Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words

Quảng cáo

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words - mẫu 1

One of the most interesting experiences I’ve had was visiting a local animal shelter and adopting a dog. I had been thinking about getting a pet for a while, and one Saturday, I finally decided to go.

Walking into the shelter, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The sounds of barking and the sight of so many dogs in need of a home were overwhelming. I walked past each kennel, looking at the dogs and reading their stories. One dog, in particular, caught my eye - a small, mixed-breed with big, soulful eyes. Her name was Bella.

When I asked to meet Bella, the staff took her to a small play area. She was shy at first, but after a few minutes, she started to warm up to me. Seeing her wagging tail and hopeful eyes made my heart swell with affection. I knew she was the one.

The adoption process was straightforward, and soon Bella was on her way home with me. Bringing her home was a joyful experience. She explored every corner of the house, and it didn’t take long for her to settle in. Adopting Bella filled my life with love and companionship, and I felt incredibly happy and fulfilled. She brought so much joy into my life, and every day with her is a reminder of how wonderful it is to give and receive love.

Quảng cáo

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words - mẫu 2

One summer, I decided to learn how to surf while on vacation at the beach. I signed up for a beginner's lesson, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. I had always admired surfers and their ability to ride the waves, but I knew it wouldn't be easy.

The instructor taught us the basics on the sand first, like how to paddle and stand up on the board. When we finally went into the water, the waves seemed much bigger and more intimidating. I struggled at first, falling off the board repeatedly. But with each attempt, I started to get the hang of it.

After what felt like countless tries, I finally managed to stand up and ride a small wave. The feeling was exhilarating! The rush of the water beneath the board and the sense of balance and control made me feel alive and accomplished. By the end of the lesson, I was exhausted but thrilled with my progress.

Learning to surf taught me the importance of perseverance and patience. It was a humbling experience that showed me the rewards of pushing through challenges. The sense of achievement and joy I felt was incredible, and it sparked a new passion for me.

Quảng cáo

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words - mẫu 3

One of the most interesting things I’ve done was joining a local community theater play. I always loved watching plays but had never acted in one. When I saw an audition notice for a small production, I decided to try it out. I was both excited and nervous.

At the auditions, I felt a bit scared because some of the other actors had more experience. I did my best and was thrilled when I got a small part. The following weeks were filled with rehearsals. Learning my lines, practicing scenes, and working with the cast and director was hard work but also very fun.

On opening night, I felt both excited and scared as I waited backstage. When it was my turn to go on stage, the bright lights and the audience made my heart race. But as the play went on, I found my rhythm and started to enjoy performing.

The applause at the end of the show was amazing. I felt so happy and proud. Being part of the play taught me a lot about teamwork and stepping out of my comfort zone. It was an unforgettable experience that boosted my confidence and made me love theater even more.

Quảng cáo

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words - mẫu 4

I did a presentation for my English class the other day. It went really well, and I am very proud of myself. The morning before, I felt sick, and I was really nervous. I thought I was going to forget my ideas or say something silly. I really wanted to pretend I was sick and go home. Just before I stood up in front of the class, it felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. I was so anxious. But once I started, I just said everything I needed to say. After the presentation, I asked for questions from my classmates. I think I answered most of them well, but one of them I couldn’t answer at all. But that’s OK. I didn’t feel as if it was the end of the world. My teacher told me that I did well, and then I felt as if I was on cloud nine. She was really impressed with me. I don’t think I will be nervous for the next presentation that I do.

Write about an interesting thing that happened to you or that you did. Write about how you felt. Write 180-200 words - mẫu 5

One of the most memorable experiences for me was performing in a local talent show. I've always been shy, especially about singing in front of others. But I decided to challenge myself and share my passion.

Standing on stage, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. When I started singing, though, I got lost in the music. The applause and cheers from the audience boosted my confidence, and I ended up really enjoying myself.

Afterward, I felt proud and accomplished for facing my fears and stepping up. It taught me that trying new things and pushing past my comfort zone can lead to great things. It also showed me how music can bring people together and make emotions come alive.

Looking back, that experience reminds me to take chances and pursue what I love, even if it feels scary at first. It's a lesson in growth and embracing opportunities that stick with me to this day.

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