Unit 3 lớp 8: Speak

Unit 3: At Home

Speak (Trang 28-29 SGK Tiếng Anh 8)

Look at the picture. Work with ... (Hãy nhìn tranh. Hãy cùng bạn em nói về vị trí của mỗi đồ vật.)

Quảng cáo
Tiếng Anh 8 và giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8

Gợi ý

Quảng cáo

- The table is in the middle of the kitchen.

- The flowers are on the table.

- The plate is on the table near the flowers.

- The clock is on the wall above the refrigerator.

- The cupboard is on the wall above the counter.

- The are some knives on the wall under the cupboard.

- The rice cooker is on the counter near the dish rack.

- The bowl of fruit is on the counter next to the disk rack.

- The calendar is on the wall above the sink.

- The sink is next to the stove.

- The saucepans and the frying pan are above the stove and the sink.

2. Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her living-room, ... (Bà Vui mua đồ gỗ mới cho phòng khách nhà bà nhưng bà không biết nên đặt chúng ở đâu. Em hãy cùng bạn em sắp xếp những đồ gỗ này. Các em phải thống nhất ý kiến với nhau.)

Quảng cáo
Tiếng Anh 8 và giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tiếng Anh 8 và giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8

Gợi ý

Quảng cáo

A: Let's put the couch against the wall.

B: OK. I think we ought to put the armchair opposite the couch.

A: OK. And think we ought to put the coffee table in front of the armchair and the couch. How about the rug?

B: I think we ought to put it on the floor under the coffee table.

A: Good idea! Let's hang the picture on the wall above the couch.

B: OK. And I think we ought to put the lamp in the corner next to the couch.

A: How about the shelves?

B: I think the shelves ought to be on the wall opposite the couch.

A: Great! And I think the TV and the stereo should be on the opposite wall across from the shelves.

B: Let's hang the clock on the wall to left of the picture.

A: I think we should hang it on the wall above the shelves.

B: OK. Let's put the telephone on one of the shelves. How about the cushions?

A: I think we should put them on the couch.

B: Let's put the magazines on the coffee table.

A: OK.

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