Unit 16 lớp 11: Writing

Unit 16: The Wonders of the World

D. Writing (Trang 184 SGK Tiếng Anh 11)

Below are some notes made by a visitor to the Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang. Use his/her notes to write a report on the visit. (Dưới đây là một số ghi chép của một khách thăm Tháp Chàm ở Nha Trang. Sử dụng những ghi chép của anh/cô ấy để viết một tường thuật về chuyến thăm này.)

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Quảng cáo

Đoạn văn 1:

My visit to Nha Trang last year included a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers. This tower complex is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Vietnam. The Ponagar Cham Towers consist of four towers. They are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill, two kilometers north of Nha Trang. They were built between the 8th and 13th centuries. The remaining towers were dedicated to different gods. The largest one was built in honor of Lady Thien Y. The 22.5m tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha's throne. The 2.6 statue has 10 hands, each is holding a specific object illustrating the power of Buddha. The tour to Ponagar Cham Towers lasted 5 hours. I was rather tired but the tour was enjoyable, memorable and informative.

Quảng cáo

Đoạn văn 2:

Last year, during my stay in Nha Trang, I had a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers, one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Vietnam. The Ponagar Cham Towers consist of four towers. They are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill, two kilometers north of Nha Trang. They were built between the 8th and 13th centuries. The remaining towers were dedicated to different god. The larsest tower was built in honor of Lady Thien Y. The 22.5m high tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha's throne. The 2.6m high statue has 10 hands, holding specific objects illustrating the power of Buddha. The tour to Ponagar Cham Towers lasted 5 hours. I was rather tired, but the tour was enjoyable, memorable and informative.

Quảng cáo

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