Câu điều kiện trong Tiếng Anh – công thức, cách dùng, bài tập có lời giải

Câu điều kiện trong Tiếng Anh – công thức, cách dùng, bài tập có lời giải

I. Khái niệm: 

Câu điều kiện dùng để nêu lên một giả thiết về một sự việc mà sự việc đó chỉ có thể xảy ra khi điều kiejejn được nói đến xảy ra. Câu điều kiện gồm có hai phần (hai mệnh đề)

      * Mệnh đề nêu lên điều kiện ( còn gọi là mệnh đề IF) là mệnh đề phụ hay mệnh đề điều kiện

      * Mệnh đề nêu lên kết quả (mệnh đề chính)

II. Các câu điều kiện cơ bản

a. Câu điều kiện loại 1

- Cách dùng: 

      + Dự đoán một kết quả có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng.

      + Diễn tả lời cảnh báo

      + Diễn tả lời hứa

- Cấu trúc:

If -clause ( Mệnh đề điều kiện)

 Main clause( Mệnh đề chính)

Simple present

If  + S + V / V (-s/es)

Simple future

S + will / shall + V

Chú ý:      - Ở mệnh đề chính có thể dùng can, may, must thay cho will, shall

                - Ở mệnh đề chính có thể dung dạng mệnh lệnh.

Ví dụ:

If you learn hard, you will pass any examination ( Nếu bạn học chăm, thì bàn sẽ đỗ bất kì kì thi nào)

Lan can speak English fluently if  she practices every day (Lan có thể nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy nếu cô ấy luyện tập hằng ngày)

Come to visit me if you have spare time. (Đến thăm tôi nhé nếu cậu có thời gian rảnh)

b. Câu điều kiện loại 2

- Cách dùng: 

+ Nói đến một điều không có thực ,hay khó có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, ước muốn ở hiện tại ( nhưng thực tế không thể xảy ra)

+ Dùng để khuyên hay đề nghị ai đó làm gì.

- Cấu trúc

If -clause ( Mệnh đề điều kiện)

 Main clause( Mệnh đề chính)

                     Simple past

If  + S + V‑2 / V-ed

(were cho tất cả các chủ ngữ)

                  Future in past

S + would + V

Chú ý - có thể dùng might, could thay cho would

Ví dụ : I would tell you the answer if I knew it myself  ( Tôi sẽ nói cho bạn biết đáp án nếu mà tôi tự  biết)

If she had time, she could go to the movie now. ( Nếu cô ấy có thời gian, cô ấy có thể đi xem phim vào lúc này)

Nhưng trong thực tế thì những việc trên không tồn tại: tôi không biết câu trả lời và cô ấy cũng không có thời gian để đi xem phim.

c. Câu điều kiện loại 3

- Cách dùng: Nói về các sự kiện và kết quả không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ mang tính ước muốn trong quá khứ ( nhưng thực tế không thể xảy ra).

- Cấu trúc:

If -clause ( Mệnh đề điều kiện)

 Main clause( Mệnh đề chính)

Past perfect

If  + S + had + V‑3 / V-ed

Future in past

S + would     have + V‑3 / V-ed

Chú ý: - có thể dùng might, could thay cho would tùy theo nghĩa của câu

VD:     I would have spoken to Nam if I had seen him yesterday.

            ( Trên thực tế, hôm qua tôi tôi không thấy Nam và đã không có nói chuyện)

            If he had tried hard last time, he could have succeeded

            ( Trên thực tế, lần qua anh ta không cố gắng và không thành công)

Bài tập

I.  Choose the correct form of verb

   1.You will be ill if you (eat) ___________________ so much.

   2. I ( go) ___________________if I had known the fact.

   3. If  he (be) ___________________ my friend, I would be very glad.

   4. If she were older, she (have) ___________________ more sense.

   5. If the dog had not woken us, we ( never hear ) ___________________ the burglar.

   6. He will be happy if he (study) ___________________ overseas.

   7. We (enjoy) ___________________the play better if it had not been so long.

  8.I ’m sure Mary will do well if she (enter) ___________________ college.

   9. They would do it if they (can) ___________________

   10. If the children (not go ) ________________tomorrow, they can stay up late.


1 eat                                                                       6 study

2 would have gone                                               7 would have enjoyed

3 were                                                                   8 enter

4 would have                                                          9 could

5 would have never heard                                       10   don’t go

II. Circle the best answer.

   1.If you                not here, where would you like to be ?

          A. was                   B. were                  C. be                      D. are

   2. We will be unhappy if you            come.

          A. haven’t              B. don’t                 C. have                  D. didn’t

   3. If you              somewhere else ,where would you like to be ?

          A. have been                    B. can be                C. are                        D. could be

   4.You must hurry .If you                  , you’ll be late .

          A. won’t                B. do                      C. aren’t                 D. don’t

   5. If I _____ a lottery , I __________ a new house .

            A. win / should build                          B . won / should build

            C. win / should have built        D. won/ should have built

   6. What               you do if you have a lot of money?

          A. have                  B. will                    C. would                D. did 

   7. If you             this car , you would have to pay for it yourself.

          A. had bought        B. have bought      C. bought               D. buy

   8. What will you do if you                 the final exam?

          A. pass                   B. passed               C. will pass            D. passes

   9. If you want to attend the course , you                the coming written  examination .

          A. will pass            B. passed               C. can pass             D. must pass 

   10.They will not                      over the job even if they’ve been able to.

          A. allow                 B. receive              C. agree to take      D. agree to   

   11. If I were you , I                  that camera.

          A. haven’t bought  B. wouldn’t buy     C. won’t                D. didn’t buy    

   12.                       you work harder , you won’t be able to pass the exam.

          A. Unless               B. If                       C. when                 D. As

   13. If it                rain , we’ll have the party outside.

          A. didn’t                B. doesn’t              C. won’t                D. wouldn’t

   14. If I                 here, I’d like to be in London.

          A. haven’t been     B. weren’t              C. am not               D. hadn’t been

   15. If I                 a bird, I would be able to fly.

          A. were                  B. am                     C. is                       D. are 

   16. Unless you understand, I             explain it to you again.

          A. am                     B. would                C. will                              D. was

   17. You should stay home if it                              .

          A. rain                   B. rained                C. rains                  D. raining

   18. You’ll burn yourself if you aren’t                             .

          A. good                  B. careful               C. kind                   D. working hard 

   19. If anybody                         question, please ask me after class.

          A. have                  B. have the             C. has                              D. has a

   20. If I                somebody else, I’d like to be the teacher.

          A. must be             B. could be            C. would be           D. became


1-B   2-B   3-D   4-D      5-B       6-B    7-C    8-A     9-A   10-C

11-B      12-A      13-B       14-B      15- A      16-C      17-C      18-B      19- C     20-D

Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. If there was a ban on cigarettes, fewer people would smoke cigarettes.

2. If schools administered with any teachers, disorder would arise.

3. If uncensored commercials had been banned, the crime rate would be seized from rising.

4. If computers replaced teachers in the classroom, learning would have been less effective.

Đáp án:

1. was → were

2. administered → were not administered

3. would be → would have been

4. would have been → would be

Exercise 2. Choose the appropriate answer.

1. If they had gone for a walk, they ________ the lights off.

A. had turned

B. would have turn

C. would turn

D. would have turned

2. Would you mind if I ________ the window?

A. closed

B. closing

C. had closed

D. would close

3. If you had tried your best, you ________ disappointed about the result now.

A. won’t be

B. wouldn’t be

C. wouldn’t have

D. wouldn’t have been     

4. If I had enough money, ________.

A. I will buy that house.

B. I’d have bought that house.

C. I could buy that house.

D. I can buy that house.

5. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed.

A. If I listened to him, I would have succeeded.

B. If I had listened to him, I’d have succeeded.

C. If I had listened to him, I would succeed.

D. If I listened to him, I would succeed.

Đáp án:

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.

1. ________, he would not have had the accident yesterday.

A. If Peter driven more carefully

B. If had Peter driven more carefully

C. Had Peter driven more carefully

D. If Peter not had driven more carefully

2. ________ I rich, I would help you.

A. Were

B. Was

C. Am

D. Been  

3. ________ you run into Peter, tell him to call me.

A.  Are

B. Should

C. Been

D. Will

4. Had I known her, I ________ friends with her.

A. make

B. would make

C. will make

D. would have made

5. Were I ________ learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.

A.  to

B. for

C. in

D. with

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. I’ll help you if ________.

A. you told me the truth.

B. you tell me the truth.

C. you will tell me the truth.

D. you have told me the truth.

2. I have to work tomorrow morning, so I can’t meet you.

A. If I don’t have to work tomorrow morning, I can meet you.

B. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning, I could meet you.

C. I could meet you if I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning.

D. I can meet you if I don't have to work tomorrow morning.

3. You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.

A. If you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep.

B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep.

C. You wouldn’t sleep well if you hadn't drink any coffee.

D. You can sleep better without coffee.

4. If I had time, I  ________ shopping with you.

A. went

B. will go               

C. would go

D. would have gone

5. If my father  ________ me up, I'll take the bus home.

A. doesn’t pick

B. don’t pick

C. not pick

D. picks

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. A

Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences.

1. I didn’t know that you were in the hospital yesterday, so I didn’t visit you.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

2. Hurry up or you will be late for school.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

3. My mother is very busy, so she can’t help me now.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

4. Lan didn’t call me because she didn’t know my phone number.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

5. You’re unhealthy because you don’t take exercise.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

6. He didn't study his lessons very carefully, so he gets bad marks now.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

7. Leon often causes accidents because he drives carelessly.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

8. I can’t apply for that job because I don’t know English.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

9. Lien is overweight because she eats too much chocolate.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

10. His father often punishes him for his laziness.

→ If ____________________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. If I had known that you were in hospital yesterday, I would have visited you.

2. If you don’t hurry up, you will be late for school.

3. If my mother weren’t busy, she could help me now.

4. If Lan had known my phone number, she would have called me.

5. If you took exercise, you would be healthy.

6. If he had studied his lessons very carefully, he would get good marks now.

7. If Mr. Leon drove carefully, he wouldn’t cause accidents.

8. If I knew English, I could apply for that job.

9. If Ms. Lien ate less chocolate, she wouldn’t be overweight.

10. If he weren’t lazy, his father wouldn’t punish him.

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