Unit 14 lớp 6: Grammar Practice

Unit 14: Making Plans

Grammar Practice (Trang 150-153 SGK Tiếng Anh 6)

1. Present simple tense (thì Hiện tại đơn

Quảng cáo


Huong: Do you like sports?

Ba: Yes, I like sports.

Huong: What do you play?

Ba: I play badminton.

Huong: Do you play volleyball?

Ba: No, I don't.


Thu: Does he like sports?

Tuan: Yes, he does. He likes sports.

Thu: What does he play?

Tuan: He plays soccer.

Thu: Does he play tennis?

Tuan: No, he doesn't.


Minh: Do they like sports?

Ha: Yes, they do.

Minh: What do they play?

Ha: They swim.

Minh: Do they dive?

Ha: No, they don't.

dive (v): lặn

Quảng cáo

2. Adverb of frequency (Trạng từ tần suất)

1) I often watch TV on Saturday evening.

2) I seldom go to the movies.

3) I always help my mom.

d) I sometimes go to the store with my mom.

e) I usually play sports on Sunday morning.

f) I often go fishing in the summer vacation.

g) I nearly always go swimming at weekends.

3. Present progressive tense (thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn)


Hung: What are you watching?

Mai: I'm watching this TV sports show.

Hung: What are they playing?

Mai: They are playing soccer.

Hung: Who is winning?

Mai: My favourite team is winning the match.

TV sports show: chương trình thể thao

match: trận đấu


Quảng cáo

Vui: What is mom cooking?

Nam: She's cooking a chicken.

Vui: Are we having some rice, too?

Nam: No, we aren't. We are having noodles.

Vui: Is she cooking some vegetables?

Nam: Yes, she is. She's cooking some beans.


Nhan: Are you doing your homework?

Thanh: Yes, I'm doing my math. What are you reading?

Nhan: I'm reading my history book.

4. Future: be going to (thì Tương lai gần)

What are they going to do?

a) They're going to play football.

b) They're going to play tennis.

c) They're going to camp.

d) They're going to swim.

e) They're going to watch TV.

f) They're going to cook.

Complete the dialogue (Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại)

Han: What are you going to do?

Vui: I'm going to visit Hanoi.

Han: Where are you going to stay?

Vui: I'm going to stay in a hotel.

Han: How long are you going to stay?

Vui: I'm going to stay for a week.

Now answer the questions (Bây giờ trả lời câu hỏi)

a) Vui is going to visit Hanoi.

b) She's going to stay in a hotel.

c) She's going to stay for a week.

Quảng cáo

5. What is the weather like? (Thời tiết thế nào?)

Answer the question about the weather in your home town (Trả lời câu hỏi về thời tiết ở thành phố quê bạn)

a) In the spring, it's warm.

b) In the summer, it's usually hot.

c) In the fall, it's cool.

d) In the winter, it's always cold.

6. Future plans (Kế hoạch tương lai)

a) I'm going to do my homework.

b) I'm going to visit the museum.

c) I'm going to help my mother with the housework.

d) I'm going to help my father with his farm work.

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