Write a paragraph to describe emojis as a way of communication (hay nhất)

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication. Use the following ideas to help you hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a paragraph to describe emojis as a way of communication (hay nhất)

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication. Use the following ideas to help you





To express emotions in chats, emails, or on social media


- Easy to understand

- Fun to use

- Save time typing words

- Show the personality of the communicators


- Not all people understand an emoji in the same way

- Cannot be used in formal cases like essays and legal documents

Popularity in the future:

More popular because of its convenience

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication - mẫu 1

Like other young people, now we communicate, text with small, colourful pictures – emojis. You can find creative emoji T-shirts, posters, videos, stories and songs. Emojis are everywhere, but where are they from and why are they so popular? The emoji inventor, Shigetaka Kurita, is from Japan, and 'emoji' in Japanese means picture (e) and letter (moji). Now over a thousand emojis with different skin colors show people and ideas from many cultures, not only Japan. They are becoming a truly international language. Emojis and emoticons can show our feelings. When we aren't speaking face-to-face, it's important to see if a message is sad, silly, funny or happy. So emojis are useful, but they mostly add a bit of fun and color to our lives.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication - mẫu 2

Emojis are like little pictures we use to show feelings when we talk online. They're fun and make chatting easier because we don't always have to type lots of words. Emojis help us express ourselves and show our personality in messages. But sometimes, people might not understand them the same way. Also, we can't use them for serious stuff like school essays or important papers. Even though emojis have some small issues, they're becoming more popular because they're handy for quick and playful communication on the internet.

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication - mẫu 3

Emojis are like tiny pictures we use to share feelings in messages or on social media. They're like a quick way to show if we're happy 😊, sad 😢, or laughing 😄. Using emojis is easy and fun, and they help save time when we don't want to write a lot. Each emoji can also show a bit of our personality. But, some people might not understand the same emoji in the same way. And, we can't use them for serious things like homework or official papers. Even with these things, emojis are getting more and more liked because they're handy and make online talking more enjoyable

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication - mẫu 4

Emojis are small pictures we use to express feelings when we're chatting online. They're like little shortcuts to show if we're happy, sad, or laughing. Emojis make it easy and fun to communicate without typing too much. They also let us add a personal touch to our messages. But, sometimes, people might not understand the same emoji in the same way. And we can't use them for important things like schoolwork or official papers. Still, emojis are becoming more popular because they make online conversations quick and playful.

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe emojis as a way of communication - mẫu 5

Emojis are like tiny pictures we use to express feelings when we talk online or on our phones. They're like little symbols that show if we're happy, sad, or excited. Emojis are cool because they make chatting fun and save us time from typing long words. They also help us show our personality. But, some people might not see the same emoji in the same way. And we can't use them for serious stuff like school projects or important documents. Even with these things, emojis are getting more famous because they make talking online easy and enjoyable.

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