Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Học kì 2 Global Success (có đáp án)

Với bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Global Success Học kì 2 bộ sách Kết nối tri thức có đáp án chi tiết với đầy đủ các dạng bài tập và đề kiểm tra đánh giá năng lực sau từng Unit sẽ giúp học sinh ôn luyện để học tốt Tiếng Anh 6.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Global Success Học kì 2 (có đáp án)

Quảng cáo

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 7 Global Success

Bài 1. Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống, một từ có thể dùng nhiều lần.


How often

How long





How much


What time


1. …………..do you like?

2. ……………..do you prefer to study – at night or in the morning?

3. ………………….do you prefer – wine or beer?

4. …………………does this lesson finish?

5. ……………..is the best student in this class?

6. ………………….coffee do you drink every day?

7. ………………is the time?

8. …………………is the weather like today?

9. …………………….don’t you like apple juice?

10. …………………….about a walk through the forest?

11. ……………..do you play volleyball?

12. ……………….do Anne and Betty get to school every day?

13. …………………..does your father go to work?

14. …………………are we going for a holiday by the sea again?

15. ………………………do you like your coffee?

Bài 2. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất điền vào chỗ trống

1. Do you know……………language is spoken in Kenya?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

2. …………is your blood type?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

3. ……do you play tennis? For exercise

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. why

4. …………..can I buy some milk? At the supermarket.

A. which                                            B. where                                C. What                      D. how

5. ………..much do you weigh?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

6. ………hat is this? It’s my brother’s?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. whose

7. …………can I park my car? Over there.

A. where                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

8. ……tall are you?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

9. ……….do you like your tea? I like it with cream and sugar.

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

10. ……picture do you prefer – this one or that one?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

11. ……………….is that woman? I think she is a teacher.

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

12. ……………book is this? It’s mine

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. whose

13. ………………….do you usually eat lunch? At noon.

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. when

14. ……..does your father work? At City Hall

A. which                                            B. where                                C. What                      D. how

15. ……usually gets up the earliest in your family?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

16. …………….do you think of this hotel? It’s pretty good

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

17. ………..does your father work at that company? Because It’s near our house

A. which                                            B. why                                    C. What                      D. how

18. ……..dances the best in your family?

A. which                                            B. who                                    C. What                      D. how

Bài 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau

1. What does you like?

2. Whose computer do you often use?

3. Where do that boy come from?

4. When you do go to the office?

5. Does why your brother like this film?

6. Who you usually study with?

7. How does Susan comes home?

8. Does Roger play tennis how often?

9. Does you always run to school why?

10. Where are you park your bike?

Bài 4. Dựa vào câu trả lời, chọn Wh-word thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống

1. …………….do you want to eat? Paste or cheese.

2. ………………….does John do to the beach? By car

3. ……………..floors does your school have? Four

4. ………………….do we get up? Early in the morning

5. ……………did you family go swimming yesterday? At the club

6. …………………….do you usually eat for breakfast?    Toast and eggs.

7. ……………..does Peter come from? London

8. ……………do you usually have lunch with? – My friends

9. ……………….do they go to school? – In the morning

10. ……………….does mary come to class? – By bus

11. …………………do your sister and you usually get up? – Ten o’clock.

12. …………..ice – cream does John like? – Chocolate

13. …………..cap do you often borrow?  - My brother’s 

14………..does she sometimes come to work late? Because she misses the train.

15. …………….do you go shopping?  Once a week.

16. ……………is good at English? Tom

17. ………………….old is her son?   - Seven

18. …………….are your posters? Over my bed.

19. …………….much is this pullover? Twenty pounds.

20. ………………colour is your car?    - Red.

Bài 5. Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành một câu hoàn chỉnh

1. they/ what / doing/ are?


2. up/ get/ you/ when/ in / the/ morning/ do?


3. name/ you / do/ spell / how/ your?


4. homework / is/ what/ for?


5. does/ Tim/ like/ handball/ why?


6. do/ what/ the girls/ like sports?


7. for/ lunch/ your/ what/ have/ did/ friend?


8. Kevin/ saty/ in/ long/ how/ did/ Paris?


9. the / what/ weather/ like/ was?


10. math/ who/ easy/ thinks/ is?


Bài 6. Viết câu hỏi cho những câu trả lời dưới đây, bắt đầu bằng từ cho sẵn.

1. They live in Blooklyn.


2. The lesson begins at 8 o’clock.

What time………………………………………?

3. They get home at 6 o’clock every night.

What time……………………………………….?

4. She speaks French very well.


5. Those book costs one dollar.

How much…………………………………………..?

6. They travel by car.


7. She wants to learn English because she wants a better job.


8. They meet on the corner every morning.


9. She teaches us grammar.


10. He gets up at seven every morning.


11. Those girls sell newspaper there.


Bài 7. Chon đáp án thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống.

1. I like English………I like French very much.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

2. My brother likes maths…….he doesn’t  like history.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

3. The children forgot their homework, ……..the teacher was angry with them.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

4. Can you read…….write English words?

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

5. Are the questions right……………..wrong?

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

6. It’ s great……………it’s fun.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

7. Would ou like tea……..hot chocolate for your breakfast?

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

8. Our car is old, ……..it drives beautifully.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

9. It was very warm,……………we all went swimming.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

10. Do we have French…….music after the break?

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

11. I like sugar in my tea, …….I don’t like milk in it.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

12. We were very tired…….happy after our flight to Sydney.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

13. Jeawon was cold, ……he put on a coat.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

14. Julia has a guitar, …….she plays it really well.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

15. Maria tried to read a novel in French, …….it was too difficult.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

16. He lives in london, ………he studies at a college.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

17. You can go to the tourist office………ask them for any information you need.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

18. Does Miss Smith like the red boots…….the black and white sandals?

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

19. Lynda likes Tom……he is in love with Annette.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

20. Geraldine Chaplin is a great actress……she is less well – known than father Charlie Chaplin.

A. and                                    B. but                                     C. or                                       D. so

Bài 8. Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B sao cho câu có ý nghĩa, sau đó viết lại câu.



1. We wanted to go to the show

 Because they are quick and easy.

2. I often make omelettes

 Although they are not film very healthy

3.  Shall we go to the cinema?

And watch that film you were talking about.

4. Burgers are very tasty

But there weren’t any seats left.

5. My neighbors are friendly

Or at the football match?

6. Do you know if he’s at home

Because he laughs in his sleep.

7. Pick me up early, please?

But they are noisy.

8. We know he has great dreams.

So we don’t get there late.









Bài 9. Khoanh tròn vào liên từ thích hợp trong mỗi câu sau.

1. I’d love to stay (so/and/but) I have to catch my bus.

2. His hot chocolate was too hot (so/and/but) he put some cold milk in it.

3. (Or/Although/Because) we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.

4. I only passed my exam (because/but/although) you helped me.

5. They were hungry (but/because/so) they made some sanwiches.

6. We can go to the pool (and/but/or) we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.

7. She didn’t want him to see her (and/so/although) she hid behind a plant.

8. He’s in the town centre (so/because/ but) he wants to look for shoes.

9. I’m definitely coming tonight, (or/because/ although) I could be a bit late.

10. We can go to the shop before we go to Clare’s house (and/ or/ so) go to Clare’s house forst to see if she needs anything. What do you think?

Bài 10. Chọn liên từ thích hợp (and/ so/ but/ because) rồi điền vào chỗ trống

1. I like coffee…………..I don’t like tea.

2. I cannot swim………I can ski.

3. I want a new TV…..the one I have now is broken.

4. I had to work on Saturday……I couldn’t go to John’s party.

5. My name is Jame……..I’m your new teacher.

6. I was cold…….I turned on the heater.

7. We’ll have to go shopping…………………….we have nothing for dinner.

8. The history test was difficult………the English one was easy.

9. We didn’t go to the beach yesterday …………it was raining.

10. we have a test on Monday…………I’ll have to study this weekend.

11. She can speak French, …………………..she can’t write it.

12. She’s working late next Friday, ………….she can’t come to the party.

13. In summer we wear light clothes………the weather is hot.

14. I have a tooth ache…….I must see a dentist as early as I can.

15. It is rainy………windy today.

16. He doesn’t play the guitar, …….he plays the drum.

17. I like walking……..I never go to school on foot……..it is 10 miles away from home.

18.  My son is calm…..easy – going……..my daughter is very moody……they never agree together.

19.  I am English…..I live in the USA…….I work with a company there.

20. I love painting…….fishing………they teach me concentration.

21. Jane hates swimming…….she spends her summer holidays on the beach……….she loves sunbathing.

22. It is always rainy in winter……….you should always take an umbrella with you.

23. Fast foods are delicious……..usually unhealthy …….people should avoid them.

24. Peter is obese…….the doctor advised him to practise sport regularly.

25. Parents ……..children should have good relationships.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 8 Global Success

Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của từ quá khứ đơn, dùng bảng động từ bất quy tắc nếu cần.





Meet (gặp)

Enjoy (thích)

Help (giúp đỡ)

Drive (lái xe)

Speak (nói)

Plan (kế hoạch)

Live (sống)

Put (đặt)

Write (viết)

Stop (dừng lại)

Study (học)

Sing (hát)

Do (làm)

Agree (đồng ý)

Cry (khóc)

Sit (ngồi)

Stand (đứng)

Borrow (mượn)

Play (chơi)

Run (chạy)

Stay (ở)

Begin (bắt đầu)

Ask (hỏi)

Break (làm vỡ)

Laugh (cười)

Bring (mang theo)

Try (cố gắng)

Build (xây)

Tidy (dọn dẹp)

Buy (mua)

Bài 2: Điền was/were vào chỗ trống:

1. The teacher_________nice.

2. The students_________clever.

3. But one student_________in trouble.

4. We_________for him.

5. He_________nice though.

6. I_________Canberra last spring.

7. We_________at school last Saturday.

8. Tina_________at home yesterday.

9. He_________happy.

10. Robert and Stan_________Garry’s friends.

11. You_________very busy on Friday.

12. They_________in front of the supermarket.

13. I_________in the museum.

14. She_________in South Africa last month.

15. Jessica and Kimberly_________late for school.

Bài 3: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?)

1. (+) He wrote a book.



2. (+) She was my boss.



3. (+) ___________________________

    (–) They didn’t build a new house.


4. (+) ___________________________

    (–) I wasn’t at the concert last Sunday.


5. (+) ___________________________


    (?) Did you buy clothes in this clothes shop?

6. (+) ___________________________


    (?) Were they born in Korea?

7. (+) He swam in the lake.



8. (+) We were at the gym last week.



9. (+) ___________________________

    (–) She didn’t go to her office by car.


10. (+) __________________________

      (–) He wasn’t a good buy.


Bài 4. Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống

1. They_________the bus yesterday.

                        A. don’t catch           B. weren’t catch       C. didn’t catch          D. not catch

2. My sister_________home last night.

                        A. comes                    B. come                      C. came                      D. was come

3. My father_________tired when I _________ home.

                        A. was – got              B. is – get       C. was – getted         D. were – got

4. What_________you_________two days ago?

                        A. do – do                  B. did – did               C. do – did                 D. did – do

5. Where_________your family_________on the summer holiday last year?

                        A. do – go                  B. does – go               C.did – go                  D. did – went

6. We_________David in town a few days ago.

                        A. did see                  B. was saw                 C. did saw                  D. saw

7. It was cold, so I_________ the window.

                        A. shut                       B.was shut                 C. am shut                 D.shutted

8. I_________to the cinema three times last week.

                        A.was go                    B. went                       C. did go                    D.goed

9. What_________you_________last weekend?

                        A.were/do                  B.did/did                    C.did/do                     D.do/did

10. The police_________on my way home last night.

                        A. was stop                B.stopped                  C.stops                       D.stopping

11. The film wasn’t very good. I_________ it very much.

                        A.ẹnjoyed                  B.wasn’t enjoy          C.didn’t ẹnjoyed      D. didn’t enjoy

12. The bed was very uncomfortable. I_________sleep very well.

                        A.didn’t                     B.did               C.wasn’t                     D.not

13. The window was opened and a bird_________into the room.

                        A.fly                           B. flew           C. was flew                D.did fly

14. I_________a lot of money yesterday. I_________an expensive dress.

                        A.spend/buy              B.spent/buy   C.spent/bought         D.was spent/bought.

Bài 5: Lựa chọn và điền dạng đúng của động từ quá khứ đơn:

         Teach               cook       want          spend     ring

             Be                sleep       study          go        write

1. She……….out with her boyfriend last night.

2. Laura……….a meal yesterday afternoon.

3. Mozart……….more than 600 pieces of music.

4. I……….tired when I came home.

5. The bed was very comfortable so they ……….very well.

6. Jamie passed the exam because he……….very hard.

7. My father……….the teenager to drive when he was alive.

8. Dave……….to make a fire but there was no wood.

9. The little boy……….hours in his room making his toys.

10. The telephone……….several times and then stopped before I could answer it.

Bài 6: Chuyển các câu sau về thì quá khứ đơn:

1. We move to a new house.


2. They bring a sandwich.


3. He doesn’t do the homework.


4. They sell cars.


5. Does he visit his friends?


6. She buys a book.


7. The teacher punishes the boy.


8. The little girl laughs at the beggar.


9. They know it.


10. He does not tell the lie.


11. They do not wait for anybody.


12. Who teaches you English?


13. The mansons build the house.


14. They invite us to their party.


15. His manners disgust me.


16. She sings a lovely song.


17. It is time to start.


18. He wants to kill the snake.


19. His conduct surprises me.


20. I want you to come with me.


Bài 7: Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây dựa vào gợi ý trong ngoặc:

1. What did he win? (the race)


2. What did he eat? (spaghetti)


3. What time did the film finish? (at ten o’clock)


4. How did he feel? (happy)


5. What did he look at? (the stars)


6. Where did they go? (to the cinema)

7. What did he watch on TV? (cartoons)


8. What time did he get up? (at seven)


9. What did she play? (basketball)


10. Where did she walk? (to school)


11. Who did he see? (Maria)


12. Where did he have breakfast? (in the garden)


13. What did they want? (some chicken)


14. When did they arrive? (in the morning)





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