Write your proposal PRESERVING CUC PHUONG ECOSYSTEM (hay nhất)

Write your proposal PRESERVING CUC PHUONG ECOSYSTEM hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write your proposal PRESERVING CUC PHUONG ECOSYSTEM (hay nhất)

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write your proposal (150-180 words). Use the idea in 1 and the outline below to help you


To: Viet Nam Wildlife Conservation Committee

Date: ________________________________________

Prepared by: __________________________________

Introduction: __________________________________

Details: ______________________________________

Goals and benefits: _____________________________

Conclusion: ___________________________________

Write your proposal. Use the idea in 1 and the outline below to help you - mẫu 1


To: Vietnam Wildlife Conservation Committee

Date: 18th July 2023

Prepared by: Lan


Quảng cáo

I am writing to propose an idea for the competition to raise young people's awareness of Cuc Phuong National Park. My idea is to create an online photo album of the area on the park's website.


The online photo album will include photos of eco-friendly activities in Cuc Phuong such as picking up litter, going on ecotours, and planting trees. It will also feature photos of activities that can harm the ecosystem in Cuc Phuong such as cutting down trees and littering in the forest. Anyone can take photos and submit them to be included in the online photo album, subject to guidelines and rules regarding photo quality, appropriateness, and relevance to the theme.

Goals and benefits:

The main goal of this initiative is to raise public awareness of what is good and not good for the ecosystem of Cuc Phuong. By showcasing eco-friendly activities and harmful activities in the park, people will be more informed and motivated to protect the environment. Additionally, having an online photo album can help promote Cuc Phuong National Park as a tourist destination, which can bring economic benefits to the area. The winner of the competition will also have the opportunity to visit the park and experience its natural beauty firsthand, which could inspire them and others to become more involved in conservation efforts.


Quảng cáo

In conclusion, creating an online photo album of Cuc Phuong National Park is a practical and interesting idea for preserving the ecosystem of Cuc Phuong. It can help to raise awareness among young people, promote the park as a tourist destination, and inspire people to become more involved in conservation efforts. I hope you will consider this proposal for the competition. Thank you for your consideration.

Write your proposal. Use the idea in 1 and the outline below to help you - mẫu 2


To: Vietnam Wildlife Conservation Committee

Date: [Insert Date]

Prepared by: [Your Name]


The Cuc Phuong ecosystem in Vietnam is a vital habitat for numerous endangered species and plays a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity. However, increasing human activities and habitat destruction pose significant threats to this fragile ecosystem.


Quảng cáo

Our proposal focuses on implementing comprehensive conservation measures to safeguard the Cuc Phuong ecosystem. This includes establishing protected areas, implementing sustainable land management practices, and conducting scientific research to better understand and mitigate environmental threats.

Goals and benefits:

By preserving the Cuc Phuong ecosystem, we aim to conserve biodiversity, protect endangered species, and maintain ecological balance. Additionally, our efforts will contribute to sustainable development, ecotourism promotion, and the enhancement of local livelihoods.


Preserving the Cuc Phuong ecosystem is essential for the well-being of both wildlife and humans. With strategic conservation efforts and collaborative partnerships, we can ensure the long-term sustainability of this invaluable natural treasure.

Write your proposal. Use the idea in 1 and the outline below to help you - mẫu 3


To: Vietnam Wildlife Conservation Committee

Date: [Insert Date]

Prepared by: [Your Name]


I am writing to propose an innovative idea aimed at raising awareness among young people about the importance of preserving the Cuc Phuong National Park. My proposal involves creating an online photo album on the park's website to showcase the beauty of the area and educate visitors about eco-friendly practices.


The online photo album will feature a collection of photographs depicting both eco-friendly activities, such as picking up litter, participating in ecotours, and planting trees, as well as activities that can harm the ecosystem, like cutting down trees and littering in the forest. Individuals will be encouraged to submit their photos to be included in the album, adhering to guidelines regarding photo quality, appropriateness, and relevance to the theme.

Goals and benefits:

The primary goal of this initiative is to increase public awareness about the importance of preserving the Cuc Phuong ecosystem. By showcasing both positive and negative activities, we aim to educate visitors and motivate them to adopt sustainable behaviors. Additionally, the online photo album will serve as a promotional tool, attracting tourists to the park and generating economic benefits for the local community. Furthermore, the winner of the competition will have the opportunity to visit the park, experiencing its natural beauty firsthand and inspiring others to join conservation efforts.


In conclusion, creating an online photo album of Cuc Phuong National Park presents a practical and engaging approach to preserving its ecosystem. This initiative has the potential to educate and inspire young people, promote sustainable tourism, and contribute to conservation efforts. I hope you will consider this proposal for the competition. Thank you for your consideration.


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