Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results

Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results

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Đề bài: Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results

Do we really need school exams every year? Why/Why not?

1. Study the class survey results and calculate the percentages.

2. What are some comments from the 'yes' side?

3. What are some comments from the 'no' side?

4. What is the majority opinion?

Paragraph 1: Introduction and statistics

Paragraph 2: Explanation of comments

Paragraph 3: Summary

Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results - mẫu 1

Survey report: School exams

In our survey in our class, we asked people ‘Do we really need school exams every year?’ Of the sixty students who participated, 50% said ‘yes’ and 40% said ‘no’. However, 10% of people were undecided.

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Those in favour said that these annual tests allow schools to assess student’s progress and identify areas which require improvement. According to 50 per cent of respondents, examinations help them measure their academic development and understand where further effort is needed. In contrast, some claim that frequent assessment leads to stress and anxiety among young learners who lack confidence in their abilities. Another comment from the ‘yes’ side was that examinations encourage hard work and discipline among students as they prepare for upcoming testing sessions, strengthening their learning skills, whereas people who said ‘no’ question whether the proficiency gauged from annual exams translates into employability once they graduate because most job sectors do not rely solely upon test scores. Those who were undecided didn’t make comments.

All in all, the results indicate that the majority of students think that school examinations play a vital role in evaluating student achievement.

Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results - mẫu 2

Survey report: School exams

In a recent class survey about the necessity of school exams every year, 70% of students expressed the view that exams are necessary. They believe exams help measure understanding and prepare students for future challenges. On the other hand, 30% of students disagreed, arguing that exams create unnecessary stress and don't always accurately reflect knowledge.

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From the 'yes' side, students commented that exams provide a clear way to assess learning progress and help in setting academic goals. They feel exams are essential for maintaining academic standards and preparing for higher education or careers.

Conversely, students on the 'no' side mentioned that exams can be too stressful, focusing more on memorization than understanding. They suggested alternative assessment methods like projects and continuous evaluation to better reflect students' true abilities.

While a majority of students support the need for school exams, there is a notable minority that questions their effectiveness and impact on student well-being. The survey highlights a diverse range of opinions on how assessments should be conducted in schools to balance academic rigor with student welfare.

Do a class survey about the questions below. Then write a report (100-120 words) about the results - mẫu 3

Survey report: School exams

A recent survey conducted in our class revealed that opinions are divided on the necessity of school exams every year. 55% of students believe that school exams are necessary, emphasizing that they provide a structured way to measure academic progress and readiness for higher education or careers. Conversely, 45% of students oppose annual exams, arguing that they create undue stress and may not accurately reflect students' true abilities and knowledge.

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From those in favor of school exams, students highlighted that exams motivate them to study consistently throughout the year and help teachers identify areas needing improvement. They also mentioned that exams prepare them for the pressure of future assessments and professional challenges.

On the other hand, students against annual exams expressed concerns about the anxiety exams can cause, suggesting that alternative assessment methods such as projects and presentations could better assess practical skills and critical thinking abilities.

In conclusion, while a slight majority of students support the necessity of school exams for academic and future preparation, there is a significant minority that advocates for alternative assessment methods to reduce stress and better gauge comprehensive learning. The survey underscores the importance of balancing academic rigor with student well-being in educational practices.

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