Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 6 Skills 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 6 Skills 2

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success bản word phong cách hiện đại, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 6 Skills 2


1. Knowledge:

- To introduce topic of the lesson Our Tet holiday. To teach listening and reading.

+ Vocabulary: - Use the words related to the topic Tet holiday in Viet Nam.

- To pronounce the sounds /s/ and /∫/ correctly;

+ Grammar: - Use modal verb : should/ shouldn’t for advice

- Use some any for amount

2. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to pratice listening and writing an email about Tet holiday,

3. Quality/ behavior : To educate the love and preservation of traditional customs and traditions Having a good behavior toward the adult and the elderly people on Tet holiday.


- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector…

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- Students : Text books, studying equipments….

- Method;: T-WC; group works; individual ……




- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input for the writing skills.

* Content: Having somewarm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


+ Greeting + Chatting

- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them and class.

- Ask Ss about the content of the previous lesson.

- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

- T leads in the lesson.

+ Greeting + Chatting

- T_ Ss

- Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s or friend’s questions

- Listen and know what they are going to learn

- Open their book and write the tittle of the lesson


ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening

Aim: To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information.

* Content: Listen to Nguyen is writing to his friends..

* Outcome: Ss are able to listen and tick the things they hear correctly.

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions….

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


1. Nguyen is writing to his penfriend Tom

About how his family prepare for Tet. Listen and Tick () the things you hear.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:

- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if have

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

- Ask them to read aloud the list of words (which they have learnt already in the previous lessons). Make sure they pronounce them correctly. This would help them recognize the key words when they are doing the listening.

- Play the recording one or two times (as needed) and askSs to tick the answers. Check their answers as a class.

- Play the recording again if needed, stopping at the place where Ss find it difficult to hear.

- Confirm the answers.

1. Nguyen is writing to his penfriend Tom

About how his family prepare for Tet. Listen and Tick () the things you hear.

- T_ Ss


+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks

- Do the tasks. Compare the answers.

- Give the answer.

*Key: old things, peach flowers, new clothes, wishes

ACTIVITY 2 : While-listening

Aims: To help Ss develop listening for specific information;

To help Ss combine listening and writing at the same time.

* Content: Listen again and answer the questions.

* Outcome: Ss can answer the questions correctly. To improve listening skills.

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…..

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


2. Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words.

Have Ss read the questions first to determine what information is needed to answer the questions. Remind them that only the key word(s) is/are used for the answers.

Play the recording. Have Ss listen and write their answers.


Help correct Ss' answers so they have only 1-2 words. Write the answers on the board.

- Check and confirm the correct answers.


- Wrap up the Listening section by asking Ss to write down in notes what Nguyen's family does to prepare for Tet (even one note is good). Then call on some Ss to read aloud their notes.

* T may give some clues

- Call on some Ss to speak freely.

- Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab, intonation.

2. Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words.

- T_ Ss

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do it.

- Fulfil the tasks

- Give the answers


1. Old things 2. (Their) houses 3. Red

4. (His) father 5. Anything.

Audio script:

Dear Tom,

Tet is coming and I'm very happy. We do a lot of things before Tet. We throw some old things away.

We clean and decorate our homes. My mother goes shopping and buys food, red envelopes, and peach flowers. She also buys new clothes for us. My father makes banh chung and cooks them on an open fire. He says that I should make some wishes at Tet, and I shouldn't break anything. It brings bad luck.



- Tell something about Nguyen’s preparations for Tet.

ACTIVITY 3 : Writing

Aim: To help Ss brainstorm ideas for their email.

* Content: Discuss and make a list the things that children should/ shouldn’t do at Tet.

* Outcome: Using should/ shouldn’t correctly .

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…..

3. Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think chldren should and shouldn’t do at Tet.

Ask Ss to discuss and make a list of the things they think children should / shouldn't do at Tet. This is an opportunity to revise Tet vocabulary. Encourage Ss to think beyond the content covered in the previous lessons.

Guide Ss to write short phrases/notes Instead offull sentences here.

If Ss come up with any new activity or thing, T writes it on the board for other Ss to see.

3. Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think chldren should and shouldn’t do at Tet.

- T_ Ss

- Listen carefully to the instructions

* Ss learn how to do the tasks

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