Write a short passage about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a short passage about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life

Quảng cáo

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life - mẫu 1

There are things I think I need to do every day to have a healthy life. First, I need to take a bath after getting up. It helps me have a fresh start. Second, I should never skip breakfast. I need to eat after a long night. During the day, I also need to spend some time exercising and cleaning my house. They are both good for my health. Finally, I need seven to eight hours of sleep a day. If not, I will feel tired and sleepy the next day.

Quảng cáo

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life - mẫu 2

After getting up early and making sure that I slept 7-8 hours, I exercised with my family in order to be healthy. Then I took a bath like every normal day. Finally, I had breakfast with an omelette so that I could clean my house faster because today is Saturday, the day when we cleaned up the house together. Although my morning on the weekend is simple, I find interest in doing housework with my own family.

Quảng cáo

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life - mẫu 3

To stay healthy every day, I make sure to move around a lot, like playing or walking. I eat good foods with lots of fruits and veggies. Drinking water helps me stay strong. When it's bedtime, I make sure to sleep well. Also, taking breaks to relax my mind, like drawing or listening to music, keeps me happy and healthy. Doing these things every day helps me feel good inside and out.

Quảng cáo

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life - mẫu 4

To be healthy every day, I play and run around for fun. Eating yummy fruits and veggies makes my body strong. Drinking water is like magic for staying fit. When it's bedtime, I sleep tight to feel good in the morning. Taking breaks for drawing or listening to music keeps my mind happy. Doing these things every day is like a superhero routine that makes me strong, happy, and ready for more adventures!

Write a short passage of about 70 words about five things you think you need to do every day to have a healthy life - mẫu 5

Staying healthy is important, and I have a few daily habits for that. Firstly, a morning bath makes me feel fresh. Secondly, I never miss breakfast to fuel my day. I also spend time moving around and keeping my home tidy, which is good for my health. Lastly, I make sure to sleep for seven to eight hours every night; otherwise, I might feel tired the next day. These simple habits keep me feeling strong and happy every day.

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