Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject

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Đề bài: Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 1

Whether or not university enlistment should dedicate all their academic endeavours to their main major is a debatable matter. While some state that focusing on only one field is of higher importance, others and I adhere to the belief that the profits of gaining knowledge in distant fields cannot be neglected.

Many recruiters do not adopt proper research before stepping into an unknown field; therefore, they are more prone to simply follow the footprint of others which would lead to job dissatisfaction in the long term. As a result, it can be beneficial if they could acquire studies from different domains in order to find their true vocation. Furthermore, nowadays, many scientific breakthroughs are the results of multiple majors contributing to a specific cause which is why many enlistments/students are studying multiple majors simultaneously under consideration. A recent study demonstrates that more than half of the research conducted now is a product of compounding 2 to 3 subjects.

On the other hand, many people with a more conventional mindset would argue that multi-tasking will cause distraction for current students. Besides, not everyone is capable of these huge responsibilities so they rather broaden their knowledge in only one subject so that they would not end up feeling confused about their future career path. Moreover, there is also the risk of not being qualified to get a degree since many students immerse themselves in the process of juggling various tasks that would heighten their chance of failing them all. Take my aunt as an example; before she was aware that undergraduates are able to attend multiple courses, she was doing spectacularly well in her studies but now she says it is getting challenging and confusing to follow

In a nutshell, there is controversy around the matter of studying several subjects as a university admission. Even though it is believed by some to be problematic, others believe that the pros of this scheme prevail over the cons. I tend to side with the second group due to the factors that have been elaborated on in this essay.

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Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 2

The majority of university students opt for learning various fields as well as their major while others believe paying attention solely to their qualification is more crucial. This essay will discuss both views and suggest my opinion in favour of the latter.

On the one hand, focusing and doing one's utmost to qualify is considerable as it leads to profound education. To be specific, the more students concentrate on their fields, the more they are exposed to higher-quality knowledge and information. For example, a student who spends 10,000 hours reading a biology thesis is likely to understand the lecture and the textbooks easily compared to others who only studied for 1000 hours and learned other subjects. Thus, concentrating on their subject only and studying hard for their qualification often results in excelling and obtaining a deep knowledge in their fields.

On the other hand, seeking various subjects in addition to their department enables people to experience various studies and to broaden their insight. Furthermore, studying a wide range of fields leads to flexible perspectives. For instance, people who learn Korean literature, social science, and biology will effectively comprehend social, environmental, and gender disparity issues as they have widened their knowledge and understanding. Hence, learning many subjects helps individuals to cultivate multi-abilities and deter them from having narrow perspectives.

However, in my view, I believe that doing one's best and endeavouring to get a qualification is needed since I highly benefit from obtaining my master's degree. I was able to learn an in-depth section of law, which is my major. Also, I found a job with a high salary and work-life balance. It was possible because I was more outstanding than other applicants as I studied further and harder. In conclusion, although some individuals think that studying different departments is favourable, I stress that solely focusing on qualifying is crucial.

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Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 3

Academic studies have become a gateway to skills and prospective jobs. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether concentrating on qualifying in merely main subjects or pursuing some other related knowledge. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, in this essay I would contend that gaining as much information as possible related to the main subjects is more advisable. Two primary reasons for this are as follows.

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that extending the horizon of knowledge could play a complementary role in fulfilling the future profession. According to my own experiences, a salient example of this could be learning Python programming language geographic information systems and remote sensing students at universities, which can broaden their analytical skills in processing satellite images. So, rather than concentrating on the main subjects, learning about other subjects is likely to be more constructive in the future job.

Secondly and even more importantly, though, is the fact that focusing solely on the issue is likely to be insufficient as the pace of life increases significantly. For instance, having a grasp of psychological principles could provide better company for doctors with their patients, which would climb the process of treatment. So, having grown up in a technological era, insisting on such a limited attitude would result in unsatisfying consequences. 

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that although studying for a qualification would lead to being an expert in a future job, spending time learning related subjects would be accompanied by significant advantages for the betterment of societies.

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Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 4

Some argue that pupils in further education have the freedom to only learn their major or learn about additional fields if they opt to do so. Others think it is more crucial to solely focus on qualifying. In this essay, I will discuss both views and suggest my own opinion.

To begin with, advocates of diverse education claim that it is highly beneficial to be exposed to numerous study sections as it assists in obtaining various job opportunities. To be specific, in recent years, companies tend to prefer employers with multiple skills. For example, employees would definitely give a chance of work experience to those who majored in more than two subjects rather than those who took a major in one subject, as they believe the former group will have more comprehensive educational sources and flexibility in the workforce. Hence, studying different subjects during university years is favourable.

However, others believe that concentrating on their subjects is paramount for acquiring a qualification. Proponents of this thought claim that individuals who only study in their department often find themselves excelling in their field as they can foster profound knowledge. As a result, good grades lead to better chances for a qualification and occupation.

In my opinion, while diversity in learning can widen people's perspectives, I believe that students should do their utmost to study for official achievement since more professions require a certificate of individual abilities.

To conclude, there are two perspectives on pupils' behaviour during their tertiary education. Although both views have merits, I contend that focusing on a practical outcome is essential.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 5

There is a debate among university students regarding the choice between focusing solely on their main subjects and incorporating additional courses into their academic curriculum. While some advocate for the importance of devoting all their time and attention to studying for their qualification, others argue in favour of pursuing a broader range of subjects alongside their specialized studies. Personally, I align with the viewpoint that supports the inclusion of supplementary subjects to the primary academic focus as it not only facilitates the acquisition of diverse knowledge but also enhances employability.

In essence, it is beneficial for young people to seek additional knowledge in subjects related to their major. This provides them with an advantage as it opens up opportunities for pursuing additional qualifications, such as a PhD. Moreover, it enables them to address the needs within their community. For example, a student studying psychology may benefit from taking additional social work-related units to fulfil the desire to address the needs within her society

Another reason for desiring to learn about other subjects may be related to employability. Students may seek additional subjects to broaden their job prospects. For instance, a student majoring in accounting may choose to minor in business law, thereby enhancing their opportunities to work as a tax accountant. Despite the advantages of pursuing additional subjects, some individuals argue that focusing solely on specialized units is crucial. This approach minimizes distractions and enables students to excel in their primary qualifications. In other words, a student studying psychology can devote their full attention to this field in order to enhance their proficiency.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the notion that students should broaden their academic horizons by taking supplementary courses related to their majors. This approach is conducive to developing a multifaceted skill set that can be advantageous in the competitive job market. Furthermore, it can serve as a means to enrich their knowledge base, should they aspire to pursue advanced qualifications in the future.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 6

When you enter a university, you have the chance to research and learn what you are truly curious about. Some students tend to concentrate on their basic courses and others want to stick their necks out of it and get to know more about other subjects. In my view, there shouldn't be any limit to educating more, if we have the capacity. In this essay, I will examine both attitudes and introduce my standpoint.

Firstly, it seems that the type of personality which contains more energetic and curious characters may be more likely to take various courses in their educational periods. For instance, I, as a person with this personality, always want to participate in different architectural workshops besides my main subjects and I have never regretted it. In my view, you just in this way can broaden your horizon and if you never try new things, you will never know what you truly want to pursue for further education.

On the other hand, some students prefer to focus on their core studies as they can deepen their knowledge. To build upon my point a little more, I had friends who did not attend any workshops or conferences only if they related to their exact measure. They are somehow selective people and in a short period of time, became masters of a specific area of architecture. Although they've got significant education in that, they hardly can participate in different architectural meetings. In this measure especially, you should have a wide attitude toward so many aspects of architecture and life in order to have the ability to design better spaces for people.

To put it in a nutshell, there are advantages to both methods of study at universities but in some measures such as architecture, it is more important to try to broaden your horizon in order to design better.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 7

The ongoing debate about whether university students should diversify their studies beyond their primary field or concentrate solely on their major is multifaceted. In my view, while a focused approach to the major subject is essential for depth of knowledge, the inclusion of additional subjects can significantly enrich a student’s educational experience and future professional capabilities.

On one hand, dedicating oneself exclusively to a major subject allows for an in-depth mastery of the field. For example, medical pupils who devote their entire curriculum to medical courses can attain a level of specialization crucial for effective healthcare practice. This focused approach ensures that learners develop a profound understanding of their chosen field, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements within that speciality. Moreover, in professions where precision and expertise are paramount, such as engineering or law, a singular focus on the core subject matter is often necessary to meet the high standards of these professions.

On the other hand, integrating subjects outside the primary field of study broadens one's perspective and fosters adaptability. For instance, an engineering student taking courses in environmental studies may gain valuable insights into sustainable design, an increasingly important aspect in today's construction industry. Similarly, a finance major exploring psychology could better understand consumer behaviour, enhancing their ability to devise effective financial strategies. This interdisciplinary approach not only supplements the scholars' primary knowledge but also prepares them for a dynamic work environment where cross-disciplinary skills are increasingly valued.

In conclusion, while a concentrated study in one’s major is vital for attaining specialized expertise, the inclusion of diverse subjects offers a broader educational perspective, crucial for navigating the complexities of the modern professional world. Balancing depth with breadth in education equips readers with a versatile skill set, preparing them to excel in an ever-evolving career landscape.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 8

In today's world, a huge number of jobs other than requesting enough skills in the main subject, require basic knowledge about another subject. This trend has made the students want to study additional subjects in universities. Although others think they must concentrate on their main major and it prevents them from focusing 100% on their subject, in my opinion, it is a necessity to learn today's job requirements to enter the workplace more easily.

To begin with, what is an advantage for students in the workplace is having another skill related to their main ability which enables them to focus on the work which most people are not able to do. It gives them more job opportunities and a higher chance of finding suitable work. For instance, with the advances in technology, a noticeable number of works require computer skills which forces students to learn them through their study.

On the contrary, some individuals' concern is that a student's performance in their main major might be bred by the minor course. It can result in a lack of skills in the main major and a huge loss in the future as well. Moreover, the minor subject may be completely irrelevant to their future and all the efforts they put in might be time-wasting for them. For example, today, learning fundamentals of AI is meaningfully popular among students because of the huge advertisement; however, most of them will not use it in the future and they just miss their chance to improve themselves in relevant required skills in their job.

To conclude, it is argued among people whether studying a minor subject in university is an effective plan or not. In my opinion, it gives them an advantage in the workplace while some individuals believe it is highly likely a waste of time and they should focus on their main subject.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 9

Education is fundamental for everyone to widen the borders of our horizons. Some students attend subjects in their university duration behind their main educational subject. However, some advocate that they should only excel in their field of study to gain a qualification, whereas others believe that it is important for them to study not only their main field but also different areas, I would agree with the latter viewpoint.

To begin with, one significant factor which must be considered why some would say focusing only on university lectures is important is that they should choose a career in future. Therefore, if they put time into various study branches, they would definitely lose their concentration on their main field of education. Additionally, they argue that university topics are enough for students' development. This is because educational lectures are designed to provide various criteria which educate a person to be professional enough for their upcoming job opportunities. For example, if a person studies electrical engineering, he or she will take some management or economics classes which help them in their working fields. As a result, students by only focusing on their main topic significantly benefited.

However, I believe they should take extracurricular classes because education is not just about winning a competition for qualification. The reason is that the vast majority of jobs in the market need more than just one certificate. For example, computer engineering students learn some coding languages like C++ or Java, and they send applications to attend jobs and more skills such as programming with Python are requested from them. Despite this fact, if a student wants to move up the career ladder and find his or her dream job, they will have to learn new traits by attending inside subjects. This will result in finding better jobs with more security for them in future.

To conclude, although some individuals claim that education on the main subject at university is completely enough for students, in my point of view, other factors are necessary to be involved in other subjects and learn more than what is offered in universities if they want to be successful while they are entering career fields.

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subject - mẫu 10

The academic curriculum in the university requires it to be relevant to one’s chosen field. It is the opinion of others that some schools should focus on learning other subjects together with the main ones while others oppose it. In this essay, I will discuss both standpoints and briefly state my side regarding this proposition.

First of all, going to school means a person’s role is to learn and be knowledgeable. Being exposed to and involved not only in main subjects but also in other alternative topics may improve their mental, social and practical skills, which are important for work qualifications. For example, incorporating general psychology will definitely aid people to be emphatic and be trained to adapt to coworkers. Moreover, an introduction to stocks and tax will improve an individual’s skill of saving and investing their money.

On the other hand, attending the school’s time and attention to preparing students for qualification will support them in the bits and pieces of the work they will be choosing in the future. It gives them more opportunities to try and experience the real side of their job. Including lessons related to their occupation will prepare them for doing work tasks and taking their roles appropriately and accurately. For example, including numerous mathematical equations and logical analysis will help a student to be an engineer or be trained in hospitals if they would like to be a nurse or medical practitioner.

To sum up, it will have affectations on an individual’s life. Personally speaking, I support the viewpoint of having minor courses to expand a person’s knowledge and build more possibilities that may add to their experiences before entering the real world.

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