Quá khứ đơn và Hiện tại hoàn thành lớp 11 hay, có đáp án

Tài liệu Quá khứ đơn và Hiện tại hoàn thành lớp 11 hay, có đáp án trình bày khái quát lại ngữ pháp, cấu trúc, cách dùng cũng như bài tập có đáp án chi tiết nhằm mục đích giúp học sinh ôn luyện ngữ pháp và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài thi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11.

Quá khứ đơn và Hiện tại hoàn thành lớp 11 hay, có đáp án


(Thì quá khứ đơn và thi hiện tại hoàn thành)

I. THE PAST SIMPLE (Thì quá khứ đơn)

1. Form:

Động từ TOBE

Động từ thường


I/She/he/It + was + Noun / Adjective
- You/We/They + were +Noun / Adjective
Eg:  + I was short when I was a child. 

S + V-edPI-cột 2 trong bảng Động từ bất quy tắc
Eg:    + He watched cartoon yesterday.


I/She/he/It + wasn’t + Noun/Adjective
- You/We/They + weren't + 
Noun / Adjective
Eg:     + I wasn't a lazy student.

S + didn’t + V ...

Eg:   + He didn’t watch cartoon yesterday.


Were you/we/they+ Noun / adjective...?
+ Yes, I was / Yes, they/we were. 
+ No, I wasn't / No, they/we weren't. 
Was I/she/he/it + Noun / adjective...?
+ Yes, she/he/it was. 
+ No, she/he/it wasn't. 
Eg: + Were you a doctor? => Yes, I was
      + Was she a beautiful girl? 

       => No, she wasn't.

Did + S + V...?
+Yes, S + did.
+No, S + didn't 

Eg:  + Did he watch cartoon yesterday 

=> Yes, I did.

2. Usage:

- Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và chấm dứt hoán toàn trong quá khứ.
Eg: We was born in 1998. 
-Diễn tả một chuỗi các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ.
Eg: Last night, I watched TV, went the bed and then went to sleep. 

(Đêm qua tôi xem TV, dọn giường và sau đó đi ngủ.)
3. Adverb:     

- yesterday: hôm qua 

- the day before yesterday: hôm kia 

- 3 years/4 days ago: cách đây 3/4  năm 

- last Tueday/year...: thứ 3 tuần trước/ năm ngoái 

- in + mốc thời gian trong quá khứ.

II. THE PRESENT PERFECT (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

1. Form :


I/You/We/They + have + PII

She/He/It+ has PII


I/You/We/They + haven't (have not) + PII 

She/He/It + hasn't (has not) PII


Have + you/we/they + PII...?
- Yes, I/we/they have
- No, I/we/they haven't

Has + She/He/It + PII...?
- Yes, she/he/it has
- No, she/he/it hasn't

2. Usage:

Diễn tả hành động mà xảy ra trong quá khứ mà kết quả của nó còn liên quan đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai. 

-  Hành động vừa mới xảy ra, vừa mới kết thúc, thường đi với trạng từ “just”       

  Eg. We have just bought a new car.

-Hành động bắt đầu từ quá khứ , còn kéo dài đến hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp tục ở tương lai.            

Eg. You have studied English for five years.

-Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không biết rõ thời gian.

Eg. I have gone to Hanoi.

-Hành động được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần ở quá khứ.

Eg. We have seen Titanic three times.

-Dùng sau những từ so sánh ở cấp cao nhất.( trong lời bình phẩm)

Eg. It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

- Dùng với This is the first/ second time, it’s the first time.........

Eg. This is the first time I’ve lost my way.

-Dùng với “this morning/ this evening/ today/ this week/ this term”...... khi những thời gian này vẫn còn trong lúc nói.

Eg. I haven’t seen Joana this morning. Have you seen her?

3. Adverbs :

- just, recently, lately :gần đây, vừa mới

- ever :đã từng

- never :chưa bao giờ

- already :rồi

- yet: chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn)

- since :từ khi (chỉ thời điểm mà hành động bắt đầu)

- for : khoảng (chỉ khoảng thời gian của hành động )

- so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho đến nay, cho đến tận bây giờ


Task 1. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Rick should know about the meeting because I told / have told him about it yesterday.

2. Did you meet / Have you met last July while you were both backpacking around Europe?

3. I’m resigning because the pressure at work has become / became too much for me.

4. A month ago, I got / have got a letter from Neil, but I haven’t replied.

5. Julie was / has been anxious to speak to you since she heard about your accident.

6. I had / have had no idea you were such a good chess player.

7. If you finished / have finished, put your hand up and I’ll collect your exam paper.

8. There were / have been a number of different reasons for our divorce.

9. It was my birthday last week and my granddad gave / has given me a new laptop.

10. I don’t know who’s responsible because I didn’t work / haven’t worked here long.

11. My brother and I were never allowed / have never been allowed to chew gum when we were young.

12. My parents sent / have sent me to a private school until I was 12.

Đáp án:

1. told

2. Did you meet

3. has become

4. got

5. has been

6. had

7. have finished

8. were

9. gave

10. haven’t worked

11. were never allowed

12. sent

Task 2. Chọn và điền dạng đúng của các động từ cho sẵn.

Quá khứ đơn và Hiện tại hoàn thành lớp 11 hay, có đáp án

Ella, a kindhearted daughter of a wealthy merchant, (1) ________ happily with her parents until her mother (2) ________ ill. Years later, Ella’s father (3) ________ the widowed Lady Tremaine, who (4) ________ two daughters, Drisella and Anastasia. When Ella’s father (5) ________ on business and later died unexpectedly, Lady Tremaine (6) ________ her cruel nature, forcing Ella to move into the attic and (7) ________ the staff to save money, making Ella do all the chores. Seeing her face covered in cinders after sleeping by the fireplace, Ella’s stepfamily mockingly (8) ________ her ‘Cinderella.’

One day, Ella (9) ________ Kit, the crown prince, in the woods, who (10) ________ himself as a palace apprentice. They (11) ________ a liking to each other, but (12) ________ without him learning her name. Kit’s father then (13) ________ a royal ball, and Kit (14) ________ him to invite all the maidens, hoping Ella would come. Ella (15) ________ to join her stepfamily at the ball in her mother’s old dress, but they (16) ________ it and left her behind. Running into the garden in tears, Ella met her fairy godmother who then (17) ________ a pumpkin into a carriage and (18) ________ Ella an exquisite ball gown and a pair of glass slippers. She also (19) ________ Ella that the magic would end at midnight.

At the ball, Kit and Ella (20) ________ and bonded, but before she could tell him her name, Ella (21) ________ at midnight, leaving behind a glass slipper. Kit then (22) ________ King after his father (23) ________ away and (24) ________ a proclamation to find Ella. Lady Tremaine (25) ________ the remaining slipper Ella had hidden in her room, offering to let Ella marry Kit in exchange for power, but Ella (26) ________, so she (27) ________ the slipper and (28) ________ Ella in the attic. Kit’s men eventually found Ella, who successfully tried on the slipper and (29) ________ her stepmother. Ella and Kit (30) ________ and became beloved monarchs, ruling the country with courage and kindness.

Đáp án:

1. lived

2. fell

3. remarried

4. had

5. left

6. revealed

7. dismissed

8. called

9. met

10. introduced

11. took

12. parted

13. planned

14. persuaded

15. tried

16. tore

17. transformed

18. gave

19. warned

20. danced

21. fled

22. became

23. passed

24. issued

25. found

26. refused

27. broke

28. locked

29. forgave

30. married

Task 3. Tích ✔ nếu đúng hoặc sửa lại nếu sai.

1. The government just announced a new policy to tackle climate change.

2. The protesters gathered outside the parliament building the day before.

3. The scientists has recently discovered a new species of marine life in the deep ocean.

4. The company has launched its latest product last week.

5. Over the past week, people have witnessed several notable events.

6. We received information about the accident that happened this morning.

7. The accident occurred when two cars had collided with each other, resulting in several serious casualties.

8. Since Mr James became CEO, work productivity and company policies decreased.

9. Have you met any of your neighbors since you’ve lived here?

10. When she arrived, I’ll greet her at the door.

Đáp án:

1. has just announced

2. ✔

3. ✔

4. launched

5. ✔

6. have received

7. ✔ - collided

8. ✔- have decreased

9. you lived

10. has arrived



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