Bài tập Although, Despite, In spite of, However, Nevertheless lớp 7 có đáp án

Bài tập Although, Despite, In spite of, However, Nevertheless lớp 7 có đáp án

Tài liệu Bài tập Although, Despite, In spite of, However, Nevertheless lớp 7 có đáp án trình bày khái quát lại ngữ pháp, cấu trúc, cách dùng cũng như bài tập có đáp án chi tiết nhằm mục đích giúp học sinh ôn luyện ngữ pháp và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài thi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7.



1. Cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ sự tương tác: in spite of/ despite và although

a. Cụm từ chỉ sự tương phản: in spite of/ despite ( mặc dù/ bất chấp)

- Chúng ta sử dụng cụm từ in spite of hoặc despite trước một danh từ hoặc một cụm danh từ

In spite of/ despite+ N/ cụm danh từ/ V-ing.

Ví dụ:

Despite/ in spite of being so young/ his young age, he performs excellently

( Mặc dù còn rất trẻ nhưng cậu ấy biển diễn rất xuất sắc)

b. Mệnh đề chỉ sự tương phản: though/ although/even though

Chúng ta sử dụng although/ though ( mặc dù) trước một mệnh đề mang nghĩa tương phản đối lập. 

Although/ Though/ Even though+ S+ V ( mệnh đề)

Ví dụ: 

Although the weather was bad, we had a wonderful holiday

( Mặc dù thời tiết xấu, chúng tôi vẫn có một kì nghỉ hết sức tuyệt vời)

Even though I don’t like her, I try my best to help her

( Mặc dù không thích cô ấy, tôi vẫn cố gắng hết sức để giúp đỡ)

2. Từ chỉ sự tương phản: However/ nevertheless ( tuy nhiên)

However/ Nevertheless, S+ V

- However/ Nevertheless đứng ở giữa mệnh đề được ngăn cách với hai mệnh đề bởi dấu “,” và dấu “;” hoặc giữa dấu “.”và “,”


She is young. However, she is very talented

( Cô ấy còn trẻ. Tuy nhiên cô ất rất tài năng)

It rained very hard; nevertheless, I went to school on time

( Trời mưa rất to, tuy nhiên, tôi đi học đúng giờ)

Ngoài ra, để nhất mạnh ý tương phản, đối nghicgh chúng ta có thể sử dụng như một trạng từ bổ sung cho một tính từ hoặc trạng từ khắc

                    However + adj+ S+ be, mệnh đề

                   However + adv+ S+ V, mệnh đề


However cold the weather is, I will go out now.

( Dù thời tiết lạnh thế nào đi nữa, tôi vẫn đi ra ngoài)

However quickly he ran, he didn’t go to school on time

( Dù có chạy nhanh thế nào thì anh ấy vẫn không đến trường đúng giờ)


Ex 1: Complete the sentences, using although, despite/in spite of. Sometimes, two answers are possible.

1.______ the story of the film was good, I didn’t like the acting.

2.I went to see the film ______ feeling really tired.

3.I really enjoyed the Water War______ most of my friends said it wasn’t a very good film.

4.______ careful preparation, they had a lot of difficulties in making the film.

5.______ the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end.



2.despite/ in spite of


4.Despite/In spite of


 Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

1. We adore winter ________ the cold.

A. in spite of

B. although

C. however

2. She went to bed early ________ she didn’t finish her work.

A. despite

B. although

C. however

3. ________ the fact that he is 23 years old, he is so childish.

A. In spite

B. Despite

C. However

4. I go to school by bus every day. ________, I don’t like it much.

A. Despite

B. Although

C. However

5. ________ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work.

A. Despite

B. Although

C. However


The athlete completed the race ________ his pain.

A. despite

B. although

C. nevertheless

7. Jane looks pretty. She, ________, seems to lack personality.

A. despite

B. although

C. nevertheless

8. ________ we have a slim chance to win, we won’t lose hope.

A. Despite

B. Although

C. However

9. ________ of his bad luck, he won the medal.

A. In spite

B. Despite

C. However

10. He is friendly ________ the fact that he’s very famous.

A. despite

B. although

C. however

Đáp án:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with “although/ despite/ in spite of”.

1. ________________ she has a good look, everybody hates her.

2. Jane seldom sees Jim ________________ they go to the same school.

3. ________________ her illness, Jane went to work yesterday.

4. ________________ it was chilly outside, we went fishing.

5. ________________ working hard, Peter failed the test.

6. ________________ the difficulties, Sarah managed to solve the problem.

7. My grandfather was very strong ________________ his old age.

8. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise.

9. ________________ the high salary, Mary refused the job offer.

10. ________________ earning a high salary, Sara never wastes her money.

11. I find the film boring________________ many people like it.

12. ________________the bad weather, we went on our school picnic.

13. ________________the congestion, we weren’t late for the meeting.

14. ________________ he’s rich, he is always upset.

15. I couldn’t sleep________________ I was exhausted.

Ex 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing its meaning.

1. Although there was a traffic jam, he managed to arrive at the train station on time. (despite)


2. I don’t want to buy a new computer although I have enough money. (having)


3. Both of them usually go to school late although they don’t live far away from school. (spite)


4. My brother still went to school yesterday although he was sick. (sickness)


5. Although he looks healthy, he has a weak heart. (looking)


6. Despite the fact that Louis is not so rich, he often does charity. (although)


7. In spite of the awful weather, we enjoyed our party last night. (although)


8. She goes shopping every week although she has many clothes. (having)


Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer.

1. __________ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many differences between them.

A. In spite

B. In spite of

C. Despite the fact that

D. Despite

2. I could not eat _______ I was very hungry.

A. even though

B. in spite

C. despite

D. in spite the fact that

3. Julie passed the exam _______ of working very hard.

A. despite

B. because

C. in spite

D. though

4. In spite _______, the baseball game was not cancelled.

A. the rain

B. of the rain

C. it was raining

D. there was a rain

5. _______ he had enough money, he could buy a new car.

A. Despite

B. In spite of

C. Because of

D. Because

6. _______, he walked to the station.

A. Despite being tired

B. Although to be tired

C. In spite being tired

D. Despite tired

7. The children slept well, despite _______.

A. it was noise

B. the noise

C. of the noise

D. noisy

8. She left him _______ she still loved him.

A. even if

B. even though

C. in spite of

D. despite

9. _______ her lack of hard work, she wasn’t promoted.

A. Because

B. Even though

C. Because of

D. In spite of

10. Our new neighbors are quite nice ______ they are sometimes talkative.

A. despite

B. in spite of the fact

C. thought

D. despite of

11. _____ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.

A. In spite

B. Despite

C. But

D. Although

12. Because _______, we arrived late.

A. of the traffic

B. the traffic

C. the heavy traffic

D. of there was heavy traffic

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. A

Exercise 2. Choose the best answer.

1. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.

A. Despite her sick mother, she stayed at home.

B. Because of her sick mother, she stayed at home.

C. In spite of her sick mother, she stayed at home.

D. A & C are correct.

2. Although he took a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

A. Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi.

B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.

C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

D. Although Bill took a taxi, he can’t come to the concert in time.

3. In spite of his suffering from a bad cold, William went to school.

A. Although William suffers from a bad cold, he went to school.

B. Although William suffered from a bad cold, he went to school.

C. William went to school although he is suffering from a bad cold.

D. William went to school; he suffered from a bad cold although.

4. Despite the fact that it was snowing, I felt warm.

A. In spite of snowing, I felt warm.

B. In spite of feeling warm, it was snowing.

C. Although it was snowing, I felt warm.

D. Although I felt warm, it was snowing.

5. Though he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.

A. Despite he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.

B. In spite of he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.

C. In spite of trying hard, he didn’t succeed.

D. Even though he tried hard, but he didn’t succeed.

Đáp án:

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. C

Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.

1. _________ her illness, she went to school.

A. Because

B. Although

C. In spite of

2. _________ her hungriness/ hunger, she didn’t eat much.

A. Despite

B. In spite

C. Because of

3. _________ the thick fog, the train was late.

A. Because of

B. In spite

C. Although

4. These students didn’t arrive late _________ there was the traffic jam.

A. In spite of

B. because

C. although

5. We couldn’t study _________ it was noisy.

A. because

B. Although

C. because of

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. A

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