Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family in the past five years. Use the ideas below hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family in the past five years. Use the ideas below

1. Family type / members

2. Home facilities

3. Ways of spending free time

4. Relationships among members

Start and end the email as follows:

From: ______

To: ______

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello ______,

It's nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you about the changes ______

All the best,

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family - mẫu 1

From: Quynh

To: Ann

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello Ann,

Quảng cáo

It's nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you about the changes in my family!

Firstly, our family structure remains nuclear, but we've welcomed a new member – my baby brother!  In terms of our living space, we've made significant upgrades to our home facilities with eco-friendly amenities and smart home technology for added convenience and security.

As for how we spend our free time, we've been focusing more on family-oriented activities like gardening and cooking together. We've been actively sharing, communicating openly, and listening to one another, which has deepened our bonds.

All the best,


Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family - mẫu 2

From: [Your Name]

To: [Penfriend's Name]

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello [Penfriend's Name],

It's nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you about the changes in my family over the past five years. Firstly, our family has grown with the addition of a new baby sister. With her arrival, our home has become livelier, and we've had to make some adjustments to accommodate her needs. We've also renovated our house, adding more space and modern facilities to make it more comfortable for everyone. In terms of spending free time, we now enjoy more outdoor activities together, like hiking and picnics, which has strengthened our bond as a family. Overall, these changes have brought us closer together, and we're grateful for the blessings and challenges they've brought.

All the best,

[Your Name]

Quảng cáo

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family - mẫu 3

From: [Your Name]

To: [Penfriend's Name]

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello [Penfriend's Name],

It's wonderful to reconnect with you. Let me share some of the changes in my family over the past five years. Firstly, we've moved to a new house in the suburbs, which has provided us with more space and better amenities. With this change, our family dynamics have also evolved. We've become more involved in outdoor activities like gardening and biking, fostering stronger bonds and creating cherished memories together. Additionally, my parents have started working from home, allowing us to spend more quality time together during evenings and weekends. These changes have brought us closer as a family and enriched our lives in unexpected ways.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family - mẫu 4

From: [Your Name]

To: [Penfriend's Name]

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello [Penfriend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Let me tell you about the changes in my family lately. Firstly, my older brother got married last year, so now we have a new member in our family. It's been exciting adjusting to having a sister-in-law and welcoming her into our home. Secondly, we've renovated our house, adding a new playroom for my younger siblings and upgrading our kitchen appliances. These changes have made our home more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone. Lastly, we've started a weekly family game night tradition, which has strengthened our relationships and provided us with fun and laughter. I'm grateful for these changes that have brought us closer together as a family.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Quảng cáo

Write an email (100-120 words) to your penfriend about the changes in your family - mẫu 5

From: [Your Name]

To: [Penfriend's Name]

Subject: Changes in my family

Hello [Penfriend's Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some updates about my family with you. Firstly, my parents decided to adopt a rescue dog last year, and she has become a beloved member of our family. Taking care of her has brought us closer together and filled our home with joy and laughter. Secondly, we've recently started hosting regular family movie nights, complete with homemade popcorn and cozy blankets. It's been a wonderful way to unwind and spend quality time together. Despite life's ups and downs, these changes have brought us closer and made our family bond even stronger.

Take care,

[Your Name]

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