Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’

Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’

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Đề bài: Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’

1. What problems do students have with homework?

2. When should you do it?

3. What can you do if it is very difficult?

4. Where can you get help?

5. What about weekends?

It's a good idea to ...

You should ... if ...

Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ - mẫu 1

Homework is often described as boring and challenging to many students. To be able to survive it, many ways have been suggested as follows. Firstly, pupils have to pay attention to teachers in classes. One of many reasons why homework is so difficult is that students don’t listen to their teachers, causing a lack of knowledge required to finish homework; therefore, students will face multiple issues when doing their exercises. Secondly, students should try their best to focus when doing homework. Finishing homework requires sitting down, which is considered boring to many kids. Picking a quiet place to study and balancing the amount of time resting and working can greatly improve one’s concentration. Finally, youngsters need to understand that homework is given for their own good. Doing homework not only will strengthen your knowledge, but also give you a brighter future. In conclusion, despite the fact that homework is a great trouble to many students, every kid should try their best to finish them.

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Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ - mẫu 2


Homework is a necessary part of education; however, I usually have too much homework that makes me stressed. Here are my tips for surviving homework.

- Remember to finish it before school. It’s a good idea to do it right after school or after dinner.

- Don’t worry! We should ask our teachers or friends if it is very difficult.

- We can also get help from searching on the internet.

- It will be amazing if our teachers don’t give any homework on the weekends. Because a weekend with no homework would help us to be fresh and ready on Monday morning.

Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ - mẫu 3

Homework is an important part at school. Here are my tips for surviving homework.

- You should list your homework on a note every day.

- Remember to do your homework after school every day.

- If your homework seems hard, you can solve it with your friends or ask your teacher for help.

- Don’t panic! Be patient!

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Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ - mẫu 4

How to Survive Homework

Homework can often feel overwhelming for students, presenting challenges such as time management and difficulty with certain subjects. To tackle these issues effectively, it's important to schedule homework sessions at consistent times each day, ideally after school when your mind is still focused. If you encounter a particularly tough assignment, don't hesitate to break it down into smaller tasks or seek clarification from your teachers.

For extra support, consider joining study groups or utilizing online resources and educational apps. Remember, weekends can be a valuable opportunity to review and catch up on any unfinished work, ensuring you stay on top of your studies and maintain a healthy balance between school and relaxation. With a proactive approach and a bit of perseverance, navigating homework can become a manageable part of your academic routine.

Write a blog (60-80 words) for students with the title ‘How to survive homework’ - mẫu 5

How to Survive Homework

Homework can be a challenge for students, especially when juggling multiple subjects and extracurricular activities. One common issue is procrastination, which can lead to last-minute rushes and stress. To stay on top of assignments, create a dedicated study space and set specific times each day to tackle homework when you're most alert and focused.

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If you find a task too difficult, don't hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to classmates, teachers, or online resources for guidance and clarification. Utilizing educational websites and apps can also provide valuable insights and practice exercises.

Weekends offer a chance to catch up and review material from the week. Dedicate some time to review notes, complete long-term projects, or prepare for upcoming tests. Remember, maintaining a balanced approach to homework ensures you stay organized and reduce stress, allowing you to excel academically while still enjoying your free time.

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