Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Review 1 mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Review 1 mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 thí điểm (cả năm) bản word có lời giải chi tiết:

Lesson 1 - LANGUAGE


• This unit reviews the language and skills Ss have learnt in Units 1, 2, and 3. Help Ss to recall the language and encourage them to contribute as much as possible.

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

Activity 1:

Ask Ss what kinds of words are underlined. Elicit the rule from Ss (they are content words and are stressed because they contain all the important information being conveyed). Play the recording for Ss to listen and read along silently, then they can repeat out loud trying to stress the same words. Call on some Ss to read out the sentences again. Correct their pronunciation as a class.

Note: All the underlined words are stressed.

1. My town is nice and peaceful, but it isn’t very big.

2. Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture attracts a lot of foreign visitors.

3. A: Were you wearing a helmet when you fell off your bike?

B: No, I wasn’t.

4. Son: Can I go to a party tonight, mum?

Mother: OK, but please don’t make noise when you come home.

5. A: My mum’s really a good friend of mine.

B: Is she? Mine is very strict towards me.

Activity 2:

Ss work in pairs first to mark the underlined words as W (weak) or S (strong). Then T plays the recording for Ss to check. Play the recording again and Ss repeat. Pause and correct their pronunciation.

1. A: Is (W) Minh happy about winning the scholarship?

B: Yes, he is (S). But his parents are (W) happier.

2. A: I can’t (S) understand it! Aren’t (S) you my son?

B: I’m terribly sorry, dad. But it isn’t (S) entirely my fault.

3. A: Pho Hien is (W) a very old town in North Viet Nam.

B: Is it (S)? Where is it (W) located?

4. A:It’s (W) raining. Are they (W) wearing raincoats?

B: She (S) is, but he (S) isn’t.

Vocabulary Activity 3:

Ss do the task individually and then share their answers with a partner. Check Ss’ answers.

- reduce pollution

- pull down an old building

- empathise with someone

- make a handicraft

- set up a home business

- feel worried and frustrated

- have high expectations

- provide employment

Activity 4:

Let Ss read the passage, then do this exercise individually. T may ask some Ss to write their answers on the board. T corrects as a class.

1. giant

2. tallest

3. attractions

4. symbol

5. fascinating

6. excited

7. affordable

8. interest


Activity 5:

Ss work individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Other Ss comment. T corrects as a class.

1. set up

2. deal with

3. turned down

4. look up

5. give up

6. put up with

7. got over

8. keep up with

Activity 6:

Ss do the task individually. Tell them to write the reported sentences in their notebooks. Call on some Ss to read their sentences. T checks.

1. Trang wondered what to wear to the fancy dress party.

2. She couldn’t decide whether to help Chau with the money her mum had given to her.

3. Nick wondered where to get those traditional handicrafts.

4. Phuc had no idea who to turn to for help with his homework.

5. Hoa was not sure when to break the sad news to him.

Everyday English

Activity 7:

Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and choose the suitable words/phrases to complete the talks. After checking their answers, have some pairs act out the mini-talks.

1. As far as I know

2. what to do

3. Cool

4. No worries

5. If I were in your shoes


-Practice reading the dialogue.

-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare Review 1 ( Skills )

Lesson 2 - SKILLS


This unit reviews the language and skills Ss have learnt in Units 1, 2, and 3. Help Ss to recall the language and encourage them to contribute as much as possible.

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

Activity 1:

Have Ss read the letters silently. T clarifies anything they do not understand. Choose Ss to read the letters aloud sentence by sentence. Correct their pronunciation. Then Ss do the exercise in pairs. T corrects as a class.


- found out: got information - face up to: deal with

- go on with: continue - keep away from: avoid


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F


Activity 2:

Ss work individually first. Have them read all three situations and think of the one that interests them the most. Then they talk in groups. Give them a few minutes to prepare what they want to say. Encourage them to use the language they have learnt. Go around and give assistance if need be.


Activity 3:

a/ Play the recording once. Ss listen and write their answers.

Play the recording again for Ss to check. Explain any difficult words if necessary.

b/ Play the recording again once or twice, or as required. Ss write down the words/phrases as they hear them. T checks.

1. In a (little) town.

2. In a city.

1. a stranger

2. at night

3. downtown

4. entertainment

Audio script:

Michelle: Hi, Mike! How’s it going?

Mike: Hi. I’m good, thanks. Are you still living in the same place?

Michelle: Yes, I’m still in that ‘sleepy’ little town. But you know, I enjoy living there. It’s quiet, and everyone is friendly. I don’t really like the city. I feel like a stranger here. And it seems kind of dangerous, especially at night.

Mike: Well, I live here in the city, as you know. We live in an apartment downtown. The city is big, and it doesn’t feel as safe as a small town like yours. But I think the people here are pretty friendly. My neighbourhood is like a small town with its own stores, cafés, and restaurants …and we can enjoy all kinds of entertainment: cinemas, museums …

Michelle: OK, so then on ends I should come into the city for all that.

Mike: OK. Sure!


Activity 4:

Before Ss write, brainstorm Ss’ ideas about a craft village (or a place of interest they have been to if they haven’t been to a craft village). Tell them to look at the cues given; note, they will need modifying slightly for a place of interest. Encourage them to use the words/phrases they have learnt in the units. Give Ss time to do the writing task. Then have them swap their work with a partner to check before handing it in. Collect their papers to check at home.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare A 45-minute Test

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