Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train

Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train

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Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train - mẫu 1

One of the pros of travelling by train is the scenic views it offers, allowing passengers to enjoy the journey and witness breathtaking landscapes. Additionally, trains are relatively more environmentally friendly compared to other modes of transportation, emitting fewer carbon emissions. However, train travel may sometimes be slower than flying or driving, especially for long distances. It is also subject to potential delays and disruptions, which can be inconvenient for travelers with time constraints.

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Nội dung dịch:

Một trong những ưu điểm của việc di chuyển bằng tàu hỏa là tầm nhìn tuyệt đẹp mà nó mang lại, cho phép hành khách tận hưởng chuyến đi và chứng kiến những cảnh quan ngoạn mục. Ngoài ra, tàu hỏa tương đối thân thiện với môi trường hơn so với các phương thức vận tải khác, thải ra ít khí thải carbon hơn. Tuy nhiên, việc di chuyển bằng tàu hỏa đôi khi có thể chậm hơn so với đi máy bay hoặc lái xe, đặc biệt là đối với những quãng đường dài. Nó cũng có thể bị chậm trễ và gián đoạn, điều này có thể gây bất tiện cho những du khách có thời gian hạn chế.

Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train - mẫu 2

   Now a day, the life is more and more modern. We have many transports to go anyway like bike, motorbike, car, train, bus. When you travel by train, you can enjoythe freedom of not having to find parking or drive, and simply relax, or work.
   First of all, it can be said that travelling by train has some noteworthy positive effects. When you travel by train, you don’t need to drive or handle difficult parkingsituations. Instead, you can watch a travel movie, catch up on work, take a nap orsimply relax. Another awesome thing about train travel is that it’s comfortable. You can walk around if you need during the train journey and you can even take a seat that has a table. This way, you can eat, work, or rest your head.
   People say that, travelingby train is much safer than traveling by car. Traveling by train you can see naturalbeauty. You can look at the beautiful fields or nice coast.
   However, travelling by train also has some disadvantage. you have to get off at the right point in the schedule. You won't feel comfortable on the train because there is no privacy. The opposite people might carry on loud phone calls during the trip.
In conclusion, it's worth considering that there are both pros and cons of travelling by train

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Talk about pros and cons of travelling by train - mẫu 3

   There are many reasons for me to say that “rail travel is an advantageous form of transport”.

   First, It takes you a moderate price for long trips. Of course, trains’ ticket is cheaper than planes’ or ships’. By costing cheap, railway become the wonderful way to go around and visit your country. Getting on a train isn’t a luxurious dream even though you are poor. Then, in special occasion, you can be together with your family who live far apart from you.

   Second, travelling by train is fast and safe. Its speed can attain to hundred kilometers an hour and just run independently on a rail so you could feel secure about the safety.

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   Finally, Rail travel has many comfortable things. There are both seat cabin and sleeper cabin – two choices for you. The trains are like the mobile restaurant or hotel with many services such as selling foods, drinks and even souvenirs, and there are restroom too. During the trips, you have TVs to relax. Unlike a car, train’s carbin is large and long so you are allowed to go around like doing the exercise. Especially, you will never got travel sick like carsick or seasick, the air in the cabin not very different from the fresh air outside.

   For these information I give, I believe that you will think about one time exploring by the train. With me, travelling by train is always the tiptop mean of transport. How about you? Why don’t you vote for this wonderful transport?

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