Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition and how you prepare for it hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition

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Đề bài: Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition and how you prepare for it

1. What competition are you in?

2. How long did you prepare for it?

3. How many people and fans are there at the competition?

4. What did you do in the morning and the afternoon to prepare?

Paragraph 1: Today was an important day ...

Paragraph 2: We started at... First, ...

Paragraph 3: At 12.30, ...

Paragraph 4: In the afternoon, ...

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition - mẫu 1

Today was an important day – we trained and reviewed all the skills for many hours to prepare for the swimming competition tomorrow. There are twelve swimmers in the competition, they are the best young players in the country. My best friend, Joe, also takes part in the competition. She’s really good. I feel so excited and a bit worried.

We started at 9:00 am. First, we went jogging in the park for 2 hours. It was cool and sunny. We felt comfortable and then we came back to the swimming pool and practiced swimming. It’s the sport that requires flexibility and swiftness.

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At 12:30 we were tired, hungry and thirsty, so we had a healthy lunch. We ate fried-chicken and salad with some orange juice. It’s important for swimmers to keep fit, so we have to follow a good diet.

In the afternoon, we swam with friends and watched some other players. I’m very excited about the competition tomorrow.

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition - mẫu 2

Today was a big day as I got ready for the Chess Championship, where players from all over come to compete. It's something I've been practicing for a long time, and now it's finally here.

We started early in the morning. First, I had a good breakfast to give me energy. Then, I looked over some chess strategies and reviewed past games to get my mind in the right place.

Around lunchtime, we got to the competition place. It was packed with people and fans, all excited to see the matches. It was noisy and busy, but I found a spot to focus on my game.

In the afternoon, I took some time alone to get mentally ready. I thought about different moves and imagined myself doing well. With each moment, I felt more determined and ready to give it my best shot.

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition - mẫu 3

Today was a big day for me because I was getting ready for the Soccer Championship, the most important game of the season. I've been practicing for weeks, and now it's finally here.

We started early in the morning. First, I had a good breakfast to make sure I had enough energy for the game. Then, I went over some soccer drills with my teammates to warm up and get ready.

By lunchtime, we arrived at the stadium. It was filled with excited fans cheering for their favorite teams. The atmosphere was electric, and it pumped me up even more for the game.

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In the afternoon, I took some time to mentally prepare for the game. I visualized myself making successful passes and scoring goals. With each moment, I felt more focused and determined to give it my all on the field.

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition - mẫu 4

Today marked the eve of the Science Fair, a big event where students like me showcase their cool experiments and inventions. I've been getting ready for this for weeks, and now it's almost time to show off what I've been working on.

The day started early with a hearty breakfast to fuel my brain. Then, I went over my project one last time, making sure everything was set up correctly and all my materials were in place. I even rehearsed my presentation in front of the mirror to make sure I sounded confident.

By midday, the fairgrounds were buzzing with excitement. Students, teachers, and families filled the hall, eager to see all the projects on display. It was inspiring to see so many creative ideas and hard work from my peers.

In the afternoon, I took a moment to relax and gather my thoughts before the judging began. I reminded myself to stay calm and just have fun sharing my project with others. With each passing minute, my excitement grew, and I couldn't wait to share my passion for science with everyone at the fair.

Imagine you are in a big competition. Write a blog about the day before the competition - mẫu 5

Today was an important day as I geared up for the regional gymnastics competition I've been training for months. This competition is a culmination of my hard work and dedication to mastering routines and perfecting my skills.

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We started at 6 a.m. with a nutritious breakfast to fuel my body for the day ahead. First, I reviewed my routines mentally, visualizing each move and sequence. Then, I headed to the gym for a light warm-up session to loosen up my muscles and get into the right mindset.

At 12:30 p.m., I had a hearty lunch consisting of complex carbs and lean protein to sustain my energy levels. It was crucial to eat well and stay hydrated throughout the day to maintain peak performance during the competition.

In the afternoon, I focused on relaxation and mental preparation. I listened to calming music and visualized myself executing flawless routines. I also spent time with my coach, going over last-minute tips and strategies. As the competition drew nearer, the excitement and anticipation grew, knowing that I had put in the effort to perform at my best.

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