Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion?

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? Is this a positive or negative development? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion?

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Đề bài: Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? Is this a positive or negative development?

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 1

It is widely observed that youngsters these days tend to splurge on clothing to keep up with the latest fashion trends. From my perspective, the consequences of this trend are mostly negative.

First and foremost, young people’s growing expenditure on fashion might act as a driving force in stimulating overconsumption. There are several instances of fashionable clothing available to the public at a prohibitive cost, which may not fit the budget of the average folks. Obsession with the desire to possess a piece of designer clothing might therefore tempt young people into maxing out their credit cards on fashion at the expense of their daily living expenses. In fact, it is quite common for fashion slaves to find themselves in financial difficulties as a result of overspending on clothes.

Another noteworthy issue caused by the given trend is that it relays a wrong message of looks over personality among the youth. As more and more of their peers are putting on luxurious and trendy clothes, the young might be under the impression that up-to-date clothing is now institutionalized. Feeling a sense of urgency to be socially accepted by their peers, it is likely that young people would feel the pressure to conform to this norm. Also, by encouraging readers to pour money into fashion, magazines might condone the false idea that a person’s value should not be measured by his or her true personality, but rather by appearance.

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To conclude, the youth’s tendency to keep up with fashion trends will mostly have detrimental effects on their financial stability as well as their perceptions of individual worth.

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 2

These days, it is common to see young people squander their time and money on keeping up with the latest trends, including buying flashy clothing and tech gadgets. From my perspective, the desire for self-expression is the root cause, and this trend brings a number of negative consequences.

Due to the development of society, people are now living in a peaceful world full of convenience and wealth. The Internet and social media have also been developing rapidly, and have exposed people, particularly the youth, to large amounts of images of those with a desirable lavish lifestyle. Both of these factors contribute to the fact that many young individuals tend to express themselves, with the aim of proving their ability to afford luxurious items, such as fashionable clothes and high-end tech gadgets, from smartphones to tablets. For these reasons, many young people are quite willing to spend huge amounts of their time earning money so that they can simply pour it into the latest fashion trends. 

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In the long run, this can have adverse effects, not only on young people, but also on society as a whole. Following fashion trends certainly drives young people to the edge of bankruptcy, if they continue to squander their hard-earned money and consequently lose control of their spending. Things can even become worse, especially when unexpected things occur, such as accidents, or when the need to pay for tuition fees arises. On a social level, should more money be spent on luxurious goods, the need for common products will dwindle, causing a reduction of sales of common goods which may eventually affect local businesses and economies.

In conclusion, the reason young people tend to want to spend money trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends is a result of them trying to express themselves, and this is a negative development in my opinion. 

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 3

These days, it is true that many youths are splashing out and wasting their time in an effort to keep up with the latest fashions. I believe this produces unfavorable outcomes. This essay will discuss its consequences as well as causes.

There are two possible explanations for this trend. First, what might drive more and more young people to become slaves to fashion is peer pressure. That is to say, the need to create a sense of belonging and to be recognized by others prompts them to spend a great deal of time and money to follow trends. This may also make them become more judgmental about other people's looks. Second, many youths nowadays are heavily affected by materialism which is fueled by the media and the glamorous lifestyles of celebrities. This leads them to regard fashion as a symbol of status or wealth rather than a means to express themselves.

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Needless to say, following fashion is a discouraging trend. The first problem is that it consumes a lot of time and energy. Young people must spend a lot of time shopping around or reading fashion magazines in order to keep up with what is in vogue. As a result, they may neglect other important commitments such as their studies, work or personal relationships. Another disturbing effect of this trend is that it may cost a fortune. Trendy clothes, good perfume, accessories or home decor items could be expensive. To make it worse, many young people are not financially secure, and it could be a never-ending process as fashion is constantly changing.

For the causes and effects mentioned above, I believe that following fashion could do more harm than good for young people, causing them to waste their time and money.

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 4

Fashion is a defining characteristic of many cultures around the world. It is therefore a current trend that the younger generations are devoting more of their free time and income to the most current fashion vogue. This essay will discuss the features and implications of this modern phenomenon.

Although the youths have always been the harbingers of the latest trends throughout history, today they are extremely focused on how they look and how they are perceived by their peers, especially on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In the past, people had only to be concerned about how a limited pool of acquaintances see them, but now social media gives people an electronic reach to thousands of people that they do not even know and will never meet. Globalization has also lowered the price of many fashionable items that are easily attainable. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying fashion and making an effort to look trendy and presentable, problems do arise when an obsession with fashion and the thoughts of others take over. The next paragraph will discuss the negative sides of this modern development.

In the past, children and young people occupied their time on wholesome activities with friends and family. These days, however, teenagers and young adults seem to have forgotten their roots and decided to turn their perspective toward themselves. In the West, divorce rates have skyrocketed, the family unit is dissolving, and cases of anxiety and mental unwellness have increased. It is now common to see families physically seated together at the same root, yet mentally and emotionally disengaged with one another because they are all preoccupied with their smartphones. The more people are concerned about how they look and the more they worry about what people on social media think about them, the further they move away from their real social relationships.

To conclude, fashion is an important part of society and cultures. It allows people to express themselves in a fun and colorful manner. Yet, there are serious social implications that arise when people put too much of their personality into trendy clothes and activities. Perhaps it would be beneficial for society to move back to viewing families as the primary focus rather than fashion and social media trends.

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 5

It is increasingly common for the youth to keep up with the latest fashion trends these days/ Today, fashion is becoming an important tool for people to pass their message across. From my perspective, this trend entails both positive and negative effects on the youth.

Considering firstly the positives, one of the most obvious is to satisfy a requirement for novelty. This is because fashion conveys a lot about our personalities, tastes, and lifestyles. Thus, experimenting with new fashion trends enables the youth to try out different styles and figure out how to make them look more stylish and fashionable. Another significant benefit is a greater sense of confidence. For those who are smartly dressed, there is a high chance that they can make great first impressions with others, and their self-confidence in their appearance helps them bond with like-minded people as well. As a result, this can build a successful personal and career life, thus providing a sense of fulfillment.

With regard to the negatives, the most noticeable one is its adverse effects on juvenile minds. Instead of investing in books and study, teenagers spend a lot of energy searching for trendy clothes and try to imitate fashionistas and celebrities. This will make them more materialistic, thus being judgmental about other people’s clothes and their fashion sense. Furthermore, being fashionable has financial repercussions on families. Since the world of fashion is always changing, keeping up with trends constantly is astronomical. This can cause conflicts and tensions between parents and their financially dependent children.

In conclusion, my view is that although following trends is beneficial in terms of meeting the needs of novelty and boosting confidence, it is important to consider that they also harm young people’s cognitive development and put a financial strain on their families.

Young people are now spending more and more time and money following fashion trends. What is your opinion? - mẫu 6

Teenagers are now increasingly being seen as followers of fashion. In this essay, I would explain this phenomenon as young people's choice of self-expression. However, it must be said that this development is socially undesirable.

A person's clothing indicates his self-expression, including his individuality and, paradoxically, conformity. Teenagers, being in their rite of passage, are fragile individuals who are constantly afraid of social exclusion. To them, following the latest fashion trends is a good way of expressing conformity to their peers. It also sends a message of their individuality, as their noticeable trendy clothes now help them stand out from the "unfashionable" older generation. Conformity is also stressed by the teenagers' desire for social mobility wearing expensive clothes is allegedly an indication of the upper socio-economic class. Since the young generation is more than ever surrounded by advertisements and movies, their consciousness of self-expression is even higher, resulting in them buying more new clothing, to the point of conspicuous consumption.

The consequences of this phenomenon can be considered negative on two grounds. Firstly, over-indulgence in expensive consumption will lead to financial problems, since adolescents are rarely equipped with adequate income or financial management ability. This is exacerbated on the less endowed people who are trying to keep up with the upper class. Secondly, the more dependent young people are on fashion as their self-expression, the shallower their personality is; true individuality is built on life experiences and learned knowledge, but not money. And when there are more shallow people, our society will become more judgmental on superficial matters instead of dedicating to helping the less lucky.

To conclude, young people dress lavishly as a way to express themselves. However, this only leads to financial and personality issues.

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