Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 9 mới Unit 12: Writing (trang 56)

SBT Tiếng Anh 9 mới Unit 12: My future career

E. Writing (trang 56 SBT Tiếng Anh 9 mới)

1. Work in pairs...(Làm việc nhóm. Chọn nghề nghiệp mà bạn sẽ làm trong tương lai. Thảo luận tại sao bạn lại làm nghề đó. Đưa ra ít nhất 3 lý do.)

Quảng cáo

I always dream of being a doctor and I'd like to open my own clinic. The first reason is that I want to help people. Healing the sick and making care of them to help them overcome their health problems make me very happy. Secondly, in my opinion, doctor can give hope to patients. When they come to me for advice, they definitely faith in me and that gives me motivations to continue to study to find the cures for dangerous illnesses. On the other hand, I have no reason for being afraid of unemployment, due to the fact that there are always diseases in our life and many people need to be healed. Patients need good doctors and I will try my best to help more people and exterminate the dangerous illnesses.

2. Write a letter...

Quảng cáo

Dear John,

I’m so glad to know that you’re going to the California University this autumn. I hope that you will enjoy the college life and the major you chose.

About me, I’m trying my best to study maths, chemistry and biology. I always dream of being a doctor. The first reason is that I want to help people. Healing the sick and making care of them to help them overcome their health problems make me very happy. Secondly, in my opinion, doctor can give hope to patients. When they come to me for advice, they definitely faith in me and that gives me motivations to continue to study to find the cures for dangerous illnesses. On the other hand, I have no reason for being afraid of unemployment, due to the fact that there are always diseases in our life and many people need to be healed.

However, there’s plenty of time for me to make a detailed plan.

I wish you were here to give me some advices.


Quảng cáo

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