Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government. Others think that it should be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government

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Đề bài: Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government. Others think that it should be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 1

It is irrefutable that a country's growth largely depends on how educated and healthy its citizens are, and therefore some people suggest a free and state-provided healthcare and education system. The burgeoning population and the lack of funds, however, often make it harder for the authorities to bear the expenses. Therefore, I disagree with the opinion stated and believe that an effective solution, in this case, would be to divide the expenditures between the government and the individuals.

To begin with, education, nowadays, plays a vital role in the development of society. Not only does it create job opportunities but also helps people become aware of the socio-economic issues of the country. Making education free till the age of 18 would encourage pupils to finish at least their secondary education. For instance, the percentage of student enrollment in schools in 2020 in my country increased by 35% more than that in 2015, and it was because the government exempted fees for students in these classes.

Moreover, the healthcare system can also be improved by providing either health insurance or schemes that cover a minimum of 50 per cent of the cost. Thus, people would not feel that healthcare is expensive, and the government would not need to bear the expenses alone. A healthier nation can help the country achieve greater heights as citizens in such countries are more productive. Consequently, economic growth will be bolstered, and the government will be able to become self-reliant.

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To conclude, with the implementation of shared measures to support education and treatment, there would be no burden either on the government or individuals. Both the government and individuals can go hand in hand to cope with this and build an enlightened and healthy nation.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 2

Access to healthcare and education is crucial for the development and progress of a nation, and many suggest free education and healthcare for the citizens of a country. I agree with the view as I think that the responsibility of providing these services for free should fall in the government. 

Firstly, education and healthcare are basic human rights that should be accessible to all individuals regardless of their financial status. It is the government's responsibility to ensure that its citizens have equal access to education and healthcare, which in turn promotes equality and social justice. If education and healthcare are left to be paid for by individuals, only those who can afford them will be able to access quality services, creating a gap between the rich and the poor.

Secondly, a healthy and educated population is essential for economic growth and development. By providing free schooling and healthcare, the government can ensure that its citizens are healthy and equipped with the necessary skills to contribute to the economy. This can lead to a more prosperous and developed nation.

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Finally, providing free education and healthcare can reduce the burden on the public. If individuals have to pay for these services, they may have to make difficult financial decisions that can negatively impact their lives. In some cases, some individuals may not seek medical attention or education due to financial constraints, leading to a decrease in overall well-being and productivity.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government. This ensures that all individuals have equal access to these basic human rights, promotes economic growth, and reduces the burden on the public. It is the government's responsibility to invest in the well-being and education of its citizens to create a better future for all.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 3

Healthcare and education are two fundamental rights of every human being, and they are essential for the development of a country. Some suggest that the government should bear the cost of healthcare and education, and I sincerely agree with this opinion.

To commence with, a country has an administrative system so that the country runs properly, the authority can take development initiatives, laws and orders are maintained, citizens get their basic rights, and the country stands proudly among the world nations. If this is what the management wants to achieve it must alleviate people from poverty through education and training, and offer highly effective healthcare facilities, without which the country and its tradition would crumble. Giving responsibility to its citizens to take care of their education and healthcare would be the last thing a government should do.

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Moreover, without ensuring education for all, no country can achieve growth, eliminate poverty, and keep pace with the global economy. Education not only helps people become financially independent but also enlightens them. On the other hand, proper healthcare makes a healthy nation that eventually contributes to building a better nation. The struggling education and healthcare systems in many poor countries, for example, are the main obstacle to their development.

Finally, the government collects a staggering amount of revenue from direct and indirect taxes each year. If this tax money is not spent on educating the taxpayers' children or ensuring their proper treatment, no other policy can better utilise this money. Poor citizens also rely on the government when it comes to education and treatment. The tax money thus should be spent on offering free education and healthcare.

To conclude, healthcare and education are fundamental rights of citizens, and the government must ensure these two rights to fulfil its obligation to the nation and to help the country develop.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 4

Firstly, education is largely considered a basic right. A population unable to calculate, read, write or even learn would be doomed in such a competitive global economy. Globalisation has increased competition and shifted the emphasis to knowledge, information and science. A state education should, therefore, be freely available to everybody. However, if people wish to purchase private education, this should also be allowed or even encouraged. Private education reduces the strain on public services and provides a source of tax revenue for the government, in effect, subsidising state education.

Secondly, health services must undoubtedly be available to all because the entire nation is paying taxes and, therefore, should not be excluded from any service. Take the NHS in the UK, for example; this organisation caters for the entire population, and no private medical insurance is needed. Unfortunately waiting lists can be long and service is occasionally slow; therefore, some purchase private medical insurance for a faster service. This reduces the workload of the public sector.

To conclude, I believe both healthcare and education are basic fundamental rights, necessary for any advanced society, and, therefore, the responsibility should lie with the government. Nevertheless, if individuals require more than the standard level, then they should be prepared to pay for it.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 5

Some people believe that it is the government's responsibility to cover the cost of healthcare and education, while others argue it is not. I agree with the former viewpoint because government provision of these essential services is crucial for the betterment of society as a whole.

Those who argue that the government should not fund medical care and education may believe this responsibility should fall on employers. Given that individuals are spending a considerable portion of their lives in the workplace, it is essential for employers to provide healthcare and educational benefits as part of their employee compensation package, acknowledging their contributions to the organization. However, I think that private healthcare and education can place an enormous financial burden on employers, which can impact their survival and discourage entrepreneurship, especially in times of economic downturn.

On the other hand, those in favor of government-funded healthcare and education argue that it is necessary for the benefit of the whole society. Without such a system, people from low-income families may be denied access to higher education and medical care. This can prevent them from being productive and contributing members of society and perpetuate the cycle of poverty, resulting in an inegalitarian society. I agree with this argument because, when examining Nordic countries such as Sweden and Denmark, I found that they all have well-funded public healthcare and education systems that have helped reduce inequality and contributed to their prosperity.

In conclusion, although it is reasonable to require employers to provide medical care and education for their employees, the provision of these services by the government helps promote the overall development of society and therefore is more important.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 6

As people have paid taxes to the government, it is believed that they should be provided with free healthcare and qualified education. However, others disagree with the statement, as they think that each individual should be responsible for his or her own health and education. The following essay will discuss both views in detail.

On the one hand, many people believe that it is the government's responsibility to provide standard health care and decent education to their people. As people have paid income taxes, property taxes, value added taxes and other kinds of fees to the government, these funds should also be beneficial for the people as well. Some portions of the budget should be allocated to fund medical activities and educational programs. Having a lot of educated and healthy residents brings many benefits for the government, as there are a lot of skill and productive labours in the country who would develop the country's economic sector.   

On the other hand, some people believe that health and education is a personal matter as it is the responsibility of each individual to maintain own their health and education. They disagree if education and healthcare should be funded from the taxes. They think that it is unfair because some people might be working hard and paid a large amount of taxes, but others might be indolent or jobless and get the same benefits from the government. Therefore, they believe that healthcare and education should be standalone institutions, and each person should pay for getting a good education and maintaining their own health.

In conclusion, to a certain point, I would agree that it is the government's task to provide education and healthcare for their people, as some poor people might not be able to get a good education and decent healthcare. However, although these services might be provided by the government for free, each individual's must be responsible for their own education and healthcare, as these services are funded by taxes that are paid by the public.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 7

In today's world, healthcare and education are the two most important parts of people's lives. Further, without proper education and sufficient health care system, a country can’t develop. However, the government has the responsibility to create a healthy nation.  Personally, I believe that the government should provide basic needs to create a healthy life and an educated nation independently. 

Everyone prefers to have a fascinating life, but we cannot do whatever we want.  Therefore, we have sacrificed some, such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and junk foods etc.  for a healthy life. In the present days, people are busy with their day-to-day work. As a result, the majority of them do not have balanced diets and some of them take fast food or junk food. They do not concern health and also it will cause many diseases in future.  For example, obesity, diabetes etc. Further, from the young age everyone should concern about their health. Especially people not only should think about the physical health but also consider the mental health.

That is why the government should provide better health care and education for all citizens. The government is created by the taxes from valuable workforces of their country. Therefore, the government has the responsibility to offer them free health care facilities, heath education programme: such as healthy diet, clinics or hospitals for free medicine, etc. Further, the government can use social media to distribute health and education programme. Because nowadays, the majority of people are connected in social media like Facebook, twitter, etc. In addition, the government should implement such a law in order to increase a balanced lifestyle. For instance, due to the overpopulation of China, they have limited only one child for one family.

In conclusion, when I consider all given points, it is clear that only the government cannot make a healthy nation. Therefore, individuals should have concerns to prevent future health issues. However, the government should enforce such a law in order to increase our standard of lifestyle and also provide basic needs to the people who are expected from the government. In fact, in my opinion, the government and individuals are both responsible for building a healthy nation.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 8

‘Who should pay for the education and healthcare services – the government or the individuals’, is an argument that draws split opinions. Many argue that the government should provide its citizens with education and health protection services, but others contend that individuals ought to shoulder the cost. However, I strongly believe that the government must assume greater responsibility.

Access to education is a basic human right. It raises political and social awareness, which in turn promotes individual freedom and empowerment. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights acknowledged the right to education and since then it has been enshrined in several national constitutions and international conventions, which in a way, urges governments to ensure free education for the nation.  Education is also essential for a robust economy. Thus, a government’s responsibility is to ensure education for all. If this is not the case, many poor children would never complete their schooling.

Likewise, no nation can prosper without healthy citizens. The increase in wealth lies in the increase in productivity. And a healthy society can work hard, which in consequence, boosts productivity. To enhance national export and stand on a solid economy, the government must ensure that each and every citizen get proper healthcare service. When people are more prolific, they are able to contribute to the economy in many ways far beyond the wages they get. For example, rich nations have better healthcare facilities, and this is directly attributed to their higher GDP.

In conclusion, education and healthcare are not privileges, they are basic human rights. It is obvious that quality education and good health are the right blends to fuel the national economy. The government, therefore, should heavily subsidize the education and healthcare sectors.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 9

Proper education and healthcare facilities are conceivably two determining factors for the overall development of a nation. Whether the government should bear the cost of education and healthcare or should it be citizens’ responsibility is open for debate. I believe that a government must have a greater portion of its budget allocation for it, but ultimately it is personal efforts that can ensure an enlightened and healthy nation.

To commence with, each government allocates resources for its education and health sectors but not all can achieve the desired success.  Education in third-world countries is less expensive than that of rich nations and yet the literacy rate in the former is dismaying. This is mostly because only allowances by the state cannot guarantee a better education. This is true for the healthcare sector as well and a healthy lifestyle is perhaps more important than having more hospitals and state-managed checkup points.

Furthermore, making education free for all at higher levels is not possible for the government as it would require a budget unendurable for the state. This is why there are so many private colleges and universities, and they are doing just fine to provide quality education. Corruption is widespread in state-managed policies and due to this, affluent citizens turn to public healthcare facilities most of the time. Citizens should support the healthcare costs and education fees, which many of them are already doing, to let the government focus on developing the country in the industrial sector.

To conclude, governments already support the education and healthcare sectors by offering free education in primary and in many cases secondary levels. Establishing hospitals and appointing doctors for free is not feasible for all states. This is why citizens should be responsible too for their education and healthy lifestyles.

Some people believe that education and healthcare should be free of charge and funded by the government - mẫu 10

In today’s society, the provision of education and healthcare is a fundamental aspect of human development. The question of whether these services should be free of charge and funded by the government or if they should be the responsibility of individuals has sparked intense debate. Personally, I firmly believe that education and healthcare should be provided as basic rights and that it is the duty of the state or governing authority to ensure their accessibility and affordability for all citizens.

To begin with, when education and healthcare are funded by the government, they become more accessible to all members of society, regardless of their socioeconomic background. In countries where education and healthcare are publicly funded, individuals from disadvantaged communities have equal opportunities to receive quality education and medical services. For instance, in Finland, a country renowned for its high-quality education system, free education is provided from primary to tertiary levels, ensuring that every child has an equal chance to pursue their academic aspirations. This inclusive approach promotes social equality and empowers individuals to reach their full potential, leading to a more prosperous and cohesive society.

Furthermore, government-funded education and healthcare systems contribute to the overall well-being and productivity of a nation. By investing in the education of its citizens, a government can foster a skilled workforce, enhance innovation, and drive economic growth. Countries like Germany have recognized the importance of free higher education and have witnessed positive outcomes in terms of increased enrollment rates and a highly skilled workforce. Similarly, accessible healthcare services ensure that individuals can receive preventive care, timely treatments, and necessary interventions, leading to healthier populations and lower healthcare costs in the long run.

In conclusion, by making education and health services accessible to all citizens governments can promote social equality, empower individuals, and foster economic growth. Moreover, such systems contribute to the overall health and productivity of a society. Therefore, it is imperative that education and healthcare be considered basic rights and be funded by the state or governing authority.

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