Write a paragraph about the robot you would like to have (hay nhất)

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a paragraph about the robot you would like to have (hay nhất)

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have. Use information 3 to help you. 

- What’s the name of your robot? 

- What type of robot is it? 

- Where can it work? 

- What can it do for you? 

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 1

I really want a robot called Rainbow. It is a teacher robot. It can help me study at home easily. It can teach me English, Maths and other subjects. It can answer all questions whatever I ask. Moreover, it can help me practice English speaking and even play sports with me. It's not only my teacher but also my friend. I really want to have Rainbow robot in the future.

Quảng cáo

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 2

In the future, I wish I had a housework robot. It will be inside our house. My future work is quite busy so it would be great to have a housework robot to help me. It can help me with my household problems. In the future I will have a family, the robot will help me take care of the kids. If I can't cook, I can ask it to cook for me. The housework robot will help me clean the house, feed the cat, and protect the house when I'm away....a lot of benefits when having it in the future. In the future, I hope that I will have one.

Quảng cáo

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 3

My favorite robot is Lucky. It is a modern robot that can talk and act like a human. If I had it, that would be a great thing for me. I will cherish it like a friend. I think she is also a person who is loved by my mother very much because she can clean the house, dry the clothes, and cook....And that's all about my favourite robot. I love it very much.

Quảng cáo

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 4

My robot’s name is Thor. It’s a home robot. It’s tall and hard-working. It can clean houses, water plants, cook meals, do the washing and do many other things. I like it very much. My robot cleans my room every day and waters flowers with me in the afternoon. It cooks well and my family likes the meals it cooks very much.

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 5

My robot’s name is Funny. It is an entertainment robot. It can work at home and at school. It can sing, dance and tell stories to make me happy. It can also help me to do my homework and practice English. I like it so much.

Now write a paragraph of 50-60 words about the robot you would like to have - mẫu 6

I would love to have a robot named RoboAssist. It's a friendly and helpful robot that can assist me with my daily tasks. RoboAssist can clean my room, help me with homework, and even play games with me. It's like having a cool and reliable friend who is always there to lend a hand.

Xem thêm các bài luận Tiếng Anh hay khác:

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