Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 10: Space travel mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 10: Space travel mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 thí điểm (cả năm) bản word có lời giải chi tiết:


I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

• Use some vocabularies and structures to talk about space travel

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

Before starting this lesson, do a quick game to revise the main grammar point in Unit 9: relative pronouns.

Write on the board some phrases that will need relative clauses to be complete, for example:

The language...

This is the place...

I met the girl...

In groups of three, Ss take turns to complete these sentences: the first student says one of these phrases, then the second student adds a relative pronoun. The last student will add a clause to finish the sentence.

For example:

Student 1: The language...

Student 2: ...which...

Student 3: ...I would like to learn the most is Spanish.

Before Ss start reading the GETTING STARTED conversation, introduce the characters Phuc and Nick and provide the context: Nick is visiting Phuc, and they are now talking in Phuc’s room.

Ask Ss to focus on the picture and the heading ‘A mission to Mars’. Ask questions:

What do you think Phuc and Nick are talking about?

What else can you see in the room?

What do you think Phuc is interested in? Why do you think so?

Do not provide corrective feedback at this stage. Now play the recording. Ask the class to revise their answers if necessary.

Activity 1:

a/ Now tell Ss to look at the text of the conversation. Play the recording and have Ss follow along. Have Ss then work in pairs to do the matching exercise.

b/ Have Ss continue to work in pairs and answer the questions. Give feedback as a class. Ask Ss to say where in the conversation they found the answers to the questions.

c/ Have Ss discuss the questions: ‘Who is keener on space travel – Phuc or Nick? Why do you think so?’

Ask Ss to give as much information in the text to support their answers as possible.



1. d

2. e

3. f

4. c

5. b

6. a



1. Phuc was crazy about space.

2. He had learnt about the universe and had collected lots of books about space.

3. To show that there are more things in the list but that it’s not necessary to list everything.

4. He wasn’t very impressed because he thought the meteorite was like an ordinary piece of rock.

5. By scuba diving in a flight suit and by taking a parabolic flight to experience microgravity.

6. He compares it to a ride on a rollercoaster.

c/ Key:

Phuc seems keener on space travel than Nick. He was crazy about space when he was young. Phuc knows more about space and astronauts. He says he’d love to experience microgravity, whereas Nick thinks microgravity sounds scary.

Activity 2:

Have Ss work individually for this exercise. Ask them to pay attention to the photos and the key words/ content words in the sentences. Have Ss then compare their answers with a partner.

Activity 2:


1. satellite

2. telescope

3. universe

4. meteorite

5. rocket

6. spacecraft

Activity 3:

Ask Ss to work in small groups for this game. Give Ss the following instructions. T may draw a bingo card on the board and fill in the first word as a demonstration.

• First, create a Bingo card of nine squares by drawing two horizontal lines and two vertical lines. Write ‘Bingo!’ in the middle square to form a ‘free space’.

• Second, create a vocabulary list that contains eight new words that Ss have learnt in this lesson.

• Third, each player fills in his or her Bingo card with the words from the list. Each player should have his or her words in different squares for the game to work.

• Write the eight vocabulary words on small pieces of paper, shuffle the paper, and keep them face down.

Then, one person turns over the pieces of paper one by one, and calls out either the actual words or the definitions. (See the illustration beside.)

• Players find the words in their grid as they are called, and mark them off. When a player has marked three boxes down, across, or diagonally (counting the ‘free space’), he or she calls out ‘Bingo!’ and wins the round. Ss can play several rounds with the same card. Use a different symbol to mark the card for each round.

Activity 3:

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 10: Space travel mới, chuẩn nhất


-Practice reading the dialogue.

-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 1

Lesson 2 - A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students will be able to:

• use the lexical items related to astronomy and space travel

• identify continuing or finishing tones and say sentences with the correct intonation

II . PREPARATION: sub -board, pictures, cassette


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content


Activity 1:

Have Ss work individually to complete the exercise. Remind them to modify the verbs where necessary.

They then compare their answers in pairs.

For a more able class, after Ss have finished, ask them which word(s) can be used as a noun as well. Give feedback: orbit, experience, launch. Ask Ss to make sentences with these nouns.

Activity 1:


1. orbit

2. experienced

3. launched

4. landed

5. trained

Activity 2:

For this exercise, remind Ss of some words about space they have learnt earlier, for example: astronaut, jet pilot, weightlessness, water tank laboratory, microgravity.

Then have Ss work individually to complete the exercise. Ask Ss to pay attention to the key words to understand the text, as well as to the part of speech of the missing words.

Activity 2:


1. good health

2. a flight suit

3. parabolic flights

4. operate

5. spacewalks

Activity 3:

a/ As a class, ask Ss to cover the boxes on the right so that they can attempt to guess the meaning of the idioms first. Then they uncover the boxes and do the matching exercise. Check the answers as a class, and make sure the idioms are understood before moving on to

b/ Have Ss then work in pairs to make short dialogues using the idioms they have learnt.

Activity 3:


1. c

2. a

3. d

4. b

Activity 4:

This game can be played in small groups in two rounds.

In the rst round, all groups will read the de nitions to guess the planets. The game will be timed. The group who is quickest to have all correct answers is the winner. If time allows, have Ss play the second round. In this round, T writes the names of some of the planets on the board (one by one). In 30 seconds, each group has to write on a piece of paper one fact they know about these planets, without looking at the textbook. The papers will then be cross checked by groups to find the group which has the most correct answers.

Activity 4:


1. Venus

2. Mercury

3. Jupiter

4. Mars

5. Neptune

6. Earth

7. Saturn

8. Uranus


Continuing or finishing tones

Play the recording from GETTING STARTED again, focussing on the part where Phuc tells Nick about what he had learnt about space.

‘I’d learnt about the planets, the stars, satellites, rockets, and stuff.’

Draw Ss’ attention to the REMEMBER! box.

Give an example of saying a list of things, such as:

-items on the teacher’s desk

-items in your wardrobe at home

-places you have visited

Activity 5:

Ask Ss to work in pairs to practise saying the statements and short dialogues. Play the recording and have Ss check their pronunciation.

Activity 6:

Have Ss work in pairs to do the task. If time allows, ask them to think of other situations when they tell other people lists of things. Ask Ss to work in pairs to play out the situations.


-Write new words then learn them by heart.

-Copy the exercise into notebooks.

-Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2

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