Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use. Write a formal letter of complaint about it hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use

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Đề bài: Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use. Write a formal letter of complaint about it

- Explain the problem clearly and why it is an issue for you. 

- Give more details about the problems. 

- Give reasons why you think the problem needs to be solved. 

- State what you want to happen in the future.

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use - mẫu 1

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to report about the new official website of our school. Because of the advanced technology, teaching on social media platforms is also more popular. However, there are some problems with our new website and it leads to some consequences.

Many students told me that the website is very hard to use. That is also one of the reasons causing bad academic results at school. Specifically, the size of the letters is very small, so they can't read it clearly. The second one, it doesn't update the knowledge that the students learned at school. Therefore, it's very hard for them to review the lessons. Last but not least, they have to do homework on the website, but when they submit, it doesn't save the result. 

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Because of those reasons, the problem needs to be solved because it directly affects my students and their results as well as their eyes. 

In conclusion, I find this problem irritating. Unless there is a change in the format, update, and design, both teachers and students will feel disappointed and lose motivation.

Yours faithfully, 

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use - mẫu 2

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring up an issue I've been having with the new school website. As a student at [School Name], I'm finding it quite difficult to navigate and use effectively.

One of the main challenges is that it's not straightforward to find important information such as class schedules, academic resources, and event details. The website layout seems confusing, and I often have to click through multiple pages to locate what I need. For instance, finding specific forms or accessing course materials has become more time-consuming than before.

Additionally, the website design could be clearer. The way information is organized and presented isn't very intuitive, and some of the language used is complex and hard to understand. This makes it harder for students like me to stay updated on school announcements and academic requirements.

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Improving the usability of the website is crucial for students like me who rely on it daily for academic purposes. A user-friendly website would help us stay organized, manage our schedules better, and access necessary resources without frustration.

I kindly request that the school administration considers making improvements to the website's navigation and design. Simplifying the layout, using plain language, and ensuring that all important information is easily accessible would greatly enhance the website's usability.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I look forward to hearing about any plans to address this issue and make the school website more student-friendly.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use - mẫu 3

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk about some problems with the new school website. As a student at [School Name], I've noticed a few things that are making it hard for me to use.

Quảng cáo

One big issue is that the website is slow and sometimes crashes when I'm trying to access important documents or submit assignments. This has been really frustrating, especially during busy times like registration or when I have deadlines coming up.

Another problem is that the website doesn't work well on phones. Some parts don't load right, so it's tough to find what I need when I'm not on my computer. Also, students who use screen readers have trouble because the website isn't set up for them.

I've also noticed that the information on the website isn't always right. Things like course details or how to contact teachers can be out of date. This has caused confusion and made it harder to stay on top of my schoolwork.

It would be great if the school could fix these issues. Making the website faster and easier to use on phones, and making sure all the information is correct, would help me and other students a lot.

I hope we can work on these improvements soon. Thank you for listening to my concerns.


[Your Name]

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use - mẫu 4

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope you're well. I wanted to bring up some issues I've been having with the new school website. As a student at [School Name], I've noticed a few things that are causing problems for me and other students.

One of the main issues is with the website's organization. It's hard to find important information like class schedules, exam dates, and academic resources. The way things are grouped and labeled on the website isn't clear, so I end up spending a lot of time searching for what I need.

Another problem is with the login process. Sometimes the website logs me out unexpectedly, or it takes a long time to log in, which is frustrating when I need to access my grades or assignments quickly.

Additionally, there are security concerns. I've noticed that the website doesn't always seem secure when I'm entering personal information or making payments for school fees. This worries me and other students about our privacy and data protection.

I believe it's important for these issues to be addressed promptly to improve the overall experience for students using the school website. Clearer organization, smoother login processes, and enhanced security measures would make a big difference in helping students like me manage our academic responsibilities more effectively.

I appreciate your attention to these concerns and look forward to hearing about any plans to improve the website.

Thank you for considering my feedback.


[Your Name]

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use - mẫu 5

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to discuss some issues I've been experiencing with the new school website. As a student at [School Name], I've encountered a couple of problems that I think need attention.

One major issue is with the online submission system for assignments. Sometimes the website doesn't accept my files properly, or it shows errors when I try to upload them. This has caused me to miss deadlines or worry about whether my work was received by my teachers.

Another concern is about the website's compatibility with different web browsers. I've noticed that certain features don't work well on some browsers, which makes it harder for me to access course materials or participate in online discussions as required for my classes.

Additionally, there have been issues with accessing technical support when problems arise. It's frustrating when I encounter an issue with the website and there isn't a clear way to get help quickly, especially during critical times like before exams or when assignments are due.

Improving the functionality of the assignment submission system, ensuring compatibility across different web browsers, and enhancing technical support availability would greatly benefit students and improve our experience with the school website.

I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to hearing about any steps that will be taken to address these concerns.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

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