Write a paragraph about your school (hay nhất)

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a paragraph about your school (hay nhất)

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 1

It is my new school. Its name is Duy Tan secondary school. It is at 56 Duy Tan street, Cau Giay district. It is not far from our house. I go to my school every day on foot. My school is exactly beautiful and big. There is a small playground in our school-compound. During the break time, we all play there. We play many sports, such as volleyball and badminton. My school has a good library. It is on the second floor of the school. The students of our school are gentle and disciplined. There is not much noise in our school. Our Principal is very strict. But he is also kind to all. I am happy as a student of my school. I love my school, my classmates, and my teachers.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 2

My school is Le Quy Don secondary school. It is a big and beautiful school. The school has many tall trees and there are enough gyms and schoolyards for students to play during break time. The thing I expect the most is a great learning school with a lot of modern equipment. One more thing, all the students of the school are friendly and helpful. And the teachers are excellent too. I love my school very much.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 3

My school is called Nguyen Tat Thanh secondary school. My school is very clean and beautiful, teachers and students are very funny, friendly and hospitable. There are six hundred students and fifty-five teachers. There are 30 rooms in the school. Twenty rooms are for classes, two computer rooms, a music room, an art room, two rooms are for the teachers, a special room for the Head Teacher and other rooms. The studying results of the school are exactly good. The teachers are all highly qualified. They teach us with pleasure. They love us like their own children. There is a big playground in front of the school. I love my school very much.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 4

My school is Duy Tan secondary school. It is located at 56 Duy Tan Street, Cau Giay District. My school is large and modern. It has 30 classrooms, 2 computer rooms, 1 music and art room and 1 laboratory. All classrooms have an air-conditioner, a projector and a speaker. They are all the latest. In front of my school, there is a big playground where we play during break time. My school has 70 teachers and 400 students. Our teachers are excellent and friendly. All the students are sociable and hard-working. I really love my school.

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 5

My school's name is [name] secondary school. It is located in the center of the commune. My school has three buildings. Each building is 4 stories high. Two buildings are used for studying and one building is used for teachers, library and school hall. My school yard has many trees. There are very large tree trunks. One person can’t hug them all. My school has many classes. In addition, my school also has a library to read books, a canteen for us to buy food during recess. My classroom is on the second floor. My school doesn’t have an elevator. Every time there was a class on the 4th floor we would have to walk up. Every month we will clean the school together to keep it clean. I love it so much.

Write a paragraph of 40-50 words about your school - mẫu 6

My new school's name is Nguyen Trai secondary school. It is one the most famous schools in my city. It has 4 buildings with many different types of classrooms, such as music room, computer room, art room, and science room. The school is well-established and contains all sorts of facilities, which is necessary for our study at school. My school has 45 well-trained teachers and they are so helpful and professional. There are 500 students at my school. They are all friendly and smart. I love my school very much.

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