Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport mentioned in the Reading texts: urban cable car, motorised canal boats, hanging train, or toboggan sled ride. Write an email to a friend in which you hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport mentioned in the Reading texts: urban cable car, motorised canal boats, hanging train, or toboggan sled ride. Write an email to a friend in which you

• describe the country that you visited.

• relate your experience travelling on the vehicle.

• mention something that went wrong during the holiday.

• invite your friend to go on holiday with you next year.

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport - mẫu 1

Hey Jennifer,

I hope this email finds you well! I just got back from an incredible holiday, and I couldn't wait to share the details with you. Brace yourself for some travel tales!

So, I visited Bolivia, and let me tell you, it was nothing short of amazing. The diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm-hearted people made it an unforgettable experience. The highlight of my trip was exploring the twin cities of El Alto and La Paz, and guess what made my daily commute a breeze? An urban cable car! It was the coolest thing ever - soaring high above the houses with breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains. The cable car system, with its red, yellow, and green lines matching the colors of the Bolivian flag, made it the longest urban cable car in the world. I felt like I was floating over the city!

Quảng cáo

However, not everything went smoothly. There was a bit of a hiccup during my visit to La Paz. I miscalculated the local traffic, and I ended up missing a must-see cultural event. It was a bummer, but hey, that's part of the adventure, right?

Despite the minor setback, my trip was fantastic, and it got me thinking - how about planning our holiday together next year? There are so many incredible places to explore, and I'd love to have you by my side for the next adventure. Just imagine the stories we'll have to tell!

Let me know your thoughts, and we can start dreaming up our next destination. Can't wait to catch up soon!



Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport - mẫu 2

Subject: Fun Adventure and a Mishap in [Country Name]!

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! I just got back from an amazing holiday in [Country Name], and I couldn't wait to tell you all about it.

[Country Name] is absolutely stunning, with its picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage. I visited bustling cities, serene countryside, and even explored historic sites that left me in awe.

One of the highlights was riding the urban cable car in [City Name]. It offered breathtaking views of the city skyline and surrounding mountains. It was such a unique experience gliding high above the bustling streets!

Quảng cáo

However, not everything went perfectly. One day, while exploring a local market, I got lost trying to find my way back to the hotel. It was a bit stressful at the time, but looking back, it added a bit of adventure to the trip!

I had so much fun that I'm already thinking about next year's holiday. How about we plan an adventure together? There are so many more places to explore and experiences to share. I think you'd really enjoy it!

Catch up soon,

[Your Name]

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport - mẫu 3

Subject: Exciting Adventure in [Country Name]!

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! I just got back from an incredible holiday in [Country Name], and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

[Country Name] is absolutely stunning, with its lush green landscapes and charming towns. I had the most amazing experience riding a toboggan sled in the mountains of [City Name]. Imagine racing down steep slopes with breathtaking views all around - it was exhilarating!

However, I had a little mishap when I got lost hiking one day. I took the wrong trail and ended up wandering for a while before finding my way back. It was a bit nerve-wracking at the time, but it turned into an unexpected adventure!

Quảng cáo

Thinking about next year, I'd love for us to plan a holiday together. We could explore more of [Country Name] and try out more thrilling activities like the toboggan ride. It would be so much fun to share these experiences with you!

Let's catch up soon and start planning our next adventure!


[Your Name]

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport - mẫu 4

Subject: Exciting Adventure in [Country Name]!

Hey [Friend's Name],

I'm back from an amazing holiday in [Country Name] and had to share the adventure with you!

[Country Name] is stunning, with its mix of modern cities and scenic countryside. One highlight was riding a motorised canal boat through the historic waterways of [City Name]. It was so cool to glide past ancient buildings and see the city from a unique perspective.

Although the trip was mostly smooth sailing, I did have a funny mishap one evening. I got a little lost exploring a local festival and ended up joining a dance group by mistake! It was embarrassing but turned out to be a fun experience.

Looking ahead, I'm already thinking about our next getaway together. How about we plan a trip for next year? We could explore more of [Country Name], maybe try another cool form of transport, and make even more unforgettable memories.

Let's chat soon and start planning our next adventure!


[Your Name]

Imagine that you have recently returned from a holiday where you used one of the forms of transport - mẫu 5

Subject: Exciting Holiday Recap: Adventure in [Country Name]!

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! I just got back from an incredible holiday in [Country Name], and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

[Country Name] is absolutely stunning, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. I had the most thrilling experience riding a hanging train through the rugged mountains of [City Name]. Picture yourself soaring high above lush valleys and quaint villages—it was an unforgettable adventure!

However, there was a little hiccup during my trip. One day, while hiking to a scenic viewpoint, I took a wrong turn and ended up on a longer trail than planned. It was a bit challenging, but I eventually found my way back with the help of friendly locals.

Thinking ahead, I couldn't help but think how amazing it would be if we planned a holiday together next year. There's so much more to explore in [Country Name], from charming villages to thrilling rides like the hanging train. It would be incredible to share these experiences with you!

Let's catch up soon and start dreaming up our next adventure!


[Your Name]

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