5+ Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning

Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning. You may use the suggested ideas below hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning

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Đề bài: Write a paragraph (120-150 words) about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning. You may use the suggested ideas below

- slow internet connection; always relies on the Internet or Wi-Fi

- easily distracted by online entertainment programmes

- technical problems and viruses

Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning - mẫu 1

In the age of technology booming, application of electronic devices in education has become more popular. However, using electronic devices in schooling can bring disadvantages. First, electronic devices can distract students from their studies as they may use them to play games, text, and chat in lesson time. Additionally, students have access to inappropriate information, videos, and pictures. Furthermore, Students might take embarrassing pictures of others, share them on the Internet or use them to demand money or force people to do things for them. In short, to avoid disadvantages of using personal electronic devices, it is necessary for us to consider and set proper rules over using electronic devices at school

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Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning - mẫu 2

Using electronic devices in studying is becoming more and more popular, but this can bring some disadvantages. First, learners have to depend on the Internet to search for information or look up new words. Access to Wi-Fi is not always stable and available. Second, electronic devices can easily distract students from their studies. There are too many types of entertainment programmes on the Internet. For example, students may use mobile phones to play games, text, and chat during lessons. Third, there are some viruses that can attack students’ devices. This may lead to the loss of personal data and documents. In short, to avoid these problems, it is necessary for schools and parents to consider and set certain rules for using electronic devices in studying

Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning - mẫu 3

Although using electronic gadgets while studying is getting more and more common, there are certain drawbacks. To start, students must rely on the Internet to do informational searches or seek up new words. Wi-Fi connectivity is not always reliable and accessible. Second, using electronics to distract children from their academics is very easy. On the Internet, there are too many different kinds of entertainment programs. Students may play games, text, and chat on their phones throughout class, for instance. Third, some viruses have the potential to infect student computers. Personal information and documents may be lost as a result of this. In other words, it's important for parents and schools to think about and establish particular regulations for using electronic devices while studying in order to prevent these issues

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Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning - mẫu 4

Using electronic devices for learning can sometimes have downsides. Firstly, if the internet connection is slow or unreliable, it can be hard to access study materials or join online classes. This can make it tough to keep up with lessons. Secondly, it's easy to get distracted by fun stuff online, like games or videos, instead of focusing on studying. This can make it hard to stay on track and get work done. Lastly, there's a risk of technical problems or getting viruses on devices. This can cause them to stop working properly and disrupt learning. So, while electronic devices can be helpful for learning, it's important to watch out for these issues and find ways to deal with them

Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning - mẫu 5

Using electronic devices for learning has its drawbacks that can affect young learners. Firstly, a slow internet connection can be frustrating, especially when trying to access online resources or attend virtual classes. This limitation can hinder students' ability to engage effectively with their studies. Secondly, the temptation of online entertainment programs can easily distract students from their learning tasks. Whether it's social media, games, or videos, these distractions can lead to a loss of focus and decreased productivity. Lastly, technical problems such as device malfunctions or encountering viruses pose significant challenges. These issues can disrupt learning activities, causing delays and frustration for students. Thus, while electronic devices offer valuable learning opportunities, it's essential to address these disadvantages to ensure a more conducive learning environment for young learners

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