

A. the details of the destruction of the White House by the British

B. James Monroe’s policies as presidents.

C. modifications by presidents who followed.

D. other presidents who were unable to occupy the White House.

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Bài viết này giải quyết về việc những sự thay đổi bởi các tổng thống.

Exercise 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Family life in the United States is changing. Thirty or forty years ago, the wife was called a "housewife". She cleaned, cooked, and cared for the children. The husband earned the money for the family. He was usually out working all day. He came home tired in the evening, so he did not do much housework. And he did not see the children very much, except on weekends.

   These days, however, more and more women work outside the home. They cannot stay with the children all day. They, too, come home tired in the evening. They do not want to spend the evening cooking dinner and cleaning up. They do not have time to clean the house and do the laundry. So who is going to do the housework now? Who is going to take care of the children?

   Many families solve the problem of housework by sharing it. In these families, the husband and wife agree to do different jobs around the house, or they take turns doing each job. For example, the husband always cooks dinner and the wife always does the laundry. Or the wife cooks dinner on some nights and the husband cooks dinner on other nights.

   Then there is a question of the children. In the past, many families got help with child care from grandparents. Now families usually do not live near their relatives. The grandparents often are too far away to help in a regular way. More often, parents have to pay for child care help. The help may be a babysister or a day-care center. The problem with this kind of help is the high cost. It is possible only for couples with jobs that pay well.

   Parents may get another kind of help from the companies they work for. Many companies now let people with children work part-time. That way, parents can spend more time with their children. Some husbands may even stop working for a while to stay with the children. For these men there is a new word: They are called "househusband". In the United States more ans more men are becoming househusband every year.

   These changes in the home mean changes in the family. Fathers can learn to understand their children better, and the children can get to know their fathers better. Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage. They, too, may have a better understanding of each other.

Question 1: These changes in the Amercan home may ______________

A. not happen .     B. not change the children at all.

C. help families.     D. cause problems for a marriage.

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Các em đọc toàn bộ đoạn cuối sẽ chọn được đáp án C.

Question 2: It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that__________.

A. couples with low-paid jobs can’t afford the cost of a babysitter or a day-care center.

B. in the past, grandparents did not help the couples with child care.

C. all couples with jobs can pay for help from a babysitter or a day-care center.

D. grandparents can help care the children in a regular way.

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở câu cuối đoạn 4: “It is possible only for couples with jobs that pay well.”

Question 3: Sixty years ago, most women ____________.

A. had no children.     B. were housewives.

C. went out to work.     D. did not do much housework.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 1: “Thirty or forty years ago, the wife was called a "housewife".

Question 4: Nowadays there are ____________.

A. more and more women staying with the children all day.

B. more work outside the home before.

C. more housewives than before.

D. more women going out to work than before.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đầu đoạn 2: “These days, however, more and more women work outside the home.”

Question 5: This article is about ________.

A. how more American women are working.     B. how family life in America is changing.

C. American men as househusbands.     D. housewives in America.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Câu này chúng ta nên để làm cuối cùng sau khi giải quyết hết các câu hỏi còn lại để có cái nhìn tổng quát về toàn bài mà chọn đáp án nhé.

Question 6: The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to _______________.

A. children who spend more time with fathers than mothers.

B. husbands who stop working to stay with the children.

C. parents who work part-time.

D. fathers who spend more time with their children

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Để làm được những câu hỏi dạng này, các em cần đọc 1-2 câu trước và sau nó. Cụ thể bài này chúng ta đọc những câu sau: “That way, parents can spend more time with their children. Some husbands may even stop working for a while to stay with the children. For these men there is a new word: They are called "househusband".”

Question 7: The word “laundry” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. washing and ironing.     B. tidying up.

C. cooking and washing up.     D. shopping.

Đáp án A

Giải thích: laundry = washing and ironing

Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Martin Luther King, Jf., is well- known for his work in civil rights and for his many famous speeches, among which is his moving “I have a dream” speech. But fewer people know much about King’s childhood.

   M.L, as he was called, was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, at the home of his maternal grandfather. M.L.’s grandfather purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909, twenty years before M.L was born. His grandfather allowed the house to be used as a meeting place for a number of organizations dedicated to the education and social advancement of blacks. M.L. grew up in the atmosphere, with his home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it.

   M.L.’s childhood was not especially eventfully. His father was a minister and his mother was a musician. He was the second of three children, and he attended all black schools in a black neighborhood. The neighborhood was not poor, however. Auburn Avenue was an area of banks, insurance companies, builders, jewelers, tailors, doctors, lawyers, and other businesses and services. Even in the face of Atlanta’s segregation, the district thrived. Dr. King never forgot the community spirit he had known as a child, nor did he forget the racial prejudice that was a huge barrier keeping black Atlantans from mingling with whites.

Question 1: What is the passage mainly about?

A. The prejudice that existed in Atlanta.     B. M.L.’s grandfather

C. Martin Luther King’s childhood.     D. The neighborhood King grew up in

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Câu này chúng ta nên để làm cuối cùng sau khi giải quyết hết các câu hỏi còn lại để có cái nhìn tổng quát về toàn bài mà chọn đáp án nhé.

Question 2: When was M.L. born?

A. in 1909     B. in 1929

C. in 1949     D. 20 years after his parents had met.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Thông tin ở đầu đoạn 2: “M.L, as he was called, was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia….”

Question 3: What is Martin Luthur King well- known for?

A. His publications.     B. His neighborhood.

C. His childhood.     D. His work in civil rights.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 1: “Martin Luther King, Jf., is well- known for his work in civil rights.”

Question 4: According to the author, M.L. _______.

A. had a difficult childhood.     B. was a good musician as a child

C. loved to listen to his grandfather speak.     D. grew up in a relatively rich area of Atlanta.

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Đọc toàn bọ đoạn 2, đặc biệt là câu cuối sẽ ra đáp án D “M.L. grew up in the atmosphere, with his home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it.”

Question 5: Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Auburn was a commercial areas.

B. M.L.’s grandfather built their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909.

C. M. L. grew up in a rich, black neighborhood.

D. M.L.’s childhood was uneventful.

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở dòng 2 đoạn 2: “M.L.’s grandfather purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909 ….”

Question 6: According to the author, blacks in King's neighborhood were involved in all the following businesses and services EXCEPT

A. dentistry     B. medicine     C. law     D. banking

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn cuối “Auburn Avenue was an area of banks, insurance companies, builders, jewelers, tailors, doctors, lawyers, and other businesses and services.”

Question 7: M.L. was _______ by the atmosphere in which he grew up.

A. not affected at all     B. doubted     C. certainly influenced     D. prejudiced

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Thông tin ở câu cuối cùng đoạn 2 “…. with his home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it.”

Exercise 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   For centuries, time was measured by the position of the sun with the use of sundials. Noon was recognized when the sun was the highest in the sky, and cities would set their clock by this apparent solar time, even though some cities would often be on a slightly different time. Daylight Saving Time (DST), sometimes called summer time, was instituted to make better use of daylight. Thus, clocks are set forward one hour in the spring to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening and then set back one hour in the fall to return to normal daylight.

   Benjamin Franklin first conceived the idea of daylight saving during his tenure as an American delegate in Paris in 1984 and wrote about it extensively in his essay, "An Economical Project." It is said that Franklin awoke early one morning and was surprised to see the sunlight at such an hour. Always the economist, Franklin believed the practice of moving the time could save on the use of candlelight, as candles were expensive at the time.

   In England, builder William Willett (1857–1915) became a strong supporter for Daylight Saving Time upon noticing blinds of many houses were closed on an early sunny morning. Willet believed everyone, including himself, would appreciate longer hours of light in the evenings. In 1909, Sir Robert Pearce introduced a bill in the House of Commons to make it obligatory to adjust the clocks. A bill was drafted and introduced into Parliament several times but met with great opposition, mostly from farmers. Eventually, in 1925, it was decided that summer time should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April and close after the first Saturday in October.

   The U.S. Congress passed the Standard Time Act of 1918 to establish standard time and preserve and set Daylight Saving Time across the continent. This act also devised five time zones throughout the United States: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, and Alaska. The first time zone was set on "the mean astronomical time of the seventy-fifth degree of longitude west from Greenwich" (England). In 1919, this act was repealed.

   President Roosevelt established year-round Daylight Saving Time (also called War Time) from 1942–1945. However, after this period, each state adopted its own DST, which proved to be disconcerting to television and radio broadcasting and transportation. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson created the Department of Transportation and signed the Uniform Time Act. As a result, the Department of Transportation was given the responsibility for the time laws. During the oil embargo and energy crisis of the 1970s, President Richard Nixon extended DST through the Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 to conserve energy further. This law was modified in 1986, and Daylight Saving Time was reset to begin on the first Sunday in April (to spring ahead) and end on the last Sunday in October (to fall back).

Question 1: The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to

A. Franklin’s idea of daylight saving    B. Franklin's first conception

C. Franklin’s first official tenure     D. Franklin’s delegation

Đáp án A

Từ "it" trong đoạn 2 đề cập đến

A. ý tưởng của Franklin về tiết kiệm ánh sáng ban ngày

B. sự nhận thức đầu tiên của Franklin

C. nhiệm kỳ chính thức đầu tiên của Franklin

D. phái đoàn của Franklin

“it” đề cập đến “the idea” trước đó: Benjamin Franklin first conceived the idea of daylight saving during his tenure as an American delegate in Paris in 1984 and wrote about it extensively in his essay, "An Economical Project."

Question 2: The word “obligatory” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. imperative     B. approved     C. deficient     D. peculiar

Đáp án A

Từ "obligatory" ở đoạn 3 có ý nghĩa gần nhất với

A. bắt buộc     B. được chấp thuận

C. thiếu hụt     D. kỳ cục

"obligatory" = imperative

Question 3: Who opposed the bill that was introduced in the House of Commons in the early 1900s?

A. Sir Robert Pearce

B. television and radio broadcasting companies

C. farmers

D. the U.S. Congress

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Ai phản đối dự luật được đưa ra trong Hạ viện vào đầu những năm 1900?

Thông tin: A bill was drafted and introduced into Parliament several times but met with great opposition, mostly from farmers.

Question 4: The word “devised” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A. divided     B. invented     C. ordered     D. adapted

Đáp án B

Giải thích: devise = invent (phát minh)

Question 5: Which of the following statements is true of the U.S. Department of Transportation?

A. It was created by President Richard Nixon.

B. It set standards for DST throughout the world.

C. It constructed the Uniform Time Act.

D. It oversees all time laws in the United States.

Đáp án D

Khẳng định nào sau đây là đúng về Sở Giao thông Vận tải Hoa Kỳ?

A. Nó được tạo ra bởi Tổng thống Richard Nixon.

B. Nó thiết lập các tiêu chuẩn cho DST khắp thế giới.

C. Nó xây dựng Đạo luật Thống nhất Thời gian.

D. Nó giám sát tất cả các luật thời gian ở Hoa Kỳ.

Giải thích: Thông tin “As a result, the Department of Transportation was given the responsibility for the time laws.”

Question 6: The Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 was responsible for

A. extending Daylight Saving Time in the interest of energy conservation

B. preserving and setting Daylight Saving Time across the continent

C. instituting five time zones in the United States

D. conserving energy by giving the Department of Transportation authority over time laws

Đáp án A

Đạo luật về Tiết kiệm ánh sáng ban ngày năm 1973 chịu trách nhiệm

A. mở rộng Giờ tiết kiệm ánh sáng vì lợi ích của việc bảo tồn năng lượng

B. bảo quản và thiết lập Giờ tiết kiệm ánh sáng trên lục địa

C. thiết lập năm múi giờ tại Hoa Kỳ

D. bảo tồn năng lượng bằng cách trao cho cơ quan Sở Giao thông Vận tải quản lý luật thời gian

Thông tin: During the oil embargo and energy crisis of the 1970s, President Richard Nixon extended DST through the Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 to conserve energy further.

Question 7: Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Lyndon Johnson and the Uniform Time Act

B. The History and Rationale of Daylight Saving Time

C. The U.S. Department of Transportation and Daylight Saving Time

D. Daylight Saving Time in the United States

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Câu nào sau đây sẽ là tiêu đề tốt nhất cho đoạn văn này?

A. Lyndon Johnson và Đạo Luật về thống nhất thời gian

B. Lịch sử và lý do của Giờ tiết kiệm ánh sáng

C. Bộ Giao thông vận tải Hoa Kỳ và Giờ tiết kiệm ánh sáng

D. Giờ tiết kiệm ánh sáng tại Hoa Kỳ

Exercise 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Animation traditionally is done by hand-drawing or painting successive frame of an object, each slightly different than the proceeding frame. In computer animation, although the computer may be the one to draw the different frames, in most cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the computer will produce the drawings between the first and the last drawing. This is generally referred to as computer-assisted animation, because the computer is more of a helper than an originator.

   In full computer animation, complex mathematical formulas are used to produce the final sequences of pictures. These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that defines the objects in the pictures as they exist in mathematical space. The database consists of endpoints, and color and intensity information. Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that obtains high degrees of realism involves computer techniques from three-dimensional transformation, shading, and curvatures.

   High-tech computer animation for film involves very expensive computer systems along with special color terminals or frame buffers. The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for viewing a single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen.

   A camera can be used to film directly from the computer’s display screen, but for the highest quality images possible, expensive film recorders are used. The computer computers the positions and colors for the figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film. Sometimes, however, the images are stored on a large magnetic disk before being sent to the recorder. Once this process is completed, it is replaced for the next frame. When the entire sequence has been recorded on the film, the film must be developed before the animation can be viewed. If the entire sequence does not seem right, the motions must be corrected, recomputed, redisplayed, and rerecorded. This approach can be very expensive and time – consuming. Often, computer-animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line drawings before selling their computers to the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images.

Question 1: Which of the following statement is supported by the passage?

A. Computers have reduced the costs of animation.

B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed.

C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings.

D. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills.

Đáp án D. Keywords: supported, statement

Câu hỏi: Câu nói được bài văn hỗ trợ?

Phân tích: Bài văn cho thấy việc làm hoạt hình bằng máy tính rất phức tạp đòi hỏi kỹ thuật máy tính tốt. Ngoài ra chuyên môn về nghệ thuật cũng là yếu tố quan trọng mà máy tính không thể thay thế. Vậy chọn đáp án D. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills: Hoạt hình cần có một loạt các kỹ năng kỹ thuật và nghệ thuật. Các đáp án khác không phù hợp.

A. Computers have reduced the costs of animation: Máy tính đã làm giảm chi phí hoạt hình

B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed: Trong tương lai, những họa sỹ truyền thống sẽ không còn cần thiết

C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings: Những họa sỹ không thể sản xuất ra những bức vẽ ở chất lượng cao như máy tính

Question 2: The word “they” in the second paragraph refers to ______.

A. formulas     B. objects     C. numbers     D. database

Đáp án B.

Key words: they, second paragraph

Câu hỏi: Từ “they” ở đoạn thứ hai là chỉ cái gì?

Clue: “These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that defines the objects in the pictures as they exist in mathematical space”: Những công thức này vận hành trên một cơ sở dữ liệu lớn các con số xác định vật trong bức ảnh khi chúng tồn tại trong không gian toán học.

Phân tích: “They” ở đây chính là vật có thể tồn tại được dưới dạng toán học hoặc không. Chỉ có các vật là vừa tồn tại trên bức hình, dưới dạng toán học và hữu hình ngoài đời thực. Vậy chọn đáp án B. objects: vật. Các đáp án khác không phù hợp

A. formulas: công thức    C. numbers: các con số     D. database: cơ sở dữ liệu

Question 3: According to the passage, the frame buffers mentioned in the third paragraph are used to .

A. add color to the images     B. expose several frames at the same time

C. store individual images     D. create new frames

Đáp án C.

Keywords: frame buffers, third paragraph, used to

Câu hỏi: Theo bài văn, các khung hình đệm ở đoạn thứ ba được sử dụng để làm gì?

Clue: The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for viewing a single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen”: Các khung hình đệm chỉ là một bộ nhớ ảnh khổng lồ để xem từng khung hình một.Nó tạm thời chứa những bức ảnh để hiển thị trên màn hình.

Phân tích: Vì được nhắc tới như một bộ nhớ nên khung hình đệm có chứ năng lưu trữ và chỉ lưu trữ để xem từng khung hình. Vậy chọn đáp án C store individual images: lưu trữ những bức ảnh riêng lẻ. Các đáp án khác không phù hợp:

A. add color to the images: thêm màu vào các tấm ảnh: Không có thông tin

B. expose several frames at the same time: mở vài khung ảnh cùng lúc: Sai, khung hình đệm chỉ mở được một khung hình một.

D. create new frames: tạo ra các khung hình mới: Không có thông tin

Question 4: According to the passage, the positions and colors of the figures in high-tech animation are determined by .

A. drawing several versions

B. enlarging one frame at a lime

C. analyzing the sequence from different angles

D. using computer calculations

Đáp án D.

Key words: positions, colors, figures in high-tech animation

Câu hỏi: Theo bài văn, vị trí và màu của nhân vật hoạt hình kỹ thuật cao được quyết định bởi cái gì?

Clue: “The computer computers the positions and colors for the figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film”: Máy tính tính toán vị trí và màu sắc của nhân vật trên bức tranh và gửi thông tin này đến bộ thu để thu lại trên phim.

Phân tích: Vị trí và màu sắc của nhân vật bị điều chỉnh bởi máy tính, nghĩa là do máy tính quyết định. Vậy chọn đáp án D using computer calculations: sử dụng máy tính để tính toán. Các đáp án khác không có thông tin.

Question 5: The word “captures” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. separates     B. registers     C. describes     D. numbers

Đáp án A.

Key words: fourth paragraph, capture

Câu hỏi: Từ “capture” ở đoạn thứ tư gần nghĩa với từ nào nhất?

Clue: Như clue câu 5

Phân tích: “Capture” ở đây là công việc làm gì đó với thông tin từ máy thu để làm thành phim

Question 6: The word “Once” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. before     B. since     C. after     D. while

Đáp án C.

Key words: once, fourth paragraph

Câu hỏi: Từ “once” trong đoạn 4 gần nghĩa nhất với từ nào?

Clue: “Once this process is completed, it is replaced for the next frame”: Ngay khi quá trình này được hoàn thành thì nó sẽ bị thay thế bởi khung hình tiếp theo.

Phân tích: “Once” là ngay khi chuyện gì xảy ra thì chuyện khác sẽ theo đó xảy ra, chọn đáp án C. after: sau đó.

Question 7: According to the passage, how do computer-animation companies often test motion?

A. They experiment with computer-generated line drawings.

B. They hand-draw successive frames.

C. They calculate high-resolutions images.

D. They develop extensive mathematical formulas.

Đáp án A.

Key words: computer-animation companies, test motion

Câu hỏi: Theo đoạn văn, làm thế nào các công ty hoạt hình máy tính kiểm tra chuyển động?

Clue: “Often, computer – animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line drawings before selling their computers…”: Thường thường, các công ty hoạt hình máy tính lúc đầu làm kiểm tra chuyển động với những bản vẽ do máy tính tạo ra trước khi bán máy tính của họ…

Question 8: The word “task” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. possibility     B. position     C. time     D. job

Đáp án A.

Keywords: task, fourth paragraph

Câu hỏi: Từ “task” trong đoạn 4 gần nghĩa nhất với từ nào?

Clue: the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images”: … nhiệm vụ tính toán độ phân giải, những bức ảnh trông giống thật.

Phân tích: Ta thay thế các từ ở các đáp án vào ngữ cảnh thì đáp án A. possibility: khả năng là đáp án thích hợp nhất. Các đáp án khác không phù hợp.

Exercise 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   They call Jamaica the "Island in the sun" and that is my memory of it. Of sunshine, warmth and abundant fruit that was growing everywhere, and of love. There were two sisters ahead of me in the family, and though of course I didn't know it, there was an exciting talk of emigration, possibly to Canada but more usually to England, the land of opportunity. I guess that plans were already being made when I was born, for a year or so later my Dad left for London. Two years after that my mum went as well and my sisters and I were left in the care of my grandmother.

   Emigrating to better yourself was a dream for most Jamaicans, a dream many were determined to fulfill. Families were close and grandmothers were an important part of the family. So, when the mass emigrations began, it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of families left behind.

   Grandmothers are often strict, but usually also spoil you. She ran the family like a military operation: each of us, no matter how young, had our tasks. Every morning, before we went to school, we all had to take a bucket appropriate to our size and run a relay from the communal tap to the barrels until they are full. My sisters had to sweep the yard before they went to school. My grandmother would give orders to the eldest and these were passed down- as I got older I found this particularly annoying! But I can tell you, no one avoided their duties.

   My Dad came over from England to see how we were getting on . He talked to us about the new country, about snow, about the huge city, and we all wanted to know more, to see what it was like. I didn't know it at that time., but he had come to prepare us for the move to England. Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and that she, too, was emigrating.

   London was strange and disappointing. There was no gold on the pavements, as the stories in Jaimaica had indicated. The roads were busy, the buildings were grey and dull, with many tall, high-rise blocks. It was totally unlike Jamaica, the houses all small and packed close together. In my grandmother's house I had a big bedroom, here I had to share.

   Then came the biggest shock: snow. While flakes came out of the sky and Dad smiled, pointed and said: "That's snow!" I rushed outside, looked up and opened my mouth to let the flakes drop in. The snow settled on my tongue and it was so cold that I cried. My toes lost all feeling. As my shoes and socks got wet and frozen, there came an excruciating pain and I cried with the intensity of it. I didn't know what was happening to me.

Question 1: The writer says that when he was very young ________.

A. he was upset because his parents left

B. he was very keen to go to England

C. his parents had decided to leave

D. his parents changed their plans

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Nhà văn nói rằng khi ông còn rất trẻ ________.

A. ông ấy rất buồn vì cha mẹ anh ấy đã bỏ đi

B. ông ấy rất muốn đi Anh

C. cha mẹ ông đã quyết định rời đi

D. cha mẹ của ông đã thay đổi kế hoạch của họ

Thông tin: There were two sisters ahead of me inthe family, and though of course I didn't know it, there was an exciting talk of emigration, possibly to Canada but more usually to England, the land of opportunity.

Question 2: According to the writer, many people from Jamaica at that time ________.

A. wanted to be free from responsibility

B. wanted to improve their standard of living

C. had ambitions that were unrealistic

D. dislike the country they came from

Đáp án D

Giải thích: Nhiều người Jamaica vào thời điểm đó:

A. muốn được tự do khỏi trách nhiệm

B. muốn cải thiện mức sống của họ

C. có tham vọng không thực tế

D. không thích đất nước họ sinh ra

Thông tin: Emigrating to better yourself was a dream for most Jamaicans, a dream many were determined to fulfill.

Question 3: What does "this" in the third paragraph refer t

A. being told what to do by his sisters     B. having to sweep the yard before school

C. having to do duties he found difficult     D. being given orders by his grandmother

Đáp án A

Giải thích: "This" trong đoạn thứ ba là gì?

A. được bảo làm gì bởi các chị em của mình

B. phải quét sân trước khi đi học

C. phải làm nhiệm vụ mà anh thấy khó khăn

D. nhận được lệnh của bà ngoại

Thông tin: My grandmother would give orders to the eldest and these were passed down- as I got older I found this particularly annoying!

Question 4: What happened when the writer's father came?

A. His father didn't tell him why he had come

B. He didn't know how to react to his father

C. His father told him things that were untrue

D. He felt eager about what his father told him

Đáp án A

Giải thích: Điều gì đã xảy ra khi cha của nhà văn đến?

A. Cha ông không nói cho ông biết tại sao ông lại đến

B. Ông ta không biết phản ứng với cha mình như thế nào

C. Cha ông nói với ông những điều không đúng sự thật

D. Ông cảm thấy háo hức về những gì cha ông đã nói với ông

Question 5: When the writer first went to London, he was disappointed because ________.

A. it was smaller than he expected     B. he had been given a false impression of it

C. he had to spend a lot of time on his own     D. his new surroundings frightened him

Đáp án B

Giải thích: Khi nhà văn đầu tiên đến London, ông đã thất vọng vì:

A. nó nhỏ hơn ông mong đợi

B. ông ta đã bị ấn tượng sai về nó

C. ông ta phải dành nhiều thời gian cho riêng mình

D. môi trường xung quanh mới khiến ông sợ hãi

Question 6: The word "excruciating" in the last paragraph means ________.

A. painful     B. rather painful     C. extremely painful     D. painless

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Từ "excruciating" trong đoạn cuối có nghĩa là:

A. đau

B. khá đau đớn

C. vô cùng đau đớn

D. không đau

Question 7: Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. From Sun to Snow     B. A strange childhood

C. Hard times     D. Too many changes

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Điều nào sau đây sẽ là tiêu đề tốt nhất cho đoạn văn này?

A. Từ mặt trời tới tuyết

B. Một thời thơ ấu kì lạ

C. Thời gian khó khăn

D. Quá nhiều thay đổi

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