Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult things about learning a foreign language? What is the best way to overcome them? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult

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Đề bài: Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult things about learning a foreign language? What is the best way to overcome them?

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult - mẫu 1

It is true that acquiring new language skills is by no means an easy task. Language learners might encounter several challenges such as unfamiliar accents or grammar structures in the learning process of a foreign language. However, in my opinion, such difficulties can be tackled by a well-rounded education system.

When it comes to languages, it is undeniably crucial to get used to a native accent and intonation for effective communication. However, picking up an accurate accent can be enormously difficult, especially for adult learners because of their lack of language learning ability. If a language learner has an unrecognisable accent and intonation, they would not be understood by native speakers. On top of that, each language has different grammar and typical grammatical sequencing of words. For example, Korean sentences always end with verbs whilst English does not, which means that a Korean English-learner should consider about the correct order of words.

Despite the aforementioned difficulties, I strongly believe that everyone can master a foreign language when a couple of feasible steps are taken. Firstly, it is more important than anything to start learning a new language at a young age. By incorporating foreign language programmes in the primary school curriculum, children can easily be exposed to languages of the world and eventually acquire language skills without difficulties. Secondly, the government can financially subsidise schools to run student exchange programmes that help adolescents to get experiences abroad and make friends overseas while improving their foreign language in a delightful way.

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In conclusion, I believe that individuals can have difficulties in learning a new language because of different accents and unfamiliar grammar, however, these problems can be overcome by a good quality of education system subsidised by governments.

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult - mẫu 2

It is argued that to become competent in another nation’s language is a quite difficult job. This essay will suggest that finding a partner for practice is the main difficulty that people face and the best way to overcome this is by joining a group of people who are learning a particular language.

The primary problem that people have to tackle while they start learning a foreign language is a lack of practice. This is because there are very few people around their vicinity who have a keen interest in becoming proficient in another language. Without practice, they will not have enough command on the language which they are learning. For example, a recent survey by Cambridge University found that 55% of people admitted that they were not able to practice a newly learned language because they did not find anyone to practice with.

The best solution to this problem is to join a group where people are already practising the same language which they intend to learn. The members of the group share their experiences of how they are able to master a new language and the group discussions in a community enable them to have enough practice. This will make people fluent in the language. To illustrate, I was struggling a lot in learning English and my friend suggested me to join a local English learners group which I did. After a few weeks, I saw a drastic improvement in my language ability.

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In conclusion, the main issue that people face while mastering a foreign language is a lack of sessions for practice. The best way to solve this is on joining a group of language learning enthusiasts.

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult - mẫu 3

Learning a new language is indeed a herculean task for many, especially when it comes to adults. This essay will explore the factors which make learning a new language challenging and will also suggest some potent solutions to deal with the same.

To begin with, grown-ups particularly find it difficult to learn foreign vernaculars because as they grow, their brains lose that flexibility to adapt to any language and become hard-wired to specific languages that they speak or know since childhood. Moreover, the level of intelligence in an individual also matters as some people are blessed with superior cognition and hence are better equipped for learning an alien language. Also learning coherence and cohesion is the hardest part as one can learn vocabulary and rules of a language but putting them in order to make a grammatically correct sentence comes with a lot of struggle and practice. People also tend to apply their native tongue’s grammar and characteristics to make sense of an identically structured foreign language. Research conducted by Mark Pagel, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Reading in the U.S.A. states that the brain affects one’s thoughts and perceptions and it alters the way one thinks, hence our mother tongue tends to dominate our neural system which makes adhering to other languages an ambitious task.

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To cope with this, firstly, although people may feel silly when they make mistakes while learning and practising a language, they must not feel bad about it or pretend to be perfect as everyone learns by making mistakes. An excellent approach is to uptake some other activity or skill and take instructions in the language to be learnt. For instance, in California ‘apprentice’ programmes are run in which apprentices pair up with the speakers of native American tongue to learn a traditional skill such as basket weaving, with instructions exclusively in the native language. After a certain time, learners become well-versed with that language. Furthermore, aspirants must also naturally try to get used to listening and understanding the language by watching foreign movies with descriptions in the form of subtitles in a known language through applications like Netflix as by doing so they come across various slangs, range of vocabulary and grammatical structures of sentences. It is an interesting way to grasp a language.

In summary, one needs to be motivated enough to get used to and memorize foreign languages. The advent of social media has eased this process as folks can converse with the native speakers and gain a lot of knowledge by making friends with them. Travelling overseas can also be of great help for becoming familiar with the international language.

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult - mẫu 4

It is believed by many people that learning a different language is not easy. There are numerous factors that increase the difficulty of acquiring a foreign language, and this essay will discuss a couple of them and present some effective ways to learn a new language.

To begin with, a number of things can make learning another language difficult, and the primary ones are a lack of cultural knowledge and personality. With regard to the former, as its speakers’ culture and lifestyle are all inextricably bound up in one language, it is not possible to master it without an understanding of its culture. A good example of this can be seen in the case that many English speakers make a mistake with having conversation in Korean, where a variety of respective expressions are developed. Those who do not use respective words to the elderly, are sometimes considered to be very rude. As for personality, those with an outgoing character are usually likely to communicate more fluently than introvert people. As they put more emphasis on fluency than accuracy, which results in getting more chances to practice the language, consequently leading to a faster learning.

To combat this trouble, two solutions can be suggested to improve proficiency of a foreign language. Above all, one’s target language’s culture should be assimilated. This is because language can be acquired better through understanding its speakers’ way of thought, custom and even history, not to mention its linguistic properties. This can be easily achieved through books, movies, and internet blogs. On top of that, it is necessary to lessen worries about making mistakes. For this, not only are individual efforts inevitable, but also language instructors ought to create a relaxing learning atmosphere, so that learners can practice regardless of mistakes. All these can have a long-lasting effect on improving one’s language ability.

To conclude, a lack of cultural background knowledge and personal learning style are mainly responsible for the difficulty in learning a foreign language. Along with individual learners’ understanding of the target culture, language tutors’ efforts for comfortable learning atmosphere can be effectively implemented to overcome the problem.

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