50 Bài tập Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải

Bài viết 50 Bài tập Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành và trên 50 bài tập về Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành.

50 Bài tập Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải


Biến đổi câu chủ động sang bị động thì hiện tại hoàn thành:

Câu bị động thì Hiện tại hoàn thành

Câu chủ động: S + have/has + V3/Ved + O

Câu bị động: S2 + have/has + been + V3/Ved + by O

Ví dụ: He has written this report. → This report has been written.

Lưu ý: Ví trị của trạng từ và cụm trạng từ:

– Thời gian: sau BY. Ví dụ: These pens have been bought by Nina for 2 hours.

– Vị trí: trước BY. Ví dụ: These pens have been bought at that shop by Nina.


Task 1. Chuyển sang câu bị động

1. Tom has seen this film before.

2. Nina has read the newspaper already.

3. They have seen these movies yet.

4. I have signed the contract.

5. These men have bought the tickets.

1. This film has been seen by Tom before.

2. The newspaper has already been read by Nina.

3. These movies have been seen by them yet.

4. The contract has been signed by me.

5. The tickets have been bought by these men.

Task 2. Đổi sang câu chủ động 1. These newspapers have been bought by Nina.

2. These reports have been typed for 2 hours.

3. My dogs have been taken good care of by my father.

4. Computer science has been studied by my brother since June.

5. This movie hasn’t been seen by my mother.

1. Nina has bought these newspapers

2. They have typed these reports for 2 hours.

3. My father has taken care of my dogs well.

4. My brother has studied computer science since June.

5. My mother has seen this movie.

Task 3. Chuyển sang câu bị động

1. I have bought this teddy bear in that shop.

2. Vicky has found her hat.

3. I have lost my bag.

4. We have finished the report.

5. I have done my exercise for three days.

1. This teddy bear has been bought in that shop by me.

2. Her hat has been found by Vicky.

3. My bag has been lost by me.

4. The report has been reported by us.

5. My exercise has been done by me for three days.

Task 4. Đổi sang câu chủ động

1. This car has been bought by Nina.

2. The thief has been found by the police.

3. Her pens have been found.

4. The reports have been finished.

5. These pencil cases have been bought by Nina.

1. Nina has bought this car

2. The police has found the thief

3. Someone has found her pen

4. I have finished the reports

5. Nina has bought these pencil cases


Exercise 1. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets using the passive voice.

1. The glass window ________ (break).

2. The room ________ (clean) since you left.

3. ________ (the room / clean) since you left?

4. Guess what! Mike’s smartphone ________ (steal).

5. You always do well, Ruth. You ________ (not give) the school maths prize once, you’ve had it twice!

Đáp án:

1. has been broken

2. has been cleaned

3. Has the room been cleaned

4. has been stolen

5. haven’t been given

Exercise 2. Rearrange the words to form sentences in the passive voice.

1. been/ the/ opened/ door/ has


2. stolen/ the cat/ meat/ has/ been/ by/ your


3. done/ homework/ our/ been/ has


4. the meeting/ until/ postponed/ been/ the month/ the end of/ has


5. a bank in Los Angeles/ stolen/ from/ has/ over/ in cash/ a million dollars/ been


Đáp án:

1. The door has been opened.

2. The meat has been stolen by your cat.

3. Our homework has been done.

4. The meeting has been postponed until the end of the month.

5. Over a million dollars in cash has been stolen from a bank in Los Angeles.

Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.

1. They’re really angry because someone ________ their car.

A. has been damaged

B. has damaged

C. damage

D. was damaged

2. She’s going to be late because her plane ________.

A. has been delayed

B. has delayed

C. delayed

B. was delayed

3. He ________ to a senior designer.

A. has been promoted

B. has promoted

C. promoted

D. are promoted

4. Bob’s wife ________ her job.

A. has lost

B. were lost

C. was losing

D. has been lost

5. My father ________ early retirement.

A. was taken

B. has taken

C. has been taken

D. take

6. My brother ________ the sack. His boss said he was lazy.

A. has been given

B. gave

C. given

D. has given

7. The number of people out of work ________ to nearly 3 million.

A. has risen

B. have risen

C. have been risen

D. has been risen

8. A strike ________ by the air traffic controllers.

A. called

B. has called

C. has been called

D. is given

9. The Prime Minister of Italy ________.

A. has been resigned

B. have resigned

C. resigned

D. has resigned

10. A new prime minister ________.

A. has elected

B. has been elected

C. have elected

D. elected

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. B

Exercise 4. Underline unnecessary objects that can be omitted.

1. My jewelry has been stolen by a thief!

2. It has been decided by the authorities that Wednesday will be a school holiday.

3. Harry was pushed over by someone standing next to him in the queue.

4. The goods are transported by rail to our warehouse in the Midlands.

5. I was told by someone that you have a vacancy for a computer operator.

6. Sue has been picked by the selectors for the national event.

7. The letter was sent by post on the 21st of last month.

8. The larger portrait was painted by a little-known Flemish artist.

9. It has been agreed by everyone that no smoking should be allowed,

10. As I arrived at the conference a note was handed to me by one of the delegates.

Đáp án:

1. by a thief

6. by the selectors

2. by the authorities

7. by post

3. by someone standing next to him

8. –

4. –

9. by everyone

5. by someone

10. by one of the delegates

Exercise 5. Complete the passage with the present perfect or future simple passive form.

In 1900 there were 1.6 billion people in the world, but today that number is over 6 billion. In the last century, a lot of the world’s forests (1) _______ (destroy) to provide wood for making furniture and paper. In addition, many of the world’s seas and rivers (2) _______ (pollute). Another problem today is how to provide food for the growing number of people in the world. New ways of growing food (3) _______ (need) very soon. Some new foods (4) _______ (discover) by scientists in the last few years, and in the future, we will eat more of these. Living space will be another big problem in the future. Perhaps one day new cities (5) _______ (not build) on land anymore − we will build them on or under the sea!

Đáp án:

1. have been destroyed

2. have been polluted

3. will be needed

4. have been discovered

5. won’t be built

Exercise 6. Change the sentences into passive voice.

1. Someone has watered the plants.

→ __________________________________________.

2. I haven’t written that report.

→ __________________________________________.

3. Has the Vietnam football team won the championship yet?

→ __________________________________________.

4. Many people have tried smoking.

→ __________________________________________.

5. David has already opened a new shop.

→ __________________________________________.

6. Nobody has done this before.

→ __________________________________________.

7. How many books have you read?

→ __________________________________________.

8. Marvel studio has launched a new trailer of the movie lately.

→ __________________________________________.

9. We have not agreed to this issue.

→ __________________________________________.

10. Have they sold all the tickets?

→ __________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. The plants have been watered.

2. That report hasn’t been written.

3. Has the championship been won by the Vietnam football team yet?

4. Smoking has been tried by many people.

5. A new shop has already been opened by David.

6. This hasn’t been done before.

7. How many books have been read by you?

8. A new trailer of the movie has been launched by Marvel Studio lately.

9. This issue has not been agreed.

10. Have all the tickets been sold?

Exercise 7. Rewrite these sentences with the same meaning.

1. The car has been cleaned by Liz.

→ __________________________________________.

2. Why has she been insulted by her classmates?

→ __________________________________________.

3. Has she finished all the homework?

→ __________________________________________.

4. I haven’t watered the flowers for a long time.

→ __________________________________________.

5. Someone has stolen all the money.

→ __________________________________________.

6. The air conditioning hasn’t been turned off yet.

→ __________________________________________.

7. All the lamps have been sold out by Eugene.

→ __________________________________________.

8. How many stamps have been collected by her?

→ __________________________________________.

9. Who has made the birthday cake?

→ __________________________________________.

10. Timmy has just lost the keys.

→ __________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. Liz has cleaned the car.

2. Why have the classmates insulted her?

3. Has all the homework been finished?

4. The flowers haven’t been watered for a long time.

5. All the money has been stolen.

6. No one has turned off the air conditioning yet.

7. Eugene has sold out all the lamps.

8. How many stamps has she collected?

9. By whom has the birthday cake been made?

10. The keys have just been lost by Timmy.

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