You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you

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Đề bài: You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you

1. say what film you saw and who you went with.

2. give your personal opinion of the film.

3. mention what you did after the film.

4. invite your friend to do an activity with you soon.

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you - mẫu 1

Dear Tom, 

Thanks for your letter and sorry I didn’t reply sooner.

I went to see a great film at the cinema last weekend - Hotel Transylvania. 

I went with my sister because she loves animation films. It is a new film that aired in March and it was definitely worth seeing. The plot of the film was very interesting and the soundtrack was very attractive. I really loved the film as it had a happy ending.

After the film, we met some other friends at a pizza restaurant next to the cinema. The food was so delicious and we had a fun time.

Do you fancy going to the cinema next week? They're having a season of action films, including all the Batman series. Let me know and I'll book the tickets!

Anyway, I'd better go now. Ring me and let me know about the cinema. 



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You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you - mẫu 2

Dear Jake,

Thanks for your letter and sorry I didn't reply sooner.

I went to see a great film at the cinema last weekend - Iron Man 3.

I went with my friend Paddy because he loves the Iron Man films. It isn't a new film but it was definitely worth seeing again. The special effects are amazing and it also has a clever plot with lots of twists. There are some funny lines in the script too.

After the film, we met some other friends at a noodle bar in town. It was fun, but I didn't really like the food. It was very spicy!

Do you fancy going to the cinema next week? They're having a season of action films, including all the Batman series. Let me know and I'll book the tickets!

Anyway, I'd better go now. Ring me and let me know about the cinema.



Quảng cáo

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you - mẫu 3

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well! I wanted to tell you about the film I recently saw at the cinema with [Friend's Name]. We went to see "Spider-Man: No Way Home," and it was absolutely fantastic! The action-packed storyline, impressive visual effects, and nostalgic callbacks to previous Spider-Man movies had us on the edge of our seats the entire time.

After the film, [Friend's Name] and I grabbed some pizza at our favorite spot and spent the evening chatting about the movie and catching up on life.

I'd love for you to join us for an activity soon! How about we plan a hike next weekend? It would be great to enjoy the outdoors together and catch up in person.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Quảng cáo

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you - mẫu 4

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! I wanted to share with you about the movie I watched recently with [Friend's Name]. We went to see "Jungle Cruise," and it was a blast! It had so much adventure and humor that kept us entertained throughout.

After the movie, we grabbed some ice cream and took a stroll around the park, chatting about our favorite parts of the film.

I'd love for you to join us for some fun soon! How about we plan a game night at my place next weekend? We can play board games and have snacks.

Let me know if you're interested!

Take care,

[Your Name]

You and a friend went to see a film at the cinema recently. Write a letter to another friend in which you - mẫu 5

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! I wanted to tell you about the movie I watched recently with [Friend's Name]. We went to see "Finding Nemo," and it was adorable! The characters were so lovable, and the story was heartwarming.

After the movie, we went for a walk in the park and talked about our favorite scenes from the film.

I'd love for you to hang out with us soon! How about we plan a picnic at the beach next weekend? We can bring some snacks and enjoy the sunshine together.

Let me know if you're up for it!

Take care,

[Your Name]

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