Unit 11 lớp 11: Writing

Unit 11: Sources of Energy

D. Writing (Trang 130 SGK Tiếng Anh 11)

Quảng cáo

Task 1. Study the chart about energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and ... . (Nghiên cứu biểu đồ về tiêu thụ năng lượng ở Tây Nguyên năm 2000 và điền vào các chỗ trống với các thông tin từ biểu đồ.)

Gợi ý:

(1) 117 (2) coal (3) smallest
Quảng cáo

Task 2. Continue your description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland. (Tiếp tục mô tả của bạn về các xu hướng tiêu thụ năng lượng trong năm 2005 tại Tây Nguyên.)

Gợi ý:

The chart presents the energy consumption in Highland in 2005. As can be seen, the total energy consumption was 170 million tons. Nuclear hydroelectricity made up the largest amount of this figure (75 million tons). This was followed by the consumption of petroleum (50 million tons). Coal contributed a slightly went up with 45 million tons.

Quảng cáo

Task 3. Describe the chart, using the information from Task 1 and 2. (Mô tả biểu đồ, sử dụng các thông tin từ Bài tập 1 và 2.)

Gợi ý:

Đoạn văn 1:

The chart shows the energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and 2005. As I can be seen, the total energy consumption in 2005 was 170 million tons. So it was I higher than in 2000 (117 million tons). In 2005, Nuclear and Hydroelectricity made up the largest amount of this figure (75 million tons). This was followed by the I consumption of petroleum (50 million tons). Both of them were higher than in 2000. However, coal decreased the amount of the energy consumption (from 57 million tons in 2000 to 50 million tons).

Đoạn văn 2:

Quảng cáo

The chart shows the energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and 2005. As can be seen, there was an upward trend in the consumption of coal and nuclear and hydroelectricity. It was a sharp decrease in the use of petroleum in 2005 . The amount of coal used increased by 5 million tons compared with 2000 and the consumption of nuclear & hydroelectricity soared up dramatically by 50 million tons. However, the amount of petroleum consumed in 2005 went down by 50 million tons.

In general, there was a difference in the amount as well as trend of consuming different sources of energy between the two years.

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