Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Smart World (có đáp án)

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Smart World (có đáp án)

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: Home


I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.

1. A. gym B. sky C. balcony D. laundry

2. A. island B. seafood C. serve D. summer

3. A. information B. population C. question D. transportation

4. A. live B. listen C. think D. write

5. A. delta B. garage C. basement D. attention

6. A. speaking B. teaching C. cleaning D. wearing

7. A. farmers B. groups C. markets D. parks

8. A. museums B. apartments C. buildings D. schools

9. A. stores B. temples C. houses D. families

10. A. asked B. watched C. washed D. painted

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

11. A. center B. basement C. garage D. kitchen

12. A. machine B. laundry C. dinner D. shopping

13. A. delta B. canal C. country D. hometown

14. A. balcony B. temperature C. restaurant D. apartment

15. A. museum B. attention C. secondary D. possession


I. Write the suitable word for each picture.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Smart World (có đáp án)

II. Fill in the blanks with words from the unit. The first letter is already there.

(Student’s book, Review 1. Page 87)

1. I like sitting outside on my _balcony_ when it's hot.
2. North, East, South, and _W_________ are the four cardinal points of the compass.
3. After eating dinner, I do the _d_________.
4. I live in the countryside. My _v_________ is very small. It only has a few houses and one store.
5. My house has a very big _y_________. I like playing soccer there with my friends.

6. Does your uncle live in a villa in Ha Noi? - No, he doesn’t. He lives in an _a__________.





I. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

(Student’s book, Review 1. Page 87)

1. What are Manchester famous for? __________

2. My house have a balcony and a garage. __________

3. I do lots of housework! I cleaning the bedroom on the weekend. __________

4. Do your family have a car? __________

5. What housework does you do? __________

6. My sister and I don't making the dinner. __________

7. There is two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. __________

II. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

1. I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to work. __________

2. She teach students in a local secondary school. __________

3. They doesn’t own a house. They still have to rent one to live. __________

4. Dang Van Lam am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team. __________

5. What do your sister do? __________

6. John and Harry doesn’t go swimming in the lake. __________

7. Jenny speak Vietnamese very well. __________

8. How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket? __________

9. Our dogs aren’t eat bones. __________

10. Jenny’s parents is very friendly and helpful. __________




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