Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 8: Our World Heritage Sites có đáp án

Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 8: Our World Heritage Sites có đáp án

Với 100 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 8: Our World Heritage Sites có đáp án chương trình thí điểm giúp học sinh ôn tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 8.

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Test 1

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. scholar     B. technique     C. archaeology     D. achievement

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, C phát âm là /k/. Đáp án D phát âm là /tʃ/

Question 2: A. ancient     B. conchern     C. assochiate     D. spechial

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Đáp án A, D, C phát âm là /ʃ/. Đáp án B phát âm là /s/

Question 3: A. itinerary    B. abundant     C. elegance     D. landscape

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, C phát âm là /ə/. Đáp án D phát âm là /ei/

Question 4: A. tomb    B. dome     C. mosaic     D. poetic

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Đáp án D, B, C phát âm là /əʊ/. Đáp án A phát âm là /o/

Question 5: A. numerous    B. luxury    C. perfume    D. monument

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Đáp án D, A, C phát âm là /ju:/. Đáp án B phát âm là /ə/

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.

Question 1: The balance and harmonious blending of various elements contribute to Taj Mahal's unique beauty.

A. successful     B. agreeable     C. tasteful     D. fitting

Đáp án: B

Harmonious = agreeable (được đồng ý)

Question 2: My Son Sanctuary is a large complex of religious relics comprising more than 70 architectural works such as towers, temples, and tombs.

A. royal     B. precious     C. holy     D. valuable

Đáp án: C

Religious = holy (thuộc về thánh, thuộc về tôn giáo)

Question 3: In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna, visitors can also enjoy mountain climbing.

A. flowers and plants     B. plants and animals

C. plants and vegetation     D. flowers and grass

Đáp án: B

Flora and fauna = plants and animals (thực vật và động vật)

Question 4: Ha Long Bay has attracted millions of visitors who come to enjoy its breathtaking views and experience other activities

A. unbreathable     B. heartbreaking     C. awe-inspiring     D. unforgettable

Đáp án: C

Breathtaking = awe-inspiring (đẹp đến nghẹt thở)

Question 5: They can enjoy the -comfort and elegance of five-star hotels and luxury cruise ships.

A. style    B. convenience    C. standard     D. grace

Đáp án: D

Elegance = Grace (sự thanh lịch)

III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


The coaches at the Uluru Sunset Viewing Area were parked three deep. Guides were putting up tables and setting out wines and snacks. Ten minutes to go. Are we ready? Five minutes, folks. Got your cameras? OK, here it comes ...

Whether an American backpacker or a wealthy traveller, Danish, British, French, we all saw that sunset over Uluru, or Ayer Rock, in what seems to be the prescribed tourist manner: mouth full of corn chips, glass full of Château Somewhere, and a loved one posing in a photo's foreground, as the all-time No 1 Australian icon behind us glowed briefly red.

Back on the coach, our guide declared our sunset to be 'pretty good', although not the best she'd witnessed in her six years. Behind me, Adam, a student from Manchester, reinserted his iPod earphones: 'Well, that's enough of that rock.' Indeed. Shattered from getting up at five in order to see Uluru at dawn, I felt empty and bored. What was the point? What made this rock the definitive sunset rock event? Why had we come here? Well, I suppose my sons would remember it always. Except they'd missed the magical moment while they checked out a rival tour group's snack table, which had better crisps.

So now I've visited four of the “25 Wonders of the World", as decreed by Rough Guides. And I think this will be the last. While in my heart I can see myself wondering enchanted through China's Forbidden City, in my head I know I would be standing grumpily at the back of a group listening to some Imperial Palace Tour Guide. At the Grand Canyon I would be getting angr with tourists watching it through cameras – eyes are not good enough, since they lack a recording facility.

As we become richer and consumer goods are more widely affordable, and satisfy us only briefly before becoming obsolete, we turn to travel to provide us with 'experiences’. These will endure, set us apart from stay-at-home people and maybe, fill our lives with happiness and meaning, Books with helpful titles like 1,000 Places to See Before You Die are bestsellers. I'd bet many backpacks on the Machu Picchu Inca Trail are filled with copies, with little tieks penciled in the margins after each must-see sight has been visited. Travel is now the biggest industry on the planet, bigger than armaments or pharmaceuticals. And yet viewing the main sight of any destination is rarely the highlight of a trip. Mostly it sits there on your itinerary like a duty visit to a dull relative. The guilt of not visiting the Sistine Chapel, because we preferred to stay in a bar drinking limoncello, almost spoilt a weekend in Rome.

In Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef reproached us. How could we travel 15,000 miles without seeing it? How would we explain back home that we were too lazy, and preferred to stay playing a ball game in our hotel pool? In the end, we went to the reef and it was fine. But it won't rank highly in the things I'll never forget about Australia. Like the fact that the banknotes are made of waterproof plastic: how gloriously Australian is that? Even after a day's surfing, the $50 note you left in your surfing shorts is still OK to buy you beer! And the news item that during a recent tsunami warning, the surfers at Bondi Beach refused to leave the sea: what, and miss the ride of their lives? Or the stern warning at the hand luggage X-ray machine at Alice Springs airport: "No jokes must be made whilst being processed by this facility' - to forestall, no doubt, disrespectful Aussie comments: 'You won't find the bomb, mate. It's in my suitcase.’

The more I travel, the clearer it seems that the truth of a place is in the tiny details of everyday life, not in its most glorious statues or scenery. Put down your camera, throw away your list, the real wonders of the world number indefinitely more than 25.

Question 1: What does the author mean by ‘the prescribed tourist manner’ in paragraph 2?

A. They are all backpackers.

B. They are all wealthy travellers.

C. They are all interested in seeing the wonders of the world.

D. They all eat, drink and do the same things at the sites of the world wonders.

Đáp án: D

The prescribed tourist manner (cách thức du lịch theo quy định) = They all eat, drink and do the same things at the sites of the world wonders (Tất cả họ đều ăn, uống và làm những điều tương tự tại các địa điểm trên thế giới kỳ diệu)

Question 2: What did the author think or feel after seeing the sunset over Ayer Rock?

A. She thought it was pretty good.

B. She felt exhausted, empty, and bored.

C. She thought that was enough.

D. She thought this rock was the definitive sunset rock event.

Đáp án: B

Thông tin: Shattered from getting up at five in order to see Uluru at dawn, I felt empty and bored.

Dịch: Tan vỡ sau khi thức dậy lúc năm giờ để nhìn thấy Uluru lúc bình minh, tôi cảm thấy trống rỗng và buồn chán.

Question 3: Why does she think that Uluru is probably the last 'wonder of the world' she will see?

A. She doesn't like wandering around the wonders.

B. She doesn't enjoy the Imperial Palace Tour Guide.

C. She doesn't like watching the wonder through a camera.

D. She doesn't want to explore the sites the way people around her do.

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: So now I've visited four of the “25 Wonders of the World", as decreed by Rough Guides. And I think this will be the last. While in my heart I can see myself wondering enchanted through China's Forbidden City, in my head I know I would be standing grumpily at the back of a group listening to some Imperial Palace Tour Guide.

Dịch: Vì vậy, bây giờ tôi đã ghé thăm bốn trong số 25 Kỳ quan thế giới của Cốt-lô ", theo như sự đồng ý của Rough Guide. Và tôi nghĩ đây sẽ là lần cuối cùng. Tôi biết rằng tôi sẽ đứng gắt gỏng sau lưng một nhóm nghe một số Hướng dẫn viên của Cung điện Hoàng gia.

Question 4: What kind of tourists is she criticising when she says 'eyes are not good enough' in paragraph 4?

A. those who stand grumpily at the back of the group

B. those who wander enchanted through the site

C. those who look at the wonders through their cameras

D. those who lack a recording facility

Đáp án: C

Thông tin: At the Grand Canyon I would be getting angr with tourists watching it through cameras – eyes are not good enough, since they lack a recording facility.

Dịch: Tại Grand Canyon, tôi sẽ cảm thấy tức giận với khách du lịch khi xem nó qua camera - đôi mắt không đủ tốt, vì họ thiếu một cơ sở ghi âm.

Question 5: According to the author, what do a lot of backpackers carry with them nowadays?

A. books with helpful titles     B. books that are bestsellers

C. copies of must-see sights     D. little pencils

Đáp án: C

Thông tin: I'd bet many backpacks on the Machu Picchu Inca Trail are filled with copies, with little tieks penciled in the margins after each must-see sight has been visited.

Dịch: Tôi cá rằng nhiều chiếc ba lô trên Đường mòn Machu Picchu Inca chứa đầy các bản sao, với những chiếc cà vạt nhỏ được bút chì ở lề sau mỗi lần nhìn thấy phải được ghé thăm.

Question 6: The author compares visiting the main tourist sights to ____.

A. armaments     B. Pharmaceuticals

C. a trip highlight     D. a duty visit to a dull relative

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: And yet viewing the main sight of any destination is rarely the highlight of a trip. Mostly it sits there on your itinerary like a duty visit to a dull relative.

Dịch: Tuy nhiên, việc xem cảnh chính của bất kỳ điểm đến nào hiếm khi là điểm nổi bật của một chuyến đi. Chủ yếu là nó ngồi đó trên hành trình của bạn như một chuyến thăm nghĩa vụ đến một người họ hàng buồn tẻ.

Question 7: What does she mean by ‘the Great Barrier Reef reproached us' in paragraph 6?

A. The Great Barrier Reef is worth visiting if you are in Australia.

B. It is fine to visit the Great Barrier Reef when you are in Australia.

C. It seems wrong not to visit the Great Barrier Reef once you are in Australia.

D. The Great Barrier Reef is an unforgettable sight in Australia.

Đáp án: C

The Great Barrier Reef reproached us (rạn san hô Great Barrier quở trách chúng tôi) có nghĩa là sai lầm khi không tới thăm rặng san hô này khi tới Australia

Question 8: All of the following are mentioned in the article as memorable aspects of Australia EXCEPT ____.

A. banknotes made of waterproof plastic

B. the fine visit to the Great Barrier Reef

C. the surfers at Bondi Beach refusing to leave the sea despite tsunami warning

D. the stern warning at the hand luggage X-ray machine at Alice Springs airport.

Đáp án: B

Thông tin không đề cập trong bài.

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 1: Visitors come to admire the relics that were excavated from the ancient tombs

A. Visitors come to admire the relics excavating from the ancient tombs.

B. Visitors come to admire the relics excavated from the ancient tombs.

C. Visitors come to admire the relics being excavated from the ancient tombs.

D. Visitors come to admire the relics to be excavated from the ancient tombs

Đáp án: B

Dịch: Du khách đến để chiêm ngưỡng các di tích được khai quật từ những ngôi mộ cổ.

Question 2: The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, which is located in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2011

A. Locating in Thanh Hoa Province, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2011.

B. Located in Thanh Hoa Province, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2011.

C. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, that is located in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2011.

D. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, locating in Thanh Hoa Province, was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2011.

Đáp án: B

Dịch: Nằm ở tỉnh Thanh Hóa, Thành cổ nhà Hồ đã được thêm vào danh sách di sản thế giới của UNESCO năm 2011.

Question 3: The Complex of Hue Monuments, which lies along the Perfume River in Hue City, is a good example of a well-designed capital city.

A. The Complex of Hue Monuments, laying along the Perfume River in Hue City, is a good example of a well-designed capital city.

B. Laying along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of a well-designed capital city.

C. Lying along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of a well-designed capital city.

D. Laid along the Perfume River in Hue City, the Complex of Hue Monuments is a good example of a well-designed capital city.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Nằm dọc theo sông Hương ở thành phố Huế, Khu phức hợp di tích Huế là một ví dụ điển hình của một thành phố thủ đô được thiết kế tốt.

Question 4: He has been living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.

A. Living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.

B. Being lived with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.

C. Has lived with his cousin for two months, but he's looking for a place close to his university.

D. Having been living with his cousin for two months, but he's looking to a place close to his university.

Đáp án: D

Dịch: Đã sống với anh em họ hai tháng, nhưng anh ấy đang tìm đến một nơi gần trường đại học của mình.

Question 5: After we had chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.

A. Chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.

B. Choosing a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.

C. Having chosen a destination for our holiday, we began preparing for the trip.

D. Having prepared for the trip, we chose a destination for our holiday.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Chọn một điểm đến cho kỳ nghỉ của chúng tôi, chúng tôi bắt đầu chuẩn bị cho chuyến đi.

Test 2

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. archaeology    B. itinerary    C. unforgettable     D. authenticity

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Đáp án A, D, C trọng âm số 3. Đáp án B trọng âm số 2.

Question 2: A. magnificent    B. associate     C. mausoleum    D. harmonious

Đáp án: C

Giải thích:Đáp án A, D, B trọng âm số 2. Đáp án B trọng âm số 3.

Question 3: A. religious     B. masterpiece     C. prestigious     D. abundant

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: Đáp án A, D, C trọng âm số 2. Đáp án B trọng âm số 1.

Question 4: A. intact     B. nightlife     C. relic     D. complex

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Đáp án B, D, C trọng âm số 2. Đáp án A trọng âm số 1.

Question 5: A. cultural    B. heritage    C. memory     D. represent

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, C trọng âm số 1. Đáp án D trọng âm số 3.

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.

A. in perfection    B. in ruins     C. in chaos     D. in completion

Đáp án: B

Intact (không suy chuyển) >< in ruins (hoàn toàn đổ nát)

Question 2: Tourists can do and see a lot in Ha Long Bay at a reasonable price.

A. inexpensive     B. affordable     C. cheap     D. exorbitant

Đáp án: D

Reasonable (hợp lí) >< exorbitant (đắt cắt cổ)

Question 3: The major stone sections of the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty remain intact thanks to the unique construction techniques.:

A. special    B. common     C. excellent     D. ancient

Đáp án: B

Unique (độc nhất) >< common (phổ thông)

Question 4: The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was first built during the Ly Dynasty and then expanded by subsequent dynasties

A. following    B. successive    C. preceding     D. next

Đáp án: C

Subsequent (đến sau) ><preceding (trước)

Question 5: Visitors with more abundant travel budgets can enjoy the comfort of five-star hotels and luxury cruise ships.

A. huge    B. plentiful     C. mean    D. tight

Đáp án: D

Abundant (dồi dào) >< tight (chặt)

Bài 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Herman Melville, an American author best known today for his novel Moby Dick, was actually more popular during his lifetime for some of his other works. He traveled extensively and used the knowledge gained during his travels as the basis for his early novels. In 1837, at the age of eighteen, Melville signed as a cabin boy on a merchant ship that was to sail from his Massachusetts home to Liverpool, England. His experiences on this trip served as a basis for the novel Redburn (1849). In 1841 Melville set out on a whaling ship headed for the South Seas. After jumping ship in Tahiti, he wandered around the islands of Tahiti and Moorea. This South Sea island sojourn was a backdrop to the novel Omoo (1847). After three years away from home, Melville joined up with a U.S. naval frigate that was returning to the eastern United States around Cape Horn. The novel White-Jacket (1850) describes this lengthy voyage as a navy seaman. With the publication of these early adventure novels, Melville developed a b and loyal following among readers eager for his tales of exotic places and situations. However, in 1851, with the publication of Moby Dick, Melville's popularity started to diminish. Moby Dick, on one level the saga of the hunt for the great white whale, was also a heavily symbolic allegory of the heroic struggle of man against the universe. The public was not ready for Melville's literary metamorphosis from romantic adventure to philosophical symbolism. It is ironic that the novel that served to diminish Melville's popularity during his lifetime is the one for which he is best known today.

Question 1: The main subject of the passage is_________.

A. Melville’s travels     B. Moby Dick

C. Melville’s personal background     D. the popularity of Melville’s novels.

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: Herman Melville, an American author best known today for his novel Moby Dick, was actually more popular during his lifetime for some of his other works

Dịch: Herman Melville- nhà văn người Mĩ nổi tiếng nhất hiện nay với tiểu thuyết Moby Dick, ông càng được biết tới rộng rãi hơn qua một vài tác phẩm khác trong suốt cuộc đời của mình.

Question 2: The word “basis” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.

A. background     B. message     C. bottom     D. dissertation

Đáp án: A

Basic = background (n): nền tảng.

Question 3: According to the passage, Melville’s early novels were__________.

A. published while he was traveling     B. completely fictional

C. all about his work on whaling ships     D. based on his travel experience

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: He traveled extensively and used the knowledge gained during his travels as the basis for his early novels

Dịch: Ông đã đi chu du nhiều nơi và sử dụng những kiến thức có được từ những cuộc hành trình để làm cơ sở cho những cuốn tiểu thuyết đầu tiên

Question 4: The passage implies that Melville stayed in Tahiti because____________.

A. he had unofficially left his ship

B. he was on leave while his ship was in port

C. he had finished his term of duty

D. he had received permission to take a vacation in Tahiti

Đáp án: A

Thông tin: In 1841 Melville set out on a whaling ship headed for the South Seas. After jumping ship in Tahiti, he wandered around the islands of Tahiti and Moorea.

Dịch: Vào năm 1841, Melville bắt đầu chuyến hành trình trên 1 con tàu săn cái voi tiến về vùng biển phía Nam. Sau khi xuống tàu ở Tahiti, ông đã đi lang thang khắp các đảo ở Tahiti và Moorea.

Question 5: How did the publication of Moby Dick affect Melville’s popularity?

A. His popularity remained as b as ever.     B. It caused his popularity to decrease.

C. His popularity increased immediately.     D. It had no effect on his popularity.

Đáp án: B

Thông tin: However, in 1851, with the publication of Moby Dick, Melville's popularity started to diminish

Dịch: Dù vậy, vào năm 1851, cùng với sự xuất bản của Moby Dick thì danh tiếng của Melville đã bắt đầu sụt giảm.

Question 6: According to the passage, Moby Dick is__________.

A. symbolic of humanity fighting the universe     B. a single-faceted work

C. a short story about a whale     D. a 47 adventure

Đáp án: A

Thông tin: Moby Dick, on one level the saga of the hunt for the great white whale, was also a heavily symbolic allegory of the heroic struggle of man against the universe

Dịch: Moby Dick- cuốn tiểu thuyến trường thiên kể về các cuộc săn cá voi trắng khổng lồ, đồng thời cũng là một câu chuyện ngụ ngôn mang tính biểu tượng về cuộc đấu tranh anh dũng của loài người chống lại vũ trụ.

Question 7: : In what year did Melville’s book about his experiences as a cabin boy appear?

A. 1849     B. 1837     C. 1847     D. 1841

Đáp án: A

Thông tin: His experiences on this trip served as a basis for the novel Redburn (1849).

Thông tin: Những trải nghiệm của ông trong chuyến đi này chính là cơ sở cho cuốn tiểu thuyết Redburn (1849).

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 1: A picture was stolen by art thieves. It was painted by Munch.

A. Stolen by art thieves, a picture was painted by Munch.

B. Painted by Munch, a picture was stolen by art thieves.

C. A picture painted by Munch was stolen by art thieves.

D. All are correct.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Một bức tranh được vẽ bởi Munch đã bị đánh cắp bởi những tên trộm nghệ thuật.

Question 2: You can see Velazquez in this painting. He is standing in the background.

A. Standing in the background, you can see Velazquez in this painting.

B. You can see Velazquez, who is standing in the background, in this painting.

C. You can see Velazquez standing in the background in this painting.

D. Both B and C are correct.

Đáp án: D

Dịch: Bạn có thể thấy Velazquez trong bức tranh này. Anh đang đứng ở phía sau.

Question 3: The sculpture represents the biblical King David. It was carved in the early 1500s.

A. The sculpture carved in the early 1500s represents the biblical King David.

B. The sculpture, carved in the early 1500s, represents the biblical King David.

C. Represented the biblical King David, the sculpture was carved in the early 1500s.

D. Being represented the biblical King David, the sculpture was carved in the early 1500s.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Tác phẩm điêu khắc, được chạm khắc vào đầu những năm 1500, đại diện cho Vua David trong Kinh thánh.

Question 4: Cats is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain. It was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

A. Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cats is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain.

B. Cats, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is one of the longest-running musicals in Britain.

C. Cats, one of the longest-running musicals in Britain, was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

D. All are correct.

Đáp án: D

Dịch: Mèo là một trong những vở nhạc kịch dài nhất ở Anh. Nó được viết bởi Andrew Lloyd Webber

Question 5: The Matrix was released in 1999. It stars Keanu Reeves.

A. Releasing in 1999, The Matrix stars Keanu Reeves.

B. Released in 1999, The Matrix stars Keanu Reeves.

C. The Matrix released in 1999 stars Keanu Reeves.

D. Both B and C are correct.

Đáp án: D

Dịch: Được phát hành vào năm 1999, The Matrix star Keanu Reeves.

Test 3

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 1: You will never eat there at the weekend unless you have made a reservation.

A. Let’s make reservation at the weekend to be due of eating there

B. You should have made a reservation if you expected to eat there at the weekend.

C. It is only possible for you to eat there at the weekend if you reserve a table in advance.

D. You may not be able to eat there if you don’t reserve a table at the weekend on purpose.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Bạn sẽ không bao giờ ăn ở đó vào cuối tuần trừ khi bạn đã đặt trước.

= Bạn chỉ có thể ăn ở đó vào cuối tuần nếu bạn đặt bàn trước.

Question 2: Only Mary scored high enough to pass this test

A. Mary was the only person to pass this test.

B. Only on this test was Mary’s score high enough.

C. Mary’s score was barely enough to pass.

D. Mary only passed this test because she scored higher than the others.

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Chỉ có Mary đạt điểm cao đủ để vượt qua bài kiểm tra này.

= Mary là người duy nhất vượt qua bài kiểm tra này.

Question 3: The demand was so great. They had to reprint the book immediately.

A. So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.

B. The book would be reprinted immediately since the demand was great.

C. They demanded to reprint the book immediately.

D. They demanded that the book be reprinted immediately.

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Nhu cầu rất lớn. Họ phải tái bản cuốn sách ngay lập tức.

Question 4: He did not work hard. He failed the exam.

A. Unless he had worked hard, he would have failed the exam.

B. Even though he failed the exam, he didn’t work hard.

C. If he had worked hard, he would have passed the exam.

D. However hard he worked, he failed the exam.

Đáp án: C

Dịch:Cậu ấy ko học chăm. Cậu ấy đã trượt kỳ thi. = Nếu cậu ấy học chăm, cậu ấy đã qua kỳ thi.

Question 5: “I will help you with the housework”, Mai said to me.

A. Mai promised to help me with the housework.

B. Mai asked me to help her with the housework

C. Mai begged to help me with the housework.

D. Mai insisted on helping me with the housework

Đáp án: A

Dịch nghĩa: “Mình sẽ giúp cậu làm việc nhà”, Mai nói với tôi.

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. committee     B. impatient     C. employee     D. refugee

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, C trọng âm số 2. Đáp án D trọng âm số 3.

Question 2: A. familiar    B. impatient    C. uncertain     D. arrogant

Đáp án: D

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, C trọng âm số 2. Đáp án D trọng âm số 1.

Question 3: A. respectable   B. occasional    C. kindergarten    D. affectionate

Đáp án:C

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, D trọng âm số 2. Đáp án C trọng âm số 1.

Question 4: A. humanism    B. objectively    C. philosophy    D. forgettable

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Đáp án B, C, D trọng âm số 2. Đáp án A trọng âm số 1.

Question 5: A. stimulate    B. surgical     C. already     D. measurement

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Đáp án A, B, D trọng âm số 1. Đáp án C trọng âm số 2.

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: You may choose one from the five World Heritage Sites in Viet Nam ____ in this leaflet to visit on your next field trip.

A. includes     B. including    C. included     D. to include

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Bạn có thể chọn một trong năm Di sản Thế giới tại Việt Nam có trong tờ rơi này để tham quan trong chuyến đi thực địa tiếp theo của bạn.

Question 2: ____ UNESCO criteria for outstanding universal value to humanity, Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was added to the World Heritage List in 2014.

A. Meeting    B. Met     C. To meet     D. Having met

Đáp án: D

Dịch: Đạt được các tiêu chí của UNESCO về giá trị phổ quát nổi bật đối với nhân loại, Khu phức hợp danh lam thắng cảnh Tràng An đã được thêm vào Danh sách Di sản Thế giới năm 2014.

Question 3: The most magnificent feature of Taj Mahal ____ is the central dome.

A. noticed     B. being noticed     C. to notice    D. noticing

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Đặc điểm tráng lệ nhất của Taj Mahal đáng chú ý là mái vòm trung tâm.

Question 4: Scientists ____ on the site found many ancient tools, tombs and pottery, and made some important archaeological discoveries.

A. worked     B. working    C. to work     D. to be working

Đáp án: B

Dịch: Các nhà khoa học làm việc trên trang web đã tìm thấy nhiều công cụ cổ xưa, lăng mộ và đồ gốm, và thực hiện một số khám phá khảo cổ quan trọng.

Question 5: ____ with an average of 320 days of sunshine a year, the coastline offers the perfect holiday destination for anyone ____ to switch off and unwind.

A. Blessed/wanting                  B. Blessing/wanting    

C. Blessed/wants                      D. Blessing/wanted

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Được ban phước với trung bình 320 ngày nắng mỗi năm, bờ biển mang đến điểm đến kỳ nghỉ hoàn hảo cho bất cứ ai muốn tắm và thư giãn.

IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


The coaches at the Uluru Sunset Viewing Area were parked three deep. Guides were putting up tables and setting out wines and snacks. Ten minutes to go. Are we ready? Five minutes, folks. Got your cameras? OK, here it comes ...

Whether an American backpacker or a wealthy traveller, Danish, British, French, we all saw that sunset over Uluru, or Ayer Rock, in what seems to be the prescribed tourist manner: mouth full of corn chips, glass full of Château Somewhere, and a loved one posing in a photo's foreground, as the all-time No 1 Australian icon behind us glowed briefly red.

Back on the coach, our guide declared our sunset to be 'pretty good', although not the best she'd witnessed in her six years. Behind me, Adam, a student from Manchester, reinserted his iPod earphones: 'Well, that's enough of that rock.' Indeed. Shattered from getting up at five in order to see Uluru at dawn, I felt empty and bored. What was the point? What made this rock the definitive sunset rock event? Why had we come here? Well, I suppose my sons would remember it always. Except they'd missed the magical moment while they checked out a rival tour group's snack table, which had better crisps.

So now I've visited four of the “25 Wonders of the World", as decreed by Rough Guides. And I think this will be the last. While in my heart I can see myself wondering enchanted through China's Forbidden City, in my head I know I would be standing grumpily at the back of a group listening to some Imperial Palace Tour Guide. At the Grand Canyon I would be getting angr with tourists watching it through cameras – eyes are not good enough, since they lack a recording facility.

As we become richer and consumer goods are more widely affordable, and satisfy us only briefly before becoming obsolete, we turn to travel to provide us with 'experiences’. These will endure, set us apart from stay-at-home people and maybe, fill our lives with happiness and meaning, Books with helpful titles like 1,000 Places to See Before You Die are bestsellers. I'd bet many backpacks on the Machu Picchu Inca Trail are filled with copies, with little tieks penciled in the margins after each must-see sight has been visited. Travel is now the biggest industry on the planet, bigger than armaments or pharmaceuticals. And yet viewing the main sight of any destination is rarely the highlight of a trip. Mostly it sits there on your itinerary like a duty visit to a dull relative. The guilt of not visiting the Sistine Chapel, because we preferred to stay in a bar drinking limoncello, almost spoilt a weekend in Rome.

In Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef reproached us. How could we travel 15,000 miles without seeing it? How would we explain back home that we were too lazy, and preferred to stay playing a ball game in our hotel pool? In the end, we went to the reef and it was fine. But it won't rank highly in the things I'll never forget about Australia. Like the fact that the banknotes are made of waterproof plastic: how gloriously Australian is that? Even after a day's surfing, the $50 note you left in your surfing shorts is still OK to buy you beer! And the news item that during a recent tsunami warning, the surfers at Bondi Beach refused to leave the sea: what, and miss the ride of their lives? Or the stern warning at the hand luggage X-ray machine at Alice Springs airport: "No jokes must be made whilst being processed by this facility' - to forestall, no doubt, disrespectful Aussie comments: 'You won't find the bomb, mate. It's in my suitcase.’

The more I travel, the clearer it seems that the truth of a place is in the tiny details of everyday life, not in its most glorious statues or scenery. Put down your camera, throw away your list, the real wonders of the world number indefinitely more than 25.

Question 1: What does the author mean by ‘the prescribed tourist manner’ in paragraph 2?

A. They are all backpackers.

B. They are all wealthy travellers.

C. They are all interested in seeing the wonders of the world.

D. They all eat, drink and do the same things at the sites of the world wonders.

Đáp án: D

The prescribed tourist manner (cách thức du lịch theo quy định) = They all eat, drink and do the same things at the sites of the world wonders (Tất cả họ đều ăn, uống và làm những điều tương tự tại các địa điểm trên thế giới kỳ diệu)

Question 2: What did the author think or feel after seeing the sunset over Ayer Rock?

A. She thought it was pretty good.

B. She felt exhausted, empty, and bored.

C. She thought that was enough.

D. She thought this rock was the definitive sunset rock event.

Đáp án: B

Thông tin: Shattered from getting up at five in order to see Uluru at dawn, I felt empty and bored.

Dịch: Tan vỡ sau khi thức dậy lúc năm giờ để nhìn thấy Uluru lúc bình minh, tôi cảm thấy trống rỗng và buồn chán.

Question 3: Why does she think that Uluru is probably the last 'wonder of the world' she will see?

A. She doesn't like wandering around the wonders.

B. She doesn't enjoy the Imperial Palace Tour Guide.

C. She doesn't like watching the wonder through a camera.

D. She doesn't want to explore the sites the way people around her do.

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: So now I've visited four of the “25 Wonders of the World", as decreed by Rough Guides. And I think this will be the last. While in my heart I can see myself wondering enchanted through China's Forbidden City, in my head I know I would be standing grumpily at the back of a group listening to some Imperial Palace Tour Guide.

Dịch: Vì vậy, bây giờ tôi đã ghé thăm bốn trong số 25 Kỳ quan thế giới của Cốt-lô ", theo như sự đồng ý của Rough Guide. Và tôi nghĩ đây sẽ là lần cuối cùng. Tôi biết rằng tôi sẽ đứng gắt gỏng sau lưng một nhóm nghe một số Hướng dẫn viên của Cung điện Hoàng gia.

Question 4: What kind of tourists is she criticising when she says 'eyes are not good enough' in paragraph 4?

A. those who stand grumpily at the back of the group

B. those who wander enchanted through the site

C. those who look at the wonders through their cameras

D. those who lack a recording facility

Đáp án: C

Thông tin: At the Grand Canyon I would be getting angr with tourists watching it through cameras – eyes are not good enough, since they lack a recording facility.

Dịch: Tại Grand Canyon, tôi sẽ cảm thấy tức giận với khách du lịch khi xem nó qua camera - đôi mắt không đủ tốt, vì họ thiếu một cơ sở ghi âm.

Question 5: According to the author, what do a lot of backpackers carry with them nowadays?

A. books with helpful titles     B. books that are bestsellers

C. copies of must-see sights     D. little pencils

Đáp án: C

Thông tin: I'd bet many backpacks on the Machu Picchu Inca Trail are filled with copies, with little tieks penciled in the margins after each must-see sight has been visited.

Dịch: Tôi cá rằng nhiều chiếc ba lô trên Đường mòn Machu Picchu Inca chứa đầy các bản sao, với những chiếc cà vạt nhỏ được bút chì ở lề sau mỗi lần nhìn thấy phải được ghé thăm.

Question 6: The author compares visiting the main tourist sights to ____.

A. armaments     B. Pharmaceuticals

C. a trip highlight     D. a duty visit to a dull relative

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: And yet viewing the main sight of any destination is rarely the highlight of a trip. Mostly it sits there on your itinerary like a duty visit to a dull relative.

Dịch: Tuy nhiên, việc xem cảnh chính của bất kỳ điểm đến nào hiếm khi là điểm nổi bật của một chuyến đi. Chủ yếu là nó ngồi đó trên hành trình của bạn như một chuyến thăm nghĩa vụ đến một người họ hàng buồn tẻ.

Question 7:What does she mean by ‘the Great Barrier Reef reproached us' in paragraph 6?

A. The Great Barrier Reef is worth visiting if you are in Australia.

B. It is fine to visit the Great Barrier Reef when you are in Australia.

C. It seems wrong not to visit the Great Barrier Reef once you are in Australia.

D. The Great Barrier Reef is an unforgettable sight in Australia.

Đáp án: C

The Great Barrier Reef reproached us (rạn san hô Great Barrier quở trách chúng tôi) có nghĩa là sai lầm khi không tới thăm rặng san hô này khi tới Australia

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