Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned

Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned for people under the age of eighteen hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned

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Đề bài: Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned for people under the age of eighteen

Use the discussion essay in exercise 3 to help you and think about the following things:

• Do many teenagers play violent video games?

• What are the arguments for a ban?

• What are the arguments against a ban?

• What is your opinion and why?

Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned - mẫu 1

In contemporary society, the technology of violent video games has become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. Video games which show violence should be banned for people under the age of eighteen.

Firstly, for many years children have been playing a large variety of different video games. The potential influence of violence in video games has remained a concern for many parents. Young people are more susceptible to seeing certain characters in games as role models and something ‘cool’ or ‘badass’, which they would like to be like and will attempt to present their attitudes to be that of the character they favour.

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Second, addiction to violent games is a very big and growing concern, as there will always be the potential development of anti-social and aggressive behaviour which will put many people or the minor him/herself in danger as the detailed acts of killing, use of illegal substance, aggressive behaviour, stalking and use of weapons are watched which could be inspirational or encouraging one day. 

However, some individuals object to this as they believe it will promote and improve a child’s understanding of computer literacy, enhancement of motor skills and self defense that will be beneficial for a child’s growth, this essay will argue and oppose this opinion.

In conclusion, violent video games do have a very negative and harmful effect on minors and children as stated above, these games should be restricted content to people 18 and over only. Parental control or supervision should always be put to use and maintained to limit and monitor activity. Parents should also strictly follow the classifications and age ratings which will assist in selecting a suitable and appropriate video game.

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Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned - mẫu 2

The debate on whether violent video games should be banned for people under the age of eighteen is complex and multifaceted. Many teenagers play popular games such as "Call of Duty" and "Grand Theft Auto," which often feature graphic violence and aggressive behavior. Proponents of a ban argue that exposure to violent content can have negative effects on young minds, including increased aggression, desensitization to violence, and reduced empathy. They also worry that these games can impact academic performance, reduce physical activity, and negatively affect social interactions, potentially normalizing violent behavior.

On the other hand, opponents of a ban believe that violent video games are a form of entertainment and artistic expression, protected by freedom of speech. They argue that it is the responsibility of parents, not the government, to regulate their children's gaming habits. Tools such as age ratings and parental controls are already available to help parents restrict access to inappropriate content. Moreover, many studies indicate that there is no direct causal link between violent video games and real-world violence, suggesting that other factors, such as family environment and mental health, play a more significant role in influencing behavior.

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In my opinion, while the concerns about violent video games are valid, an outright ban may not be the most effective solution. Instead, a balanced approach involving parental supervision and education about media consumption is essential. Parents should actively participate in their children's gaming lives, set appropriate limits, and discuss the content to ensure it is suitable for their age and maturity level. Enhancing the use of parental controls and age rating systems can also help mitigate the risks associated with violent video games. Additionally, education programs that teach teenagers about the potential impacts of violent media and how to critically analyze and interpret such content could be beneficial.

In conclusion, while the issue of banning violent video games for those under eighteen is complex, a complete ban may not be practical or effective. A combination of parental involvement, education, and the use of existing regulatory tools can address the concerns associated with violent video games while respecting individual freedoms and parental responsibilities. This balanced approach can ensure that teenagers enjoy their gaming experiences without undue exposure to harmful content.

Write a discussion essay on this topic: Video games which show violence should be banned - mẫu 3

The debate over banning violent video games for individuals under eighteen is ongoing, with strong arguments on both sides. As video games have grown in popularity, so too has concern about their impact on young players.

Nowadays, there are many teenagers playing violent video games. Popular titles like "Call of Duty" and "Grand Theft Auto" attract millions of young players, raising concerns about the effects of such exposure.

Proponents of a ban argue that violent video games can increase aggression and desensitize teenagers to violence. Studies suggest that repeated exposure to violent content can influence behavior and mental health, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, and increased aggression. Advocates also believe that restricting access to these games is a moral responsibility to promote a more peaceful society.

Opponents argue that violent video games do not directly cause real-world violence. They point to research indicating no definitive causation between gaming and violent behavior. Additionally, they believe a ban infringes on personal freedoms and parental rights. Parents, not the government, should decide what is appropriate for their children. Furthermore, violent games can have positive effects, like improving cognitive skills and providing stress relief.

I believe a blanket ban is not the best solution. Instead, parents should monitor and regulate their children’s gaming habits. Educating parents about potential risks and promoting media literacy among teenagers can help them critically evaluate content and understand the difference between virtual and real-world violence. The gaming industry should also continue to enforce age ratings and parental controls.

In conclusion, while concerns about violent video games are valid, a combined approach involving parents, educators, and the gaming industry is more effective than an outright ban.

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