Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say its purpose is to prepare individuals to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society

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Đề bài: Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say its purpose is to prepare individuals to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 1

The purpose of education has long been a topic of debate. Some argue that education should primarily serve the nation by molding students into responsible members of society. Others emphasise the individual's role in education, focusing on personal growth and development.

On one hand, education plays a pivotal role in a country's progress and development. It instills social norms and moral values in the younger generation, ensuring that they adhere to societal rules and become responsible citizens. Moreover, education equips students with essential knowledge and skills necessary for employment and contributing to society. Numerous studies have demonstrated the close relationship between a well-educated workforce and a nation's economic advancement, which explains the significant investments in education made by nations worldwide, whether developed or developing.

On the other hand, education undeniably fosters personal growth, an ideology that prevails in many countries' educational philosophies. Through education, individuals develop their personality and attitudes, acquire vital skills and capabilities for managing their lives, including specific knowledge, interpersonal skills, moral principles, and a broader perspective on the world. The education process helps individuals discover their interests and unlock their potential, enabling them to make informed choices for their personal well-being. In other words, education facilitates the development in physical and mental aspects, making individuals ready for the world.

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From my perspective, education serves both these purposes, and most countries strive to strike a balance between them when formulating education policies and regulating educational systems. Education, first and foremost, shapes an individual's character and equips them with essential survival skills in society. At the same time, these well-educated individuals are citizens and contributors to their country, necessitating consideration of the nation's and society's interests. Therefore, I firmly believe that the aim of education is twofold, and neglecting either dimension would be unwise. A holistic approach to education acknowledges the dual role it plays.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 2

The education system was created to allow individuals to develop into more than the sum of their parents’ knowledge. This in turn allows us all to choose our destiny, and to be useful to society.

Schools are made to develop our minds by providing us with all the knowledge we need. This helps us to achieve our personal goals as well as become better human beings, able to react compassionately in any situation. Even though the system may be inadequate to provide this to every individual, as the range of needs is incredibly diverse and the system has finite resources. Still, we often manage to do quite well for ourselves, achieving much of our potential.

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Society of course wants workers that are eager and willing to fulfill the practical needs of a company; every business requires a diverse range of staff with varying educational backgrounds. This is exactly what schools do, the range of subjects at each level ensures not only basic conformity but also diversity in the final choice of subjects in the latter years of schooling. Thus, the pool of school leavers and tertiary graduates each year becomes available to industry and the all-important economy can continue to evolve, making the rich richer and the rest of us managing to get by.

Everyone has personal ambitions and without a good education, we certainly wouldn’t be able to achieve most of them. School certainly gives us the background we need for this, but on a macro scale, we are all cogs in the machine, continually providing essential service to our masters.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 3

The purpose of education is multifaceted. False dichotomies couching functions of societal institutions, namely education, as mutually exclusive are inane. Pedagogical functions can include educating individuals in both a duty to society and a duty to oneself.

Utilitarian principles are arguably necessary for a cohesive society with the caveat being that they are not authoritarian, absolute mandates. Egalitarianism and altruism are fundamental characteristics of an enlightened individual and should be promoted in educational institutions. Societal members, at least tacitly agree to a social contract in that they are bound by certain societal conventions, thus being morally obligated to contribute or 'be useful' for society. Although who and what determines 'useful for society' is debatable (and rife with obvious inherent contradictions and dangers), a reasonable interpretation should include the pursuit of virtues such as lawful behavior, self-sacrifice, and a sense of responsibility toward 'the other' and toward societal unity.

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However, although utilitarian considerations are necessary for a fully functional, congruous society, they are not sufficient and if left unrestrained, are potentially harmful - radical utilitarianism would be counterproductive, if not highly destructive. Therefore, the rights of the individual are also paramount and must be considered. Within the boundaries of tacit social contract obligation, the autonomy of the individual must be balanced with the rights of the group. Hence, educational institutions should also promote the pursuit of individualistic ambitions. It is the responsibility of the individual to mitigate inherent conflict and balance personal with societal needs.

In conclusion, neither radical egalitarianism nor radical individualism are desirable. A duty to society and a duty to oneself are not mutually exclusive but rather are compatible, should be balanced, and educational institutions should reinforce the utility of both.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 4

When it comes to the purpose of education, opinions are divided as some see its primary role as preparing individuals to be useful to society while others believe it should primarily serve people's personal ambitions. In my view, education should strike a balance between these two objectives, catering to the needs of society as well as the aspirations of the individual.

Those who see education as a tool for societal utility argue that it should produce individuals who can contribute effectively to the economic and social fabric of their communities. This perspective emphasises the importance of equipping students with practical skills and knowledge that align with the demands of the job market. Such an approach is crucial for the economic development and stability of any society, because it ensures a workforce that is both skilled and employable.

However, the importance of education to individual ambitions and personal growth is hard to dismiss. Advocates of this view argue that education should nurture creativity, critical thinking, and personal exploration, allowing individuals to realise their unique potential. This approach not only fosters self-actualisation but also encourages the development of innovators and original thinkers who can contribute uniquely to society.

In conclusion, education should ideally encompass both these perspectives. By providing a balanced curriculum that caters to the practical needs of society while also encouraging individual exploration and creativity, education can produce well-rounded individuals. Their capability of contributing effectively to their communities while pursuing personal fulfillment and growth will likely lead to a more dynamic and prosperous society.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 5

The nature of education is to humanise human, stated by Paolo Pereira. Some people believe that humanising human means that every person should be beneficial for society on how societies get the advantages from their knowledge and skills. However, others believe that they attend education institutions for having skills and experience as the tools to enter job market easily. This essay aims to discuss both purposes as well as provide several reasons.

People tend to focus on developing their social awareness through education in order to bring society to become a better community. They believe that the ultimate aim of education is that to contribute as well as to implement the knowledge and skills for the prosperity of society. For example, those who have expertise in agriculture science probably educate the farmers how to have a good quality of plants, how to manage the irrigation system well and how to conduct the product sales in the market. Moreover, graduates are believed as the social agents who bridge the society and government in terms of making society-based policy. If there is a controversial policy that harms people, educated persons are probably asked by those people to help them conducting negotiation even against the policy.

On the other hand, some believe that the ultimate aim of having an education is that people tend to get certain skills and experience as the main tools to achieve a good position in the job market. The company might require well-educated workers and put them in a strategic position which brings them to such more prosperous economic life condition. It is undeniable to stop people making education as the way to gain personal purpose because it is their personal right. In addition, the government guarantees every single person to have education for whatever the purpose as long as it is still on the education rules.

I believe that both purposes of people in entering education institution discussed above might be in line together. We can be valuable people for the society while having a job which we allocate some money from our salaries to educate people by providing the fund for those children who need it for school fee. The higher salary we achieve, the more money we can donor.

In short, everyone has their own targets to enter schools, universities or colleges. The most important thing is how to save ourselves by having a permanent job while contributing ours kills for the prosperity of society.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 6

In current years, the aim of pursuing higher education has been widely a fashionable trend. Some people believe that education lays on the aim of preparing individuals to serve society. While some others assert that education conducts personal goal. Indeed, these issues emerges a fierce debate. As regards this case, I will scrutinise both views along with related examples.

To begin with, the idea that every living individual belongs to the more complex group is a very basic concept which shapes any aspect of human life including education. This further becomes a framework of education nurturing people in the sake of emerging positive impact to the broad communities. In this regard, as a part of society individuals are responsible for contributing their knowledge they have acquired. Subsequently, it is strongly assumed that knowledge without devotion is such a meaningless sense in any variant of ways. It is the sense of devotion which encourage individuals to achieve their education for the sake of benefiting others. Furthermore, the national government urges the schools to enrich the pupils with the sense of nationalism where the citizen has to put public necessity over personal need. A very good example is Indonesian government requires schools to provide nationality subject in elementary and junior high schools.

In contrast, obtaining individual ambition should remain as the purpose of education particularly in the modern age. As it is widely acknowledged that individualism becomes a major trend where people put aside social aspect. Undoubtedly, modern lifestyle propels people to seek their own desire of how their education should be aimed to. Moreover, the belief that people must fulfil their own need plays an essential role in this case. Finally, human rights tell us the freedom of everyone choice in focusing their own passion. For instance, people have legal rights to assert their purpose in acquiring education.

To sum up, I personally think that preparing individuals to devote the society outweighs the other view in the term of education purpose.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 7

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals and society. While some argue that its main goal is to ensure that individuals make contributions to the betterment of society, others believe it should primarily serve personal goals.  I personally believe that literate individuals should not only focus on fulfilling their personal aspirations but also contribute towards societal good.

One school of thought asserts that education should focus on preparing individuals to become responsible and active members of society since it equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to address societal challenges, thus fostering social cohesion and progress. To illustrate, with an emphasis on holistic learning, a well-educated populace can engage in community service, drive positive change, and contribute to the greater good. A well-rounded education not only imparts academic knowledge but also instills values, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility.

Conversely, some argue that education should primarily empower individuals to achieve their life goals. Education is a means to unlock individual potential and nurture talents and passions. It enables personal growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment of one's dreams. For instance, by catering to personal ambitions, education can lead to happier and more fulfilled lives.

In my opinion, an ideal educational system should strike a balance between both perspectives. A society benefits when its members are fulfilled and content. Education should provide a foundation for contributing to society, while also encouraging personal development and the pursuit of individual goals. Striking this balance ensures that people harness their unique strengths to address societal needs while also leading satisfying lives.

In conclusion, education serves a dual purpose. It prepares individuals to contribute to society and empowers them to pursue personal ambitions. Ultimately, education should enable a harmonious blend of personal growth and societal engagement.

Some people say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society - mẫu 8

There is an ongoing debate concerning the primary purpose of education, with some arguing it is to churn out productive societal members while others contend that personal ambition fulfilment should be the focus. My stance is dual-spectral, acknowledging that both elements play a pivotal role in the neurological cultivation of an individual.

Undeniably, societal development is nurtured through the educational system which often prioritizes utility directly linked to social advancement. As our global environment gravitates towards technological advancement, the demand for proficient engineers escalates. Education has exhibited significant prowess in equipping individuals with both theoretical and practical skills that feed into the technological sphere. Moreover, it is through education that a nation's image can receive an international standing, demonstrating the universal importance of an educated society.

Nonetheless, recognizing the personal aspirations of individuals should equally be factored into the essence of education. Often, educational institutions are funded by individual school fees, and it is only fair that learners should acquire knowledge that resonates with their personal visions. To illustrate, in the Korean educational system, students are known to pursue private tuition to regale their academic appointment, a path that only benefits their personal goals. Coherently, individuals' career sustainability plays a critical role in societal development.
In conclusion, while education impacts society positively, it is equally crucial in individuals achieving their life goals.

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