Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph. Use what you have learnt and the ideas below to help you hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph. Use what you have learnt and the ideas below to help you

Living green

- Planting more trees and plants

- Organizing regular clean-up activities

- Collecting litter, setting up more recycling bins

- Turning off electrical devices when not in use

- Using energy from the sun, wind, and water

There are many ways you can make your life greener.




Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference.

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 1

There are many ways you can do to make your life greener. Firstly, it is necessary to plant more trees because it can clean our air. Secondly, to save energy, you should turn off all electrical devices when you do not use them. Thirdly, you should use energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind, and water instead of using fossil fuels. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

Quảng cáo

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 2

There are many ways you can make your life greener. The easiest way is planting more trees and forests. Trees help absorb CO2 and release O2, helping to cool the atmosphere. Besides, it will provide shade and make the air fresh. The second thing we can do is organizing regular clean-up activities such as Go Green Weekend. This keeps the environment clean and raises awareness for all citizens about the green lifestyle. In addition, turning off electrical devices when not in use is an effective way. This not only helps reduce energy bills but also prevents any dangerous situations. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 3

There are many ways you can make your life greener. Firstly, planting more trees is the best way. Trees can clean our air as well as make the environment greener. Secondly, you should turn off electrical devices when you go out or you do not use them to save energy. This action will help me save money for the electricity bill. Thirdly, you should use energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind, and water. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

Quảng cáo

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 4

There are many ways you can make your life greener. Firstly, planting more trees and plants is a good way to clean our air. Secondly, you should turn off electrical devices when you do not use them to save energy. Thirdly, you should use energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind, and water. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 5

There are many ways you can make your life greener. The first possible way is to plant more trees and plants. This reduces CO2 and makes the air clean. The second thing we can do is organizing regular clean-up activities. This keeps the environment clean and makes it safe for everyone. The next thing could be collecting litter, setting up more recycling bins as this makes waste collection easier. In addition, turning off electrical devices when not in use is an effective way. This not only helps reduce energy bills but also prevents any dangerous situations such as fire or an explosion. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

Quảng cáo

Think about ways of living a green lifestyle. Complete the paragraph - mẫu 6

There are many ways you can make your life greener. First, make your area green by planting more trees and plants. Second, make your area clean by organizing regular clean-up activities, collecting litter, and setting up more recycling bins. Finally, turn off electrical devices when not in use and use energy from the sun, wind, and water. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will make a big difference

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