Unit 3 lớp 10: Speaking (sách mới) Global Success, Friends Global

Unit 3 lớp 10: Speaking (sách mới) Global Success, Friends Global

Lưu trữ: Giải Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 3 lớp 10: Speaking sách cũ

B. Speaking (Trang 34-35 SGK Tiếng Anh 10)

Task 1. Work in pairs. Decide which of the items below can tell you about somebody's background. (Làm việc theo cặp. Xác định xem chủ đề nào trong các chủ đề dưới đây có thể nói cho em về lai lịch của ai đó.)

Quảng cáo
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Ba chủ đề:

- family: gia đình
- education: học vấn
- experience: kinh nghiệm

And then discuss what questions you can ask when you want to know about somebody's background. (Và sau đó thảo luận những câu hỏi gì em có thể hỏi khi em muốn biết về lai lịch của ai đó.)

Các câu hỏi gợi ý:

- How many people are there in your family?

- What do your parents do?

What're your parents' jobs?

- Where do they work?

- What high school did you go to?

- What subject did you like best?

What was your favourite subject at school?

- What subject did you like least?

- When did you complete your high school education?

- Did you go to university or college?

- What subject did you major in?

- Did you have any difficulties when you were at school?

- What aspect did you find difficult in learning English?

- Can you tell me Ihe know-how you use in your study?

Quảng cáo

Task 2. Imagine you are a journalist. Use the cues below to interview a classmate about her/his background or that of a person he/she knows well. Change the roles when you have finsished. (Tưởng tượng em là một phóng viên. Dùng những từ gợi ý dưới đây để phỏng vấn một bạn cùng lớp về lai lịch của cậu/cô ấy hay lai lịch của một người mà bạn ấy biết rõ. Đổi vai khi các em thực hành xong).

Nam: Hoa, do you know a young or teenage genius our history?

Hoa: Oh, yes. I know the one very well. That's Le Quy Don.

Nam: When and where was he born?

Hoa: He was born in Phu Hieu village, Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province in 1726.

Nam: Was he very intelligent when he was still a little boy?

Hoa: Yes. When he was 5, he could write poems and essays, and read the "Kinh Thi".

Nam: Did he get any degrees?

Quảng cáo

Hoa: Oh, he was very brilliant. At the age of 18, he came top in the "Huong" exam. In 1752, he went on to come top in the "Hoi" exam. And he went to China as an embassador in 1760.

Nam: Did he write any books?

Hoa: Yes. He wrote a lot of books, such as "Thanh mo hien pham", "Quan thu khao bien", and specially two books "Van dai loai ngu" and "Kien van tieu luc", which are still very famous nowadays.

Nam: What do these two books tell about?

Hoa: They tell about philosophy, geography, astronomy, history, agriculture, literature, law, ways and customs, peoples and religions, ...

Nam: At his days, he could write about these topics. Indeed Le Quy Don is a real genius of our nation. When did he die?

Hoa: He died in 1784.

Task 3. Work in pairs. Talk about the person you have learnt about from the interview. (Làm việc theo cặp. Hãy nói về người mà em đã biết từ cuộc phỏng vấn.)

Le Quy Don is a Vietnamese genius. He was bom in Phu Hieu village. Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province. He was very brilliant. When he was a litile boy, he could write poems, essays and read the "Kinh Thi". And when he was 18, he came top in the "Huong" exam. And he went on 10 come top in the "Hoi" exam in 1752. He went to China as an embassador. He wrote many books about various subjects, such as astronomy, history, geography, law, philosophy, ... . Le Quy Don is really a genius in the Vietnamese scholarship.

Quảng cáo

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