5+ Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing. Write 80-100 words.

- What is the folk game?

- When did you start playing this game?

- Who do you play with?

- Where do you play?

- When do you usually play?

- What's your opinion about this game?

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing - mẫu 1

Tug of war is a sport and a popular folk game in some countries around the world today. Tug of war is a team sport and is very important for your health. Tug of war is not only an endurance sport but also a game of teamwork and high will. The game brings a sense of joy and comfort to everyone when participating in games in some festivals.

Quảng cáo

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing - mẫu 2

One Vietnamese game I really enjoy is "O an quan," or "Mandarin Square Capturing." I started playing it when I was young, usually with my friends or siblings in our backyard or at school. We use a board with little compartments filled with stones. The goal is to move the stones around, trying to capture your opponent's stones while protecting your own. It's fun and makes you think fast! Playing "O an quan" always brings back good memories of my childhood and how much fun we had with simple games.

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing - mẫu 3

“Blind Man's Bluff” or “Bịt mắt bắt dê” is a classic Vietnamese folk game that has been a source of joy since my early years. I first encountered this game during neighborhood gatherings and school recess. Usually, it's played with a group of friends or classmates. We typically play in open areas such as schoolyards or community parks, where there's enough space to move around safely. It's a game that we often enjoy during weekends or after school, whenever we have free time. I find "Blind Man's Bluff" to be thrilling and full of suspense, as it challenges both the blindfolded player's senses and the others' stealthiness. It's a delightful mix of excitement and laughter that brings people together.

Quảng cáo

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing - mẫu 4

"Bag jumping," or "Nhảy bao bố," is a beloved Vietnamese traditional game that brings back fond memories from my childhood. I recall first playing this game during school recess and neighborhood gatherings. It's typically played with a group of friends or classmates, each member of a team taking turns to hop to the finish line while their feet are inside a cloth bag. Whichever team finishes first wins. We often play in open areas like schoolyards, playgrounds, or even streets, improvising with whatever space we have available. Bag jumping is a game that we enjoy during breaks from school or on lazy afternoons. I find it to be a simple yet exhilarating game that encourages physical activity and friendly competition. The thrill of hopping from one bag to another while trying to maintain balance adds an element of excitement and laughter to the experience, making it a cherished part of my childhood memories.

Write a descriptive passage about a folk game you enjoyed playing - mẫu 5

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot," or "Oẳn tù tì", is a fun game played by many children or even adults in Vietnam. I started playing it when I was a kid, with friends and family. We play it anywhere, like in parks or at home. Whenever we need to decide something quickly or just want to have fun, we play this game. It's simple and brings a lot of laughter, making it one of my favorite games to play with others.

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