The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive effects for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive

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Đề bài: The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive effects for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 1

It is argued that the proliferation of global corporations and internationalization offers benefits to all people. I strongly agree with the aforementioned statement because of reasons relating to a higher level of employment and enhanced cross-cultural communication skills.

One legitimate reason to support this trend is that it brings more job opportunities for local people. Since international firms, which open their branches in different countries, require a high level of workforce, they will need to recruit more local employees to operate the business. As a result, the natives are offered a decent occupation with lucrative incomes to cover their living expenses and in some cases, spend more generously on their shopping. For example, Samsung, a renowned Korean technology corporation, has created a large number of jobs for Vietnamese since 2018, through cooperating with the local government to successfully tackle the high unemployment rate in Vietnam.

Another major aspect is that people have a chance to develop multi-cultural communication skills as globalization is promoted. On a personal level, it is now easy for workers to learn about foreign cultures and customs, enabling them to acquire more knowledge and insight into varying international practices. As they are exposed to cross-cultural diversity in their working environment and society, they would become more able to show their empathy and tolerate cultural differences. At the company level, globalization leads to a more diverse range of potential business partners and diversifies their investment portfolios, which contributes to their profit generation. Therefore, having global partnerships is essential for businesses to compete in the growing international market.

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In conclusion, I firmly believe that this trend is a positive development for every individual since it offers more jobs in local areas and stimulates better cross-cultural communication. Therefore, the government should encourage the process of globalization and multinational companies setting up in their countries.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 2

In today’s modern world, globalization and the development of multinationals have occurred beyond our wildest expectations. This trend is claimed to bring positive outcomes for society as a whole, nonetheless, I disagree with this idea as I believe that it only makes money for a few.

Without a doubt, transnational companies often invest in developing countries, but their investment does not necessarily reduce poverty there. It is sometimes said that globalization improves international relations because it encourages the flow of money from wealthy to less-developed nations. In reality, however, the wealth generated usually stays in the hands of private corporations, while the majority of local people work for low wages. Furthermore, if the relentless advance of international brands into every corner of the world continues, these might one day completely oust the traditional products of a nation, which would be a loss of richness and diversity in the world. Related to this are conflicts between local communities and multinational corporations, including the ever-increasing levels of environmental degradation caused by business activities, which undeniably lead to resentment and distrust between nationalities, not better understanding.

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However, this is not to say that globalization is entirely bad. There are benefits in terms of improving local infrastructures such as industrial parks and technologies. But to say that it is ‘always a force for good’ is to ignore the various problems it causes.

To conclude, my firm conviction is that the spread of global businesses is an unwelcome and dreary prospect because the advantages to the rich and powerful people in our society cannot compensate for the detrimental effects on culture, traditions, and the local economy worldwide.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 3

The rapid expansion of multinational corporations and the increasing trend of globalization have sparked widespread discussions about their overall impact. In my opinion, these developments bring significant advantages to everyone, contributing to the elimination of poverty and fostering cross-cultural understanding.

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From an economic standpoint, the growth of multinational corporations plays a pivotal role in advancing economies and lifting people out of poverty. International companies, by establishing their presence globally, inject a large amount of money into the local economy through their investment in the construction of offices, factories, warehouses, and transportation infrastructure. Furthermore, when operating their business in other countries, multinational firms necessitate a sizable workforce and thus open ample employment opportunities for local residents. Consequently, people can secure stable employment with decent incomes, covering their living expenses and stimulating spending, thereby driving economic progress. For example, Samsung, a renowned Korean technology giant, has welcomed a large number of Vietnamese workers since 2018 following the establishment of its new subsidiary, successfully tackling the high unemployment rate in Vietnam.

From a societal perspective, globalization has facilitated cultural exchange and mutual understanding among nations, promoting world peace and friendship. Most hate stems from fear of the unknown. When people do not understand other races, values, and customs, they are prone to believe in false preconceptions, resulting in shunning people who do not share the same roots with them. Thanks to globalization, it is now easy for people to access information and make friends with people from around the world, enabling them to acquire more knowledge and insight into foreign cultures and international practices. Exposure to cross-cultural diversity increases the likelihood of establishing mutual respect and empathy among people from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, globalization is instrumental in promoting cross-cultural understanding and maintaining global harmony in this contemporary age.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that the ongoing process of globalization and the surge of multinational corporations represent positive developments as they not only improve the economy but also stimulate cross-cultural understanding.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 4

Globalization and the germination of multinational corporations have been pacing up more than ever before. While one school of thought corrodes the seedling of globalization, others think it has immensely benefited mankind. I agree with the latter statement and correspond with the thought of globalization bettering the lives of people. In the forthcoming sections, I shall be propounding my views on the topic.

First and foremost, globalization has helped in eradicating the unemployment scourge to a significant extent. Not only has it assisted the countries in laying their helping hands to the unemployed masses by generating the labour and employees’ needs, but it also helped people survive somewhat optimally as it has made the resources available to the people to sprint on the tracks of life. Secondly, it has helped industries improve themselves by setting the goals and standards for the native businesses to learn from and refer to while defining their goals and parameters. Moreover, the expanding network of multinational companies from different parts of the world provides access to the global market for many local companies that are innovative and booming.

Talking from the diversity point of view as well, it has helped people in getting acquainted and cognizant of slightly unrepresented and non-eminent cultures and traditional heritage of different regions by bolstering their feet in the mainstream upon their acknowledging.  Further, in times of global crisis, it has become easier for the developed nations to take note of the calamitous consequences and natural catastrophes in a region and, therefore, take necessary actions.

Some people might say it has increased the competition for local businesses and has made it harder for them to thrive. However, it has helped people avail themselves better than the good results in diving through the oceanic opportunities available.

Conclusively, we can say that globalization and the surge of MNCs have helped humankind in various aspects. Therefore, I agree with the fact that multinational companies and globalization produce positive outcomes.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 5

The pervasiveness of multinationals has led many to question their relative merits. In my opinion, their impact is negative on the whole despite legitimate economic advantages.

Those in favor of a globalised world argue that international conglomerates bring wealth to a country. This is the result of a variety of related effects including increased tax revenue, employment opportunities, and, most importantly, the spread of expertise. A good example of this would be producers of consumer electronics such as Apple. Apple provides jobs in countries all around the world ranging from marketers and factory workers to graphic designers and supply agents. All these employees receive salaries typically above the average wages in a given region, which is then directed back towards the local consumer economy. Such workers are also likely to pick up specialised skills that they can utilize in the long term and later pass on to others.

Nonetheless, multinationals are negative due to their effects on local businesses and the environment. A good example of the former point would be the rise of fast-food chains globally. Well-known brands such as McDonald’s and KFC are in hundreds of countries and provide serious competition to local restaurants. Their ability to offer cheap, uniform meals with limited nutritional value that are very addictive hurt both the health of the local populace and also make it harder for small restaurants to turn a profit and remain in operation. Moreover, such large corporations contribute to climate change by exploiting the use of airplanes and trucks to ship their products globally. Combined with the plastic packaging often employed by these companies, their impact on the environment far surpasses the minor lifestyle choices of individuals.

In conclusion, despite meagre economic benefits arising from multinationals, I believe this is a negative trend due to the effect on small businesses and the environment. Governments must therefore attempt to carefully regulate and balance the introduction of international companies.

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization produce positive - mẫu 6

With the spread of multinational companies due to globalization in the world business platforms, positive outcomes are being achieved, as is believed by some people. Accordingly, I agree with the fact that the advantages incurred by the spread of multinational companies in the business market is high. Considerably, multinational companies have been able to expand at the world level benefiting in terms of acculturation that takes place as a result of globalization. The spread of multinational companies has been able to identify that access to new cultures can be considered as an enormously positive outcome. It is possible for multinational companies through spreading across different countries to be able to spread their technologies and innovation across the world. It has been possible for developments in societies to be endured through multinational companies thereby being able to increase the standard of living of the people because of the international brands and companies that have been able to acquire customers. With the help of multinational companies spreading across the global business platforms has allowed the businesses to ensure that they are able to access new markets and are able to establish their position in the market. It is possible for the companies to ensure that within the business market it is possible for the spread of multinational companies to ensure that they are able to access new talents in the market. Effectively, it has been possible for the companies to ensure that they identify greater opportunities as well as being able to acquire new markets on the global platform. In my opinion, multinational companies have been able to spread in the global market with the ability to lower the cost of products, become market leaders and hence, enable higher levels of efficiency in the market. With the spread of multinational companies, it has been possible for the companies to ensure that they are able to create higher investments within the countries and increase higher levels of effectiveness in the global business platform.

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