Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 4: Life in the past mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 4: Life in the past mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 thí điểm (cả năm) bản word có lời giải chi tiết:


I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

use the lexical items related to life in the past

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Activity 1:

1 Ask Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture. Ask them some questions:

• What do you think the people in the conversation are talking about?

• How do you understand the title ‘Preserving the past’?

Ss answer the questions as a class. Play the recording and have Ss follow along.

a./ Ss work independently. Encourage them to answer the questions without looking back at the conversation. Then allow Ss to share answers. Check their answers as a class.


1.Fathers make kites for sons.

2.Once every two months.

3.They used to come early, trying to get a place near the screen.

4.Only wealthy households.

5.Yes, he does. He said: “Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time.

b./ Ask Ss to find the expressions in the conversation and read the context where they appear to make sure that they understand the meanings of the expressions correctly. Ss then do the matching. Correct the answers as a class. Ask Ss if they can think of some more expressions with the same meaning.


1.c     2.a     3. d     4.b

c./ Have Ss work independently to find the most suitable response to each item. Ss can then exchange their answers. T checks as a class and explains the answers where necessary.


1. Sure.

2.I can’t imagine that.

3.How cool!

4.I wish I could go back to that time.

5. How cool!

6.I can’t imagine that.

Activity 2:

Make sure Ss understand the meaning of the words/phrases in the box. T can ask them to give some examples to show that they understand the phrase ‘technological changes’. Ss then work independently to complete the sentences. Have them share their answers in pairs. Then elicit the answers from the whole class.


1.a     2. d     3.c     4. b     5. e     6. F

Activity 3:

Have Ss work in small groups to come up with as many past events and practices in their areas as possible.

Give the groups a time limit, for example, five minutes. Have them present the list they have made to the class. As a whole class, decide if these practices were specific to their region or neighbourhood or were also practised elsewhere.

Example: Women in Hue used to go swimming at the beach fully clothed, to wear palm leaf conical hats, to wear the traditional long dress whenever they went out, to stay at home as housewives, ...


-Practice reading the dialogue.

-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 1

Lesson 2 - A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

-identify in which situations to stress auxiliary verbs in sentences and say these sentences correctly

- use used/didn’t use + to-infinitive to talk about past practices

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

Activity 1:

Ask Ss to do the matching individually. Then allow them to share their answers with a partner. Check as a class.

Note: Ss might have diffi culty with the meaning of ‘act out stories’, ‘go bare-footed’, and ‘dance to drum music’. To check comprehension, T can ask Ss to mime activities to ensure everyone has a thorough understanding of the phrases.


1.f     2.g     3.b    4.a     5. c     6.e     7. h     8.d

Activity 2:

Ss work individually or in pairs. Ask them to choose the correct answer for each sentence first. They then read the sentence carefully to determine the form and the tense of the verb. Check the answers as a class


1.kept a diary

2. entertain themselves

3.preserve our traditions

4.Use your imagination

5.acting out stories

6. collect the post

7. going bare-footed

8. dance to drum music

Activity 3:

Have Ss work individually. Then they can exchange their answers with a partner. Check as a class. Now ask for volunteers, or select Ss, to make new sentences using these words and phrases. Let the rest of the class decide whether the sentence makes sense or not. Try to give lots of Ss a go, not just the ones who are the most extrovert in the class.




3.street vendors

4.strict rules

5. Physical

6.face to face

Activity 4:

These words have similar meanings. Before doing the task, ask Ss to cover the REMEMBER!box and elicit the defi nitions if possible. Then allow them to read the defi nitions before doing the task. Have Ss read each sentence and decide what part of speech is missing from the sentence. For example, sentence 1 needs a noun because this word stands after article ‘a’. They then complete all the sentences. Confirm the correct answers as a class.





4. habit

5. practice

6. Behaviour

Activity 5:

Ask Ss to note all the auxiliaries they fi nd in the sentences first. Discuss with them which ones they think will be stressed. Play the recording. Ss listen and underline the stressed auxiliaries. They then repeat the sentences with a focus on the stressed ones.

Since Ss often see auxiliaries as unstressed, it is a good idea to give Ss some initial guidance from the REMEMBER!box under exercise 5before they actually do the exercise.

Key + Audio script:

1. Life will be improved in those remote areas.

2.They can see the rain coming in from the west.

3.You didmake me laugh!

4.He hasn’t handed in his assignment.

5. I don’ t like the idea of going there at night.

6.Sam doesn’t like fast food but I do

Activity 6:

Have Ss work individually to stress the auxiliaries. Ask them to refer to the REMEMBER! box as they do the exercise. Then play the recording. Ss listen, check, and say the sentences. Call on some Ss to say the sentences individually.

Key + Audio script:

1.- The men in my village used to catch fish with a spear.

- Could you do that?

- No, I couldn’t.

2. I have told you many times not to leave the door open.

3. We’re going to visit Howick, a historical village.

4. - You aren’t going to the party? Is it because you can’tdance?

- I can dance. Look!

5. - I hope she doesn’tdo any damage to the car.

- Don’t worry. She does know how to drive.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2

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