Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw, and who and what you saw hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw

Quảng cáo

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw - mẫu 1

I travelled to the year 2010 and visited my grandparents’ house. I met my grandparents and cooked meals, then we had lunch together. After that, I explored my hometown and saw my house. There weren’t many cars on the street. There were a lot of trees, but there weren’t any factories. The air was fresh.

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw - mẫu 2

Transported back in time to a lively Vietnamese village, I found bustling markets with vendors selling colorful fabrics, spices, and fresh fruits and veggies. People were busy bargaining, and kids played with homemade toys in the streets. Elderly men sat under big trees, sharing stories, while women cooked traditional dishes outside.

As I walked around, I discovered groups of villagers dancing to bamboo music, celebrating their crops and ancestors. Nearby, craftsmen hammered metal and carved wood, showing off their skills and hard work.

In the evening, families gathered around fires, sharing stories and laughter under the stars. It was clear everyone helped each other and enjoyed being together.

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This trip into the past showed me the vibrant life and close community of the Vietnamese people, with their rich culture and simple, everyday pleasures.

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw - mẫu 3

Imagine visiting a small village long ago. The streets are narrow, with houses made of wood and stone. People in simple clothes go to the market or do their daily tasks.

In the village center, farmers sell fresh food, and craftsmen show things they made. Children play with wooden toys.

You hear a blacksmith hammering metal. The smell of bread baking makes you hungry.

In the middle is a small church where people pray. Nearby fields have sheep eating grass.

Walking through this village, you feel the calm life of old times. People work together, making their village a nice place to live.

Quảng cáo

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw - mẫu 4

Transported to ancient China, I find myself in a busy market near the Yellow River. People sell silk and spices, and the air smells of fresh-cooked bread. Scholars talk in a nearby building wearing long, flowing clothes. I visit a pottery workshop where people make delicate dishes. Far away, fields of rice spread out, with farmers in straw hats working. Temples with roofs shaped like dragons rise up, honoring ancestors and mythical creatures. At night, lanterns light up the city, making old streets bright with storytellers and people who make things with their hands.

Imagine you went back in time. Write a description of where you went, what you did, and who and what you saw - mẫu 5

Imagine being in ancient Egypt. You're surrounded by sandy deserts, with the Nile River nearby. In the busy city, craftsmen carve writing into stone, while farmers grow wheat and barley using water from the river. Priests in linen clothes do ceremonies in temples for gods like Ra and Isis. Fishermen catch fish along the river. At night, under stars, you hear jackals howling while people sleep near the Sphinx.

Quảng cáo

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