Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this is the best way to do it, or are there better alternatives? What is the best method of choosing employees in your opinion? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person

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Đề bài: Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this is the best way to do it, or are there better alternatives? What is the best method of choosing employees in your opinion?

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person - mẫu 1

Selecting the right candidates for the jobs offered is not an easy task, and it often requires extensive work such as data collection, screenings, scrutiny and interviewing before actually employing the employees. The interview is the most effective and fast way of finding the suitable candidates according to the nature of a job. Some other methods such as comprehensive written test, practical test and different scenarios could also help in this regard. I believe that interviewing is the most successful and widely used technique to select the appropriate employees.

There is no doubt that interview plays a pivotal role in the recruitment process and has become a mandatory constituent of candidate selection process. Normally, interviews help employers to judge the expertise and knowledge of different candidates about the subject. Some other traits such as confidence, personality, intelligence and communication skills could only be evaluated through the interview. In addition, this is the most convenient and rapid way that could exercise without spending huge expenses and time.

However, sometimes candidates are unable to perform and express according to their strengths due to shyness and lack of confidence. By this way, employers fail to hire potential and knowledgeable persons. Other methods of choosing employees also significantly help at this time. Written tests, practical demonstration of skills and making strategies in given situation are exceptional ways of knowing their strengths and weaknesses and are extensively used in institutions such as education, agriculture and army.

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To sum up, I would like to say that the interview is commonly exercised in contemporary societies because of its effectiveness and higher success rate in selecting the right employees. Other ways of choosing employees are also helpful but demand more costs and time for their setup.

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person - mẫu 2

Employers have various types of recruitment methods and processes to hire employees. Interviews are face to face interaction between employer and employee and one of the common ways to recruit candidates, however, it is not the best way.

Every recruitment method has its own advantages and disadvantages. To assess the 360-degree personality of a candidate. Recruiters should merge more than one hiring technique. For example, In IT companies to judge technical as well as error solving ability. Recruiters should take the mock practical tests and panel interviews of the candidate. Depending on just one hiring method can result in selecting an inappropriate candidate.

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The job interview method is only good for selecting candidates, whose job is to business interactions with clients and customers. For instance, people in marketing jobs, HR jobs, and consultant jobs need good customer service skills that can be best judged in interviews.

The biggest downside of the interview is that the candidates are already prepared and answering prepared questions will make it hard to check the applicant’s worthiness. In addition, it is hard to believe that candidates are not faking and showing their true intentions towards work ethics and dedication. Another drawback is simply on the basis of the degree one can’t judge the ability to perform in the workplace. In such a situation, putting candidates into the task, they should typically do before offering a job position to them.

To conclude, in my opinion, the interview is not the best method for choosing a candidate’s worthiness. Employers should combine and assemble two different recruitment methods to choose suitable candidates as per the job profile.

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Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person - mẫu 3

Choosing the right people for certain positions is crucial for companies to attain their long-term objectives, and one of the methods used by human resources is conducting interviews to know better their potential employees. In this essay, I will outline the interview method considered the best approach for recruiting employees and other techniques to locate high-performance candidates.

Some people have an opinion that the interview plays an essential role for companies in looking for workers to run their operating activities. It is true because by doing so, corporations are able to dig deeper information and qualification of the candidate. For example, companies can ask about their experiences and achievements written in their CV so they will know much better about the skills they have to achieve their targets. Moreover, by conducting interviews, they might assess employees' attitudes and behaviour and ability to make decisions quickly because they will know how their interactions and their way of thinking for problem-solving.

On the other hand, apart from the interview, there are other processes that cannot be negated by human resources, for instance analysing their cognitive and technical abilities and basic knowledge about the position they applied for. This can be done by a third party, such as an independent consultant whereby they will assess all requirements needed by companies. In case of corporations have a vacant position for an accounting manager, the consultant will hold a written test about how to prepare journal entries in a transaction, how to impair an obsolete asset and knowledge about accounting standards.

In conclusion, I believe that interviews play a crucial role in the recruitment process, but there are other factors that need to be considered by employers to select the best candidate, especially in cognitive abilities and technical abilities for the position they need.

Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person - mẫu 4

In the modern world, many companies prefer to choose their staff by conducting interviews. I personally believe this method suites only some categories and there are other different ways to find a suitable fit for job positions. Throughout this essay, I will explain it in detail.

To begin with, it is appropriate for some duties to select candidates via meetings because it requires basic knowledge. To explain more, data entry jobs or graphic designers can be selected via interviews. To complete these types of tasks you need to know basics information. For example, my sister got the data entry work as soon as she finished her studies because she had the required qualifications. Hence, for some positions, it is acceptable to hold a conference before offering employment.

However, there are other ways to recognize someone’s skills such as offering some trial sessions. During one-on-one or group meetings you can only find out about someone’s limited capability. To explain more, it is hard to find their skills through a meeting. The candidate may have all the study qualifications, but she/he would not be the right fit. For instance, a friend of mine applied for duty manager position in a supermarket who had experience as a team leader in a duty-free shop. But hiring managers decided to offer him a trainee period to see whether he is going to fit in that group. He got through it and now he is one of the head managers in the supermarket group. Thus, offering some trial period is one of the better alternatives for interviews because you can notice what they are really capable of.

To sum up, conference and one-on-one evaluations are good for some work categories. But my personal point of view is it is always better to offer them some trail sessions to figure people's capability.

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